Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 355: Ruan Ruan is so cute, I want to eat it in one bite

   Chapter 355 Ruan Ruan is so cute, I want to eat it in one bite

   Companion beasts can't communicate with humans, so naturally Su Ruan can't get an answer from the black cub.

   Hei Cub just tilted his head and glanced at Su Ruan, and then began to lick his paws seriously.

  Su Ruan looked soft-hearted and adjusted his sitting position so that the little black cat could lie down more comfortably.

  Although she knew very well that this was just some kind of comfort, after all, the little black cat had no physical body and could not touch her, but she adjusted her posture.

  Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye it is late at night.

  Lu Shinian has not come back.

   She sent him two messages, but no response.

   This was almost impossible in the past.

  Su Ruan frowned, clutching the hem of his clothes with his fingertips, with a bit of worry in his eyes.

   "Black cub, do you think Brother Lu will..." Something happened?

She was reluctant to say the last three words   .

   The little black cat slowly floated up and went to the door.

When    walked to the door, it also looked back at Su Ruan.

  Su Ruan was taken aback, "You want me to follow?"

   The black cub turned his head and continued to float out.

  Su Ruan got up and quickly followed the black cub.

   She casually put on a piece of clothing, wrapped herself tightly, and followed the black cub.

  There is not even a single star in the night of the sunset, and the artificial stars do not patronize it.

  The universe is dark, so even this planet is dark.

   The rare light is the light of sinful people holding lightsabers.

   There is a faint smell of blood in the air, and the violence and blood that was suppressed in the daytime are infinitely magnified in the night.

  Su Ruan carefully shuttled through the dark streets.

   The closer you are to the underground battle arena, the stronger the **** smell.

   It looks like a massive fight is taking place here.

  Some people are lying on the ground and have no breath, and some people are no longer in good condition.

  Su Ruan's heart clenched tightly together, her little face turning paler.

   She didn't dare to be too loud, for fear of disturbing the others who hadn't dispersed.

   "Brother Lu?"

   She whispered to Lu Shinian.

   All that answered her was silence.

  Su Ruan bit her lip, preventing herself from whimpering.

   But the pregnant body didn't seem to be under her control, the impact of the **** smell, and the worry about Lu Shinian came up together, which soon made her eyes hot and humid.

   Tears seemed to be swirling in his eyes, but he stubbornly refused to fall.

   There was a faint sound of heavy gasping in her ear, spraying it in her ear with warmth.

  Su Ruan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously attacked the man, but he was grabbed by the wrist and hugged him into his arms.

   The familiar breath between the nose reminded the identity of the person who came, and it also made Su Ruan relax all of a sudden.

   "I thought..." After all, she couldn't hold back her tears and let out a small whimper.

  Lushi Young patted her on the back, his voice hoarse, "I'm fine."

   It was just a firefight in the underground battlefield because of a dispute over interests.

   Those old subordinates were one of those who disobeyed him, the new leader.

  In that case, he took this opportunity to annihilate them all.

   From an angle that Su Ruan couldn't see, Lu Shinian slowly evoked a smile, cruel and bloody, and even the extent of the smile seemed to be ruthless.

   He hugged Su Ruan tightly in his arms, his voice soft, "Are Ruan Ruan worried about me?"

  Su Ruan replied in a muffled "um".

  Lu Shinian hugged the person directly.

  's sudden body made Su Ruan hug Lu Shinian's neck subconsciously, and his head rested on Lu Shinian's heart.

   "Let's go home."

  Lu Shinian said in a low voice, stretched out his long legs, crossed this invisible sea of ​​corpses and blood, and walked towards home.

   Although the so-called home was just a temporary residence, for Lu Shinian, wherever Su Ruan lived, it was his home.

   That was his only destination.

   He turned against the light, no, it should be said, there is no light here.

   He walked in the dark, only a little light in his arms.

   That is his light, the only light.

  The darkness kept fading behind him, and finally it seemed to be a small black spot.

   Above the heads of Lu Shinian and Su Ruan, a small black cat the size of a slap stood on the head of a snow wolf many times larger than it, waving its small paws with a proud face.

   The snow wolf under it walked with its head sullen, but did not dare to walk too fast, for fear that the invisible wind would hit the little black cat.

  The big snow wolf is like a silent guardian knight, only bowing his head for his little black cat princess, and only the little black cat can stand on top of its proud head and command it mischievously.

  Su Ruan raised her head to see this scene by chance, blinked and smiled.

   The tears in his eyes have disappeared, and only the full dependence is left.

  Lu Shinian heard her laughter and asked, "What is Ruan Ruan laughing at?"

  Su Ruan pointed to the top of his head, "Our companion animals seem to have a good relationship."

  Lu Shinian raised his head and glanced.


   From a certain point of view, the companion beast is actually his incarnation.

  Although he didn't really want to see the idiotic face of his companion beast, Xuelang, Lu Shinian knew very well that he was no less idiotic to his little wife than Xuelang.

   is the companion beast of the little wife. Although it looks small, it is unexpectedly arrogant.

   is very similar to the arrogance that the little wife occasionally shows.

   But yes, this is the companion animal of the little wife, the incarnation of the little wife.

   There was a smile in Lu Shinian's eyes.

   "My relationship with Ruan Ruan is also very good," he said.

  Su Ruan snorted softly and agreed.

   The two quickly arrived home. Lu Shinian put the person on the bed, squatted down, and helped her take off her shoes.

  Su Ruan's ankles were a little swollen, probably because they were on the way to find Lu Shinian just now.

  Lu Shinian's palm was hot, and it gently covered Su Ruan's ankle, rubbing it for her.

   At the same time, he said slowly: "There was a fight over there, and it happened suddenly, and I didn't have time to tell you."

   Although he was well prepared for this situation, there were too many people on the other side, and the people he could use were really limited, so he could only use it to the extreme for a few people.

   "I didn't see Ruan Ruan's news, sorry."

   He apologized, but there was a bit of haze between his eyebrows.

   "But Ruan Ruan has to believe me, don't come out alone next time, eh?"

  Su Ruan stared at his face.

  Because of the angle and the shadow, she couldn't see the expression on his face, so she could only reply: "But I'm worried about you."

   She covered her stomach and whispered, "I don't want to let the child's father have an accident."

  Lu Shinian rubbed the big hand of Su Ruan's ankle for a while, and after a second, rubbed it again as if nothing had happened.

   "Ruan Ruan is so cute."

   he murmured.

  I want to eat it in one bite.

  Su Ruan doesn't know how many times she has been praised as cute by Lu Shinian. She used to refute it, but now she can accept it calmly.

   (end of this chapter)

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