Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1047: Idiot kid!

In the discussion hall of Daluozong, there is a woman sitting on the main seat. On the left is the high-level of Daluozong, and on the right is a young talent. There were a few people standing behind, each of which was an Xiandi senior powerhouse.

"Sect Master Hai, you must be very clear about the meaning of this young master's coming this time. Tell me your decision."

The young man said lightly, looking at Xuanyuan Hai, an undisguised glow flashed in his eyes.

"Master Yuanhao, this sect is very clear. First, this sect will not be your 34th concubine, and second, Da Luo Zong will not join the Demon Saint Sect."

Xuanyuanhai said plainly.

"It seems that you made a wrong decision." The young man stood up lightly, his face looked a bit gloomy and looked at Xuanyuan Hai. The powerhouses behind him also released their breath one after another, staring at Xuanyuan Hai coldly.

"This Sect doesn't think so. After all, your Demon Saint Sect is just a toad sitting in a well and watching the sky. If you want to marry me, you really agree with the old saying, the toad wants to eat swan meat, and you are the toad." Xuanyuanhai looked at it. To the young man, said disdainfully.

"You're looking for death. It seems that you are good at growing up. I want to give you a dazzling, but I didn't expect you to be so innocent."

The young man said with a sullen expression: "Take Xuanyuanhai home and kill all the others. The Demon Saint Sect is not something anyone can insult!"

"Yes!" The face of the strong emperor behind the young man showed a cold color, and he stared at the people of Da Luozong ferociously.

"Really a stupid boy who can't help himself." Suddenly a harsh mocking sound came from outside the hall.

Both the young man and the powerhouse of Demon Saint Sect were taken aback, and then looked at the door, with a somewhat gloomy face. When they saw a few beautiful shadows at the door, they were instantly full of surprises.

"It's such a beautiful woman, and there are eight as soon as she appears. Is this young master's Yanfu coming?"

"Brother Xuanyuan Yang?" When Xuanyuan Hai saw Xuanyuan Yang, a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

"Xiao Hai, long time no see." Xuanyuan Yang smiled and said hello.

"How come Big Brother Yang has time to come to my Da Luozong as a guest?" Xuanyuanhai got up and asked with a smile, then looked at Xiao Chen and the others behind him for a moment.

In her impression, Xuanyuan Yang didn't have much interest in women. How could there be so many women next to him, and each of them was stunning, and the beauty should be above her.

"I'm talking about this for a while." Xuanyuan Yang said, turning his head to look at the youth, and asked: "Who is this idiot?"

"He is the third son of Demon Saint Sect, Ning Yuanhao." Xuanyuan Hai said casually.

At this time, Ning Yuanhao's attention was all on the eight girls, and he didn't even notice what the two said. He came to Cheng Qingling and looked at Cheng Qingling up and down, especially at the large part of Cheng Qingling.

"This young master is Ning Yuanhao, the third young master of the Demon Saint Sect, and you will be the 34th concubine of this young master from today!"

"You are the thirty-fifth concubine!"


"You are the 41st concubine!"

"This kid is really an idiot!" Xuanyuan Yang looked at Ning Yuanhao, a little dumbfounded.

"Who are they? It shouldn't be your woman? Are you prepared to please the disciples of the family Tianjiao?" Xuanyuanhai asked.

"Xiao Hai, shut up, they are my masters. They are letting me hear this. Don't blame me for being merciless!" Xuanyuan Yang shouted sharply.

Xuanyuan Hai was stagnant, looking at Xuanyuan Yang who didn't say falsehood, his face was dull!

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