Chapter 325 Su Ruan is pregnant?

   For a moment, Ringo thought he had heard it wrong.

  What is his wife? What is there called who killed his wife?

   speaks imperial dialect, why can't he understand it?

   "I..." Linger hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "But I'm still single."

  Zero detected that there was indeed no marriage in Ringo's marriage system, and according to human rules, it was indeed not called a wife.

   "Who killed your girlfriend?" Zero asked in a different way.

  Linger: …

   "I don't have a girlfriend either." He whispered, and began to wonder if the robot master's brain was broken.

  Zero paused for half a second, and began to search for human beings to define [what defines a person who is neither a girlfriend nor a wife], and then he said, "Who killed your lover?"

  Linger: …

   "I don't have a lover." Ringo couldn't help raising his head, his face was a little red, "I'm still a virgin."

   Now it's silence for Zero.

   "We received a signal from your optical brain before."

   "The above shows that the total scheduling is 100%."

  Linger's pupils shrank suddenly.

   "Is that data true?"

   he asked suddenly and eagerly.

   "Really." Zero is serious and serious, "A total of 100% scheduling means that we are about to usher in a new life."

   "If this is not your data, please tell us who this set of data belongs to."

   "We will find them sporadically at any cost."

  Linger was speechless in shock.

   turned out to be true.

   The data he measured outside the hatch turned out to be true.

   No wonder his companion beast behaved so abnormally at that time.

   That is 100% of the total scheduling!

   is that the empire has never had a co-scheduling 100% that only exists in theory.


   he murmured, his mind in chaos.

   In the next second, he fainted.


  Mu Taoxing, Su Ruan has been experimenting with the Black Hawks for the effect of grass on this planet these days.

   With her current ability, she can purify about 50 grasses a day. The progress is really slow, but Su Ruan can also feel that when she is purifying these grasses, her mental power is also slowly increasing.

   So the plants she purifies every day are more than the day before.

   In general, it is still developing in a good direction.

   In addition to purifying plants, every night Su Ruan would pull Xuelang to help him sort out his spiritual sea.

   That barren spiritual sea gradually became full.

  Su Ruan also had a space button on her body, which contained all the fifth-level energy stones she had purified before.

   She would let Xuelang absorb one every day, thinking that maybe he could recover faster.

   Time flies, and half a month in the blink of an eye.

  Su Ruan cooperated with those alien beasts to find a lot of food that can satisfy your stomach, and she also purified some and gave them all.

  Although this is only a drop in the bucket for the alien beasts of the entire planet, the days are a little more hopeful than before.

  There are many alien beasts who know about Su Ruan's existence, and sometimes look at her secretly in the dark.

   Then every time he was found by Snow Wolf, he was pulled to a remote place and beaten up.

  Xuelang regarded Su Ruan as his property, but other beasts always coveted his treasure, which made him very unhappy.

   So I can only beat those alien beasts to relieve my anger.

   On this night half a month later, as usual, Su Ruan probed into Xuelang's spiritual sea as usual.

   Xuelang snorted and subconsciously released a touch of spiritual power, which became entangled with her spiritual power.

  Su Ruan was taken aback.

   The next second, the snow wolf who was still wrapping her waist with a wolf tail suddenly turned into a naked man.

  Su Ruan:…

   "Nguyen Nguyen."

   A familiar low voice rang in Su Ruan's ear.

   Fingertips touch with a familiar warm touch.

  Lu Shinian, came back.

   "Brother Lu." Su Ruan threw himself into Lu Shinian's arms, rubbing his face lightly against his chest, "I miss you so much."

  Although Xuelang is also very cute, she also likes him as Xuelang, but she loves him more as a human.

  Lu Shinian hugged him tightly and whispered, "I'm sorry."

  Su Ruan shook his head, "Just come back."

   He'll be back to normal.

   As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

  Su Ruan sent some more of his spiritual power, "Is your spiritual sea stable now?"

   "No problem." Lu Shinian whispered.

   "Then do you remember your memory as a Snow Wolf?" Su Ruan asked again.

  If he doesn't know, she has to explain it to him first.

   Unexpectedly, Lu Shinian nodded and replied, "I remember."

  Fortunately, apart from being a little naive to fight with alien beasts, there is nothing else that can’t be looked at directly.

   As for the possessiveness towards Su Ruan, it was something rooted in the depths of his soul, which was quite normal.

  Su Ruan was slightly relieved to hear him say that.

   "Just remember."

   "Then we'll stay here for now?"

  Su Ruan said, and added: "I don't know what happened to my brother and the others."

   "They're fine." Lu Shinian raised his hand and rubbed Su Ruan's soft hair, "Zero Zero San said they returned to the Insect Territory, and they should be looking for us now."

   "I have asked Zero Three to contact Cheng Qingye."

  Su Ruan was sure that his brothers were safe, and the big stone in his heart fell completely.

   "That's fine."

  Lu Shinian faintly felt that his spiritual sea was beginning to become unstable again, and it seemed that it was too late to say anything more.

   He lowered his head and kissed Su Ruan's lips.

  Sweetness spread between his lips, filling his uneasiness in an instant.

   With a flash of white light, he turned back into the Snow Wolf again.

   Those sharp teeth were still sticking to Su Ruan's lips, almost piercing her soft lips.

  Su Ruan was in pain and let out a soft cry, causing Xuelang to back away violently, looking at her with a bewildered expression.

   He seemed to stare blankly at the girl.

  Su Ruan saw his expression and knew that Xuelang didn't know that he had just turned into a human.

   In other words, he has no memory of when he was a human.

  Su Ruan raised his hand and rubbed his big head, "It's okay, go to sleep."

   She looked pale, probably because her mental strength was overdrawn, so she was completely weak now, and she always felt like she wanted to vomit.

  Su Ruan suppressed the discomfort and said softly, "Go to sleep."

   But Xuelang didn't listen to Su Ruan's words, but lowered his head and stared straight at Su Ruan's stomach.

   "What's wrong?" Su Ruan asked suspiciously.

  Xuelang hesitated for a moment, then carefully put away his sharp claws, and placed a soft pad on Su Ruan's lower abdomen, and said in a low voice, "Is there a cub?"

   He could feel that there was a faint vitality in it.

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

   "What?" She looked at Snow Wolf in surprise, thinking she had heard it wrong.

   (end of this chapter)

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