Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1046: Meet the blood of God of War again!

The cultivation base of the two is already not weak, and has reached the level of Immortal Venerable.

"It's over!" When the Demon King saw this scene, there were only these two words in his mind.

"Master, this guy just wanted to kill me, please ask Master to be the master for me!"

Xiao Tong pointed to the Demon King and said.

Xiao Chen looked at the Demon King in the direction that Xiao Tong pointed. Seeing Xiao Chen's gaze, the Demon King's face was pale.

"You want to kill my disciple?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"They killed me first, I'm just taking revenge." The Demon King took a deep breath and said, the opponent Wan Mi jumped down and was safe and sound. It must be a senior expert, even if I beg for mercy, it will not help.

"If you didn't want to steal my junior sister, we would kill your people." The fat man said angrily.

"I fell in love with her, and I'm going to take her back to be a daughter-in-law, what about you?" The devil went back angrily.

"What's your name?" Xiao Chen looked at the Demon King.

"Zhang Xingyi, nicknamed Devil!" The Devil said calmly.

"Zhang Xingyi, this name is a bit familiar," Xiao Tong murmured.

"Zhang Xingyi, right? I remember you, and when I finish my work, I will come to you." Xiao Chen finished speaking, grabbed the little fat man and Xiao Tong, and slammed into the ground before falling directly on the ground. On the flying spirit ship.

Zhang Xingyi looked at the three people who had left in a little astonishment.

On the flying spirit ship, Xiao Chen showed an inexplicable smile on his face, "I didn't expect such an unexpected joy to meet someone with the blood of the God of War."

Just when he saw Zhang Xingyi, the system sounded a reminder. This was the first person he met with the blood of God of War when he came to Xianyu.

"Let's go!" Xiao Chen glanced at Xuanyuan Yang lightly.


In the cabin, Xiao Chen introduced the two to the eight daughters. After that, the two became a teacher and a mother, especially the little fat man. When he received a lot of resources, the smiles on his faces burst.

Afterwards, the two of them talked about their experiences during this period of time, and they experienced it outside. When in danger, they would return to the world of war spirits to retreat. Although they had lived and died several times, they also gained a lot of valuable experience.

The flying spirit ship moved slowly in the Demon Falling Sea, and there was a dead silence around it, and creatures were rarely seen, but sometimes some creatures that had adapted to the Demon Falling Sea appeared.


Two days later, everyone saw the land. It was an extremely large island. This island was in the center of the Falling Demon Sea, and this island was the Demon Shenzhou.

Xuanyuan Yang was obviously very familiar with the Demon Shenzhou, operating the Flying Spirit Ship, and finally landed in front of a mountain gate.

"Who? Who dares to break into Da Luozong!"

As soon as the spacecraft stopped, five figures stood in front of the spacecraft and shouted sharply.

"It's an old man, can Xuanyuanhai be here?" Xuanyuan Yang walked out.

"It turned out to be Lord Xuanyuan Yang, the lord was meeting guests in the sect." When he saw Xuanyuan Yang, the leader obviously knew him and hurriedly saluted him respectfully.

Xiao Chen and his party walked out, looked at the five people, with a surprised look in their eyes, the leader of the five was the strong immortal emperor, and the other four were the peak of the immortal emperor.

According to Xuanyuan Yang, Da Luozong can only be regarded as a second-class power in the Demon Shenzhou, Xuanyuanhai is also very low-key in order to hide his identity, and he did not expect that even the gatekeepers would have such a lineup.

"Take me to see Xuanyuanhai!" Xuanyuan Yang ordered.

"Yes, please, my lord." The leader Immortal Emperor glanced at Xiao Chen and the others behind Xuanyuan Yang, with doubts on his face, but he didn't dare to ask more, just led Xuanyuan Yang and others into the Daluo Sect.

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