Chapter 354 Ruan Ruan named the companion beast

  Su Hanjing agreed.

   Soon, a statement was issued on Wanlingxing’s official announcement.

The statement    stated that Su Ruan, as the only pregnant woman of Wanlingxing, is now raising a baby in the star owner's manor and will not accept any visit.

  The people of the Empire saw this news, and there was only one thought in their minds.

   It turned out that her name was "Su Ruan".

   is such a cute and nice name.

   The baby she gave birth must be cute too!

   Knowing her name, the people of the empire settled down temporarily.

   At the same time, on the sunset star.

   Ye Zirou and Ye Ziwen two brothers and sisters fiddled with their brains for two days, and finally saw the hot search that is now occupying the headlines of the empire.


   These two simple words reveal too much information.

   Ye Ziwen and Ye Zirou looked at each other and quickly clicked on the hot search.

   The first thing that catches the eye is an extremely blurry photo. In the photo, a man and a woman with unclear faces just came out of the hospital.

   The girl is slender and thin, and is protected by a tall man in his arms.

   Even if you can't see the man's expression, you can feel his protection of the girl from the subtle movements.

   There is a short line below the photo.

  【Someone is pregnant! ! 】

  Three exclamation marks, enough to guess how excited the person who made this post is.

   Ye Ziwen looked at this hot search, and a smirk appeared on his dark face.

   "The Empire is saved."

   He murmured, happy from the bottom of his heart.

   He patted Ye Zirou next to him on the shoulder, got up and said, "I'm going out to buy some fresh vegetables, we'll have something delicious tonight."

   Such a great happy event, although it is not the person around him who is pregnant, nor is the person from Luoxia Xing pregnant, but someone from other planets is pregnant, and it is the turn of Luoxia Xing to get pregnant, is it a matter of time?

   Ye Ziwen is a simple-minded, rambunctious person. He didn't think much about seeing the photo. After talking to Ye Zirou, he got up and left.

  Leaving Ye Zirou alone in this small low house, looking at the light brain left by Lu Shinian in his hand, staring straight at the photo.

   As a girl, she is more delicate and sensitive than Ye Ziwen, the eldest brother.

   At the first sight of the photo, although the figures on the photo were blurred, she still felt that the two figures were somewhat familiar.

   She seems to have seen it somewhere.

   Ye Zirou bit her fingers, which was her usual action when thinking.

   The face, which was so ordinary that it would not attract anyone's attention when placed in the crowd, slowly burst out with a strange color.

   A bright light slowly rose in his pupils, which was actually a bit more dazzling than the artificial sunlight shining into the room.

   "This person is..."

   The fingertips clasped the light brain tightly, but in the next second, he was afraid of damaging the light brain, so he carefully released it and continued to bite his fingers.

   After half a sound, a low sound came from the room.

   "Su Ruan."

   Ye Zirou's eyes were full of confusion.

   She remembered that Su Ruan had said that her and Lu Shinian's co-scheduling was not high.

   Low co-scheduling, how can you get pregnant?

   Is it because of their "love"?

   Ye Zirou has doubts about the education she has received for a long time.

  If, she thought, if she could get pregnant if the co-ordination was not high, then what was the purpose that the empire had admired for so many years, and even forcibly matched two people with high co-ordination?

   Or, from above, they went down a completely wrong path.

   Ye Zirou doesn't understand, and doesn't understand.

   She has read too few books, and her knowledge is limited. She doesn't understand many things, just like now, she doesn't understand why Su Ruan left Wanlingxing and came to this small Luoxiaxing.

   As the only pregnant woman in the Empire today, she should be able to live well.

   If it was her, she would definitely choose the best hospital and ask the best people to serve her.

   And these don't cost her money, the Empire will be responsible for all the expenses of pregnant women and children after birth.

  Su Ruan can clearly enjoy life, why come to Luoxiaxing?

   Ye Zirou stared blankly at the photo on the light brain, and fell into her own world for a while.


   On the other side, Su Ruan started to have morning sickness.

   The whole person was very uncomfortable, and the body was weak and weak. Jin was also very lethargic. He basically slept for twelve hours a day, which would not have happened in the past.

   Accompanied by these physical symptoms, she became more and more picky eaters, she couldn't eat almost anything, and she vomited after drinking nutritional supplements.

   In just three days, she lost weight all over her body. Originally, there was a little baby fat on both sides of her cheeks, but now she has lost weight.

  Lu Shinian felt distressed, so he had to spend a lot of money to get a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and cook them for Su Ruan himself.

   So she can barely eat that much.

   But Lu Shinian wasn't able to be by her side all the time.

   He has just sat in the position of the head of the underground battle arena. I don't know how many people are staring at him, so he has to run from both ends.

   Then watch her eat it and then go to deal with the battle below.

  Su Ruan was also very distressed that Lu was a man, but her pregnant body was completely out of her control.

   was exhausted and powerless, and even his mental power seemed to be slack.

   The only thing that surprised her was that her companion beast, which needed Lu Shinian's mental stimulation, actually came out on her own after her morning sickness.

   The black kitten with a big slap looks like a small one, as if the wind will turn into a small hairball and be blown away by the wind.

   She named it "Black Cub".

  Hmmm… dark little kitten.

   What Black Kitten likes to do most is to lie in the air, licking his kitten paws, and staring at her belly with those emerald green eyes, as if curious about the little life inside.

   When Lu Shinian was away, Su Ruan liked to chat with Hei Cub.

   Although she was talking most of the time.

  For example, today, Lu Shinian went out again because of the underground battle field, and Su Ruan slept for another day, and when he woke up in the evening, he couldn't sleep.

   So she started chatting with the black cub again.

  【Black cub, aren't you tired from lying in mid-air every day? 】Su Ruan asked curiously.

   The little black cat licked its paws for a while, and its small body dropped a little, floated onto Su Ruan's legs, and fell down.

  Su Ruan looked down at the black cub lying on his lap.

   Companion Beasts do not have entities. To a certain extent, they are formed by condensing their own spiritual power.

   has no body and naturally cannot feel the weight.

   Although the black cub is so small, it doesn't weigh much.

  Su Ruan stretched out his hand and poked the little paw of the black cub.

  【When you lie on my lap do you mean you are tired? 】

   Black Cub tilted his head and looked at her with a cute face.

   (end of this chapter)

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