Chapter 324 Dynamics of the Parties

  Xuelang rushed over and blocked in front of Su Ruan, showing a threatening expression to Black Eagle.

  Su Ruan was guarded by him and smiled, "It didn't hurt me."

  Xuelang turned his head, his eyes seemed a little resentful.

   "It wants to seduce you."

  Su Ruan:…

   "I only like you." She raised her hand and rubbed his big head.

  Xuelang was satisfied when he heard this straightforward liking. He used his big head to cup Su Ruan's palm, withdrawing his hostility.

   The Black Eagle on the opposite side was still immersed in the surprise promised by Su Ruan, and didn't care about Xuelang's hostility at all.

   After it came back to its senses, Qiqiai Ai asked: "Really?"

   "Well, really." Su Ruan said softly, "I have some special abilities."

   "Can absorb the black mist in those plants."

   "Black fog?" Black Hawk froze for a moment, "You mean, there is black fog in these plants?"

  Su Ruan nodded, "It's the black mist that makes them poisonous. After absorbing the black mist, it will be no longer poisonous."

   "Good, good." Black Hawk said three good words in a row, "I'll go find them and discuss it together."

   After the black eagle finished speaking, he fluttered his wings and quickly disappeared from Su Ruan's sight.

  Su Ruan didn't look at Black Eagle anymore, but looked down at Xuelang and whispered, "Brother Lu, if you're sober, you should do the same, right?"

  Xuelang looked up at Su Ruan ignorantly, not understanding what she meant.

   But he could feel her depression at this moment, Xuelang gently licked Su Ruan's fingertips and comforted her silently.

  Su Ruan came back to his senses and chuckled, "Little seductress. Wolf."

  Xuelang grabbed Su Ruan's fingertips and seemed to be accusing her, but he couldn't help licking her fingertips gently, tasting the sweetness that belonged to her.

  Black Hawk quickly called other exotic beasts.

  Su Ruan also took Xuelang back to the previous cabin.

   surrounded by a few alien beasts, and slowly said his findings.

   After listening to the several alien beasts, they all fell silent.

   In the end, Black Hawk was the first to speak: "We are guarding a treasure, but we can't use it."

  What kind of beasts?

  Su Ruan smiled, "Maybe, that's why I'm here."

   The two sides reached a consensus that Su Ruan would purify those plants, and these alien beasts began to experiment and record the effects of these plants.

   After all, according to what Su Ruan said, these grasses that look the same have different effects, not to mention others.

  Mu Taoxing started to get busy.


  In the worm domain, on the S-01 star.

  Cheng Qingye looked at his eldest brother who was constantly walking around in the hall, touching and touching, and the corner of his mouth twitched in a rare way.

   "Brother, you have been touching this hall for three days."

  Su Hu looked up at his second brother with excitement, and said carelessly, "These are all crystals! They are valuable!"

   He smacked his mouth, and withdrew his hand somewhat unfinished.

   When it comes to business, "That fat rabbit hasn't been found yet?"

   "Locke guessed that he has returned to the empire." Cheng Qingye said lightly, and tapped his fingertips on the big white forehead on his leg.

   After the storm, Cheng Qingye woke up first and found that they were still drifting in the universe, so he brought all the protective warehouses around him back to the insect domain.

  Unfortunately, Lu Shinian's protection warehouse disappeared, and the orc named Ringo also disappeared.

   "What about the sisters?" Su Hu asked again.

  Cheng Qingye paused at his fingertips, "Little Er said they are still alive."

  Xiao Er just finished transmitting the data and returned to him at the critical moment. At the last moment, it only had time to receive the news that Lu Shinian and others were all right, but did not know where they landed now.

   "It's probably on a nearby planet." Cheng Qingye said lightly, "If you have nothing to do, you can drive the spaceship."

   After he finished speaking, a high-level Zerg walked in from the door.

   "King." Archie bowed respectfully, "The spaceship is ready."

  Archie is an expert in researching machines in the Zerg, so he is naturally responsible for this spaceship.

  Su Hu saw that the spaceship was ready, and he did not refuse, and replied directly: "Then I will go to other planets, and if I find my sister, I will send you a message."

  Cheng Qingye responded with a "hmm".

   After a two-second pause, he suddenly said, "Archie, you follow him."

   "Yes!" Archie accepted the order, and Su Hu quickly left.

   The great hall was empty again.

  Cheng Qingye looked at the empty hall, his long eyelashes drooping.

  The area covered by the spiritual power is nothingness, unlike in the spaceship before, when the spiritual power is dissipated, you can feel the fresh vitality.

  Cheng Qingye had a "sense of emptiness" for the first time, which should not have appeared to him.

  The zerg never feel lonely and empty, food occupies all of their lives, as for the rest, they will not think or feel.

   This is the first time Cheng Qingye has this kind of "human" feeling.


   He murmured, withdrew his mental power, and gradually disappeared into the hall.


   Empire, sporadic.

   The robots of the entire planet have long been on guard, waiting for Zero to give orders.

   Just two days ago, Zero finally caught the signal from Ringer's optical brain.

   He immediately looked for the signal to bring people back.

  Although the place where Ringer appeared was near the wormland, Zero didn't have time to think about it, because when he found Ringer, he was only one person.

   This also means that Ringo's wife is likely to be dead.

  The people who can schedule 100% with Ringo are dead, which means that the cub is dead.

   This is absolutely unforgivable for the cyborg-craving robots.

   Zero has been waiting for Ringo to wake up in order to find the person who killed Ringo's wife.

   And just now, Ringo finally woke up.

  Linger was still a little stunned when he woke up. His last memory was that he was stuffed into the protective cage, and then he passed out.

   Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he actually returned to the empire?

   And the robot in front of him, who is not the sporadic leader?

  Linger was taken aback. He was an ordinary ordinary person. He had never seen a leader like Zero before, and his legs were a little weak on the spot.

   "You... hello!" Ringer said loudly, his body tense and he didn't dare to look at Zero.

  Zero has a human body, tall and handsome, but there is a blue data stream in his eyes that are just like people.

   "Linger, who killed your wife?"

  Zero didn't add more greetings, and the world of robots doesn't need greetings, they just need a purpose and a result.

   Now, he also has to get the answer of who killed Ringo's wife.

  Ringer: ? ? ?

   (end of this chapter)

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