Chapter 327 I miss you and hug me

   "I want him to remember me forever."

  Lu Zhiya's voice was very soft.

   "Love cannot make him remember."

   "But guilt and love make it impossible."

  Su Hanjing sighed, "I really can't understand what your imperial people are thinking."

   "Although I've known you for decades, I still don't understand you."

  Lu Zhiya smiled softly, "That's why I like this kind of scenery."

  Frank and sincere, he is an eagle soaring in the sky and has the power to control the sky.

   "Cough..." Lu Zhiya coughed, her face paler than before.

  Su Hanjing frowned, "Your body..."

   "It's alright." Lu Zhiya said softly, "It's just a sequelae of overuse of abilities."

  The Empire and the Federation only use mental power to drive mechas. They rely on companion animals to awaken various abilities. Gold, wood, water, fire and soil are the most basic ones, while Su Hanjing awakens as a clone.

   She can split into hundreds of clones at the same time, and there is no flaw in it, and it will not be noticed by anyone.

   When Lu Zhiya didn't want to see people with her real body, she would split into several avatars to deal with things.

   Of course, there are occasional accidents. For example, Lu Zhiya, who was chatting with his subordinates in the conference hall one second before, appeared in the mall the next second.

   But Lu Zhiya is very good at handling these things, but Su Hanjing never worried about it.

   And these 100 clones were known to her 20 years ago. Now Lu Zhiya, I don't know how strong she is.

   Coexisting with powerful abilities is Lu Zhiya's weak body.

   A little wind chill can often kill her half, not to mention others.

  Su Hanjing sighed, "Did you transfer your clone to the Federation again?"

   "Yeah." Lu Zhiya replied gently, "He's been helping Xiaonian plan the throne recently."

   It is self-evident who he is.

  Su Hanjing:  …

   "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you."

  Su Hanjing waved his hand, "I'm going back, the guy in my family is in estrus recently, and he's very tight."

  Lu Zhiya let go of Su Hanjing's hand and said with a smile, "Don't Hanjing want to know about Ruan Ruan?"

  Su Hanjing paused, "Isn't Ruan Ruan at Tianhexing?"

  Only Tianhexing can suppress her vigorous spiritual power. With Qingye watching, she is not worried that Ruan Ruan will leave Tianhexing.

  Lu Zhiya shook her head, "She left long ago."

  Su Hanjing's pupils shrank suddenly, his hands resting on the table, "When did it happen?"

   "I don't know." Lu Zhiya said softly, "By the way, I forgot to correct your words just now."

   "We still became in-laws."

   "Xiao Nian and Ruan Ruan got married."

   "I don't know exactly what happened. My avatar made a little mistake, and there are limited things I can understand."

  Lu Zhiya tilted her head, and there was a rare hint of childishness on her gentle face.

   "Hanjing, the pregnancy I mentioned earlier should be Ruan Ruan's pregnancy."

  Su Hanjing frowned fiercely, "But Ruan Ruan's body..."

   "It should be fine." Lu Zhiya's voice was soft and soft, "They seem to have found a way to solve it."

  Su Hanjing breathed a sigh of relief.

   "If it wasn't for the core of the **** Winter Star bound me, I would have returned to the Federation long ago."

   "How can you stay in this broken empire for 20 years?"

   She really can't stand the rules and regulations of this empire, especially the co-scheduling, it's really inexplicable!

   Although she is now the star master of Winter Star, the core of Winter Star, who has given birth to self-consciousness, has to ask her to cover Winter Star with 80% green before allowing her to leave the empire.

Not to mention that plants are very rare in the empire, it is said that the winter star is like the ice and snow all year round, and all the plants that can survive are not green plants. Thirty percent.

   It's 50% worse than 80%!

  Su Hanjing became angry when he thought of this, and his face sank.

   "You, the core of Wanling Star, didn't ask you to do anything?"

Few people know about the    Empire. Except for sporadic, the cores of the other four planets in this empire have given birth to self-awareness, and they are bound to the leaders of the planets.

   And these leaders are also called Star Lords.

   To a certain extent, the star master and the planet depend on each other for life and death, and they also restrict each other.

   As far as she knows, the cores of other planets do not have to let her increase the green coverage rate to more than 80% like the core of Winter Star.

  Su Hanjing became more angry the more he thought about it.

  Lu Zhiya smiled, "Lingling didn't ask me to do anything."

  Su Hanjing:  …

   "Just the core things of my Winter Star."

  Su Hanjing sighed, "Okay, I'll go back first."

   "I'll go back to the Federation when I'm done with Winter Star."


  Su Hanjing waved his hand and left soon.

  Lu Zhiya looked at her back with a gentle smile.

   A small ball of light floated out from behind her, with a milky voice in her voice.

   "Yaya, I'm hungry."

  Lu Zhiya responded calmly, cut his fingertips skillfully, and let the red blood beads seep out.

  The light group couldn't wait to get to the fingertips and swallowed the blood bead.

  Lu Zhiya lowered her eyes, her face seemed paler than before.


   Federation territory, on the Muta star.

   It was late at night, and Su Ruan was already asleep.

   The Snow Wolf, who had been guarding her, suddenly turned into a human figure.

  Lu Shinian stared at Su Ruan's belly in surprise, his fingertips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to touch it, but he was afraid of something, so he didn't dare to touch it for a long time.

  Lu Shinian never thought that his little wife was pregnant.

  This is completely out of his life plan.

   In other words, in nearly ten years, he has not had this plan.

   Although the federal fertility rate is low, everyone has hope for cubs, but for Lu Shinian, he actually doesn't like children that much.

   But when he thought that Ruan Ruan was pregnant with his child, his heart seemed to be completely soft, and there was no sense of tyranny, which made Lu Shinian relieved all his unease and defense.

   He doesn't like children, but he is looking forward to the arrival of his and Ruan Ruan's children.

  Lu Shinian carefully took Su Ruan into his arms, and lightly touched her lips greedily and contentedly.

   He didn't dare to use too much force, but he couldn't help but want to hug him tightly.

  Su Ruan had been sleeping poorly, and she felt a familiar aura and touch between half-dreams and half-awakes. She subconsciously hugged him back, her small face lightly rubbed against her heart, and unreasonable grievances came back to her heart.

   "Brother Lu."

   she cried out, her voice was pitifully soft, and her grievance seemed to overflow.

  Lu Shinian saw her awake, and asked softly, "Is Ruan Ruan uncomfortable?"

  Su Ruan shook his head, "No discomfort, just..."

   She raised her head and looked at him with a coquettish look.

   "I want you to hug me."

   (end of this chapter)

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