Chapter 329 Isn't it happy to see me?

   The sporadic big moves are naturally hidden from the other four planets.

   However, because Huoguangxing and Tianyanxing are far away, for the time being, they are just watching the changes, and there is no other action.

   But Winter Star and Wan Ling Star are different.

   These three planets originally showed a triangular structure, which was considered a tripartite state.

   This change of sporadic is bound to have an impact on them, so after receiving the news that sporadic was calling for battle robots, Su Hanjing came to Lu Zhiya.

  Lu Zhiya's face looked worse than before, which made Su Hanjing unable to help frown.

   Compared with Su Hanjing's worries, Lu Zhiya was much calmer.

   She instructed the housekeeper to make a cup of tea for her, and then said with a chuckle, "Hanjing came to me today for an occasional matter?"

  Su Han nodded, "What are you going to do about this?"

   "I heard some news." Lu Zhiya's expression was very calm, with a faint smile on her face.

   "I heard that the master brain has detected a couple with a total dispatch of 100%."

  Su Hanjing was taken aback.

   "100% total scheduling?"

   "Does this theoretical possibility actually exist?"

  Su Hanjing's brows furrowed even tighter, "The master mind can't make mistakes, right?"

   "Perhaps it wasn't a mistake?" Lu Zhiya laughed, "I found out that the couple, who are 100% dispatched together, are from the Federation."

   "Federal people?" Su Hanjing was stunned for a moment, "Our federation doesn't have anything like a companion beast like an empire."

   The environment is different. As a federal citizen, she has come to this empire for so many years, and there has never been a companion beast.

   How could a native federation have a companion beast?

  There is no companion beast, which means that there is no co-scheduling.

   So based on what Lu Zhiya said, Su Hanjing only thought of one possibility.

   That is, the imperial people went to the Federation for no reason.

  Thinking of this, Su Hanjing looked at Lu Zhiya and asked, "What do you mean, with such a big movement sporadically, are you planning to go to the Federation?"

  Su Hanjing narrowed his eyes.

   "This is a good opportunity."

  Lu Zhiya knew what she was thinking when she saw her expression, and persuaded: "The core of Winter Star will let you leave?"

  Su Hanjing waved his hand, "It's not that I can't come back after leaving."

   "Besides, am I leaving alone? Didn't I leave with a few people?"

   Having said this, Su Hanjing twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled confidently on his face.

   "I'm going to pick up the empire's newborns with sporadic robots, will the core of Winter Star agree?"

   "Don't these cores also yearn for the arrival of new life?"

   These cores, who have been born with intelligence, are more or less faulty.

   It's not that they have a problem with their brains, but as the core of the planet, their interior seems to be polluted in some way, causing the entire planet to become wrong.

   Along with that, the people living on the planet are getting more and more wrong.

   They are all saving themselves, or asking for help.

  Unfortunately, until now, their interiors continue to be polluted.

   If it weren't for this, Su Hanjing would definitely not agree to the core of Winter Star to stay.

   She is also a human, although she dislikes these habits of the empire, but as a human, she does not want to see the human beings living in this world perish, so she agreed to the unreasonable request of the core of Winter Star in the first place.

  Thinking of this, Su Hanjing couldn't help sighing again.

   "Isn't the core of your Wanling star polluted?"

   "It doesn't make any excessive demands on you?"

  Su Hanjing has always been able to doubt this point. It stands to reason that the core of Wanlingxing should also ask for something.

   "I didn't make any excessive demands." Lu Zhiya smiled, "Hanjing, if you want to leave the empire, can you help me visit Xiao Nian?"

   She has always been very scheming, which seems to be an instinct imprinted in her soul.

   It is also because of this that she was attracted by Su Hanjing, who was outspoken and straightforward, and became friends with her.

  She was born like this, even when facing the person she loves the most, she was exhausted, and finally left him with the deepest regret and guilt.

Lu Zhiya never thought that love must be together. Thanks to the imperial education, she was skeptical of the word "love", so she designed one good show after another at the beginning, and finally brought Lu Zhiya. Leaving in 2008 made Qin Chengnian a lifetime.

   In her whole life, she did things with her own instincts and preferences, and the only thing that made her feel a little bit uncomfortable, or rather guilty, was her only son, Lu Shinian.

   She "died" in front of him in such an almost cruel way. For him who was still young, it would probably be a shadow for a lifetime.

  Lu Zhiya was a little crazy when she was young.

   But in essence, she is a crazy critic.

   Xu was a little tired, Lu Zhiya lowered her eyes lightly, and rarely thought of her only son.

   Her voice was so soft that Su Hanjing could hardly hear what she said.

   "Help me go see him."

  Su Hanjing lowered her voice when she saw that she was a little sleepy.

   "You go to sleep, I'll contact Zero."

   "I'll let you know if there is any news."

  Lu Zhiya slowly closed her eyes and replied softly, "Yeah".

  Su Hanjing left soon.

   In this huge garden, there is only Lu Zhiya alone.

  The breeze blew through her soft hair, but it also brought a little coolness.

   The sky of the Ten Thousand Spirit Star is getting colder and colder...


   Federal territory, on the Muta star.

   When night came, Lu Shinian returned to his human form.

  Su Ruan skillfully got into his arms and rubbed his heart.

  With the previous experience, Lu Shinian took out the clothes from the space button and put it on as soon as he turned into a humanoid.

   After all, he doesn't have a naked hobby yet.

  Lu Shinian took Su Ruan into his arms and said with a low smile, "Is it in a good mood today?"

Su Ruan has been in a bad mood for the past two days and has been seen by him, but he is not awake most of the time, and he has become a prototype and does not know how to comfort her who is depressed, so he can only stay with her silently around.

   Fortunately, his little wife looks in a good mood today.

  Su Ruan snorted softly and said softly: "Today I purified a bread tree, and the fruits on it are all that kind of bread, and it is very full to eat."

   She was still thinking of the alien beasts on this planet, "As expected, it is more useful for large plants to purify."

  Lu Shinian laughed helplessly, "I thought Ruan Ruan was happy because she could hug me."

   Su Ruan's ears suddenly turned red, her long eyelashes trembled, and she whispered, "There is also a reason for this."

  The crimson climbed up the small face, and even the lip color was a little more colorful.

   (end of this chapter)

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