Chapter 322 Please save us

  Su Ruan did not sleep well, and the unfamiliar environment made her feel uneasy and nervous.

   Although Lu Shinian was by her side, his condition is not very good now. Su Ruan's heart has not been relaxed, so Su Ruan woke up early in the morning.

  Xuelang was very alert, and when he noticed that the person in his arms woke up, he immediately woke up.

   He stared straight at Su Ruan, her beautiful emerald green pupils were filled with her figure, and only her figure was there.

  Su Ruan raised her hand, rubbed her big furry head, and said softly, "Let's go out to find the baby, eh?"

  Xuelang nodded, rolled up Su Ruan with the wolf tail, and gently placed the person on his back.

  Su Ruan originally wanted to say that there is no need to be so troublesome, but then he thought of something, pursed his lips lightly, and let Xuelang support him to go out.

  Xuelang's movements were fast, and the ferocious wind blew across her face, cutting her cheeks painfully.

  Su Ruan's whole body was clinging to Xuelang's back, his face buried in the soft fur, letting the wind whistled past.

  I don't know how long it took before the Snow Wolf stopped.

   He paced slowly and asked, "Where is the baby?"

  Su Ruan slowed down for a while, and then got off Xuelang's back.

She first probed with her mental power to make sure that there were no other beasts within 500 meters of the surrounding area, and then she picked a grass, purified it with her mental power, tore off the school grass, and handed it to In front of Snow Wolf.

   "We are so lucky that we found the treasure at once." She said with a smile, "Try it?"

  Xuelang stared at the grass in the girl's hand.

  The grass had a touch of green, it was a light emerald green, completely different from the green that was almost inky around it.

   The girl's fingertips were still glowing with a touch of pink, against the green, no, it should be the green against her fingertips, fragile and sensitive, but it seemed to hold some vitality.

  The arrogant king couldn't resist this fragile temptation, it was the softness on the tip of his heart, and it was his only weakness.

   He lowered his high head, without any doubts, and without asking any questions.

   He just followed the girl's wishes and bit the grass.

   The rough tip of the tongue licked the girl's fingertips lightly, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

   He tasted a touch of sweetness.

   This touch of sweetness is the reason he can't refuse no matter what.

  The grass was swallowed by him, and there was a strange feeling of refreshment in his body, as if all the tiredness had disappeared.

  Su Ruan looked at him and asked, "How is it? Are you feeling full?"

  Xuelang shook his head.

   He was still hungry, but his body was incomparably happy. Even if he was hungry, he didn't have the violent and urge to destroy the entire planet.


   This unexpected answer made Su Ruan frown slightly.

   She originally thought that the plants on this planet would be able to satisfy their stomachs after being purified, so that she would be able to solve the problem of food and clothing, but now hearing him say this, she is not sure.

  If satiety is an exception, food and clothing will still be a devastating problem.

   Just when Su Ruan was thinking, she heard Xuelang say: "But I feel very relaxed."

  Su Ruan raised her head in surprise, "It's easy?"

   "Well." Xuelang arched Su Ruan's neck with his big head, "The exhaustion is gone, and I'm in good spirits. I can still carry you for a few laps."

  Su Ruan patted his big head, "I won't run for now."

   She squatted down again, picked up a small piece of grass, and purified it again.

   The grasses here all look similar, at least she can't see any difference, so she can only pick one that she likes.

   After spending ten minutes purifying, Su Ruan withdrew her mental power, pinched the tip of the grass, and tasted it.

   has a mild spicy taste.

  A wonderful taste, the spicy sensation spreads on the tip of the tongue, but does not flow into the body.

  As she swallowed the little bit of grass, a vigorous vitality surged up, no, not only vitality, but also an indescribable...power?

   She moved her fingertips slightly, for some reason, she wanted to fight with someone.

  Su Ruan suppressed the strange feeling and handed the remaining half of the grass to Xuelang.


  Xuelang swallowed the grass without hesitation, and licked her fingertips greedily.

  Su Ruan:…

   "How?" she asked.

  Xuelang looked at Su Ruan ignorantly, and after two seconds, his wolf tail stood up high, and his front claws were restlessly digging to the ground.

   "Want to fight."

   he said, holding his head high.


   yelled, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

   should be looking for alien beasts to fight.

  Su Ruan thoughtfully looked at the direction in which he disappeared, and there was a faint guess in his heart.

   Could it be that the plants on this planet have many magical effects?

   If this is the case, then this planet is undoubtedly a treasure.

   It's just that the treasure is now surrounded by thick black mist, and the treasure has become poisonous, and no animal dares to touch it.

  Su Ruan sighed softly.

   She stood up and was about to find Snow Wolf, but just two steps away, she saw a faint figure in front of her.

   is the black eagle.

  Su Ruan immediately looked at it vigilantly.

   Black Hawk noticed her vigilance, stood still, and took the initiative to say, "I have no ill intentions."

  Su Ruan asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

   "Small grass like that." Black Hawk swallowed, "Can you taste one for me too?"

   It had already seen clearly the interaction between Su Ruan and Xuelang.

  Su Ruan's mental power can only explore within 500 meters, but the black eagle can see a hundred miles away, so it easily escapes Su Ruan's exploration.

   Black Eagle said this, and Su Ruan's heart tightened.

   She had clearly investigated just now, and there were no other beasts around, how did this black eagle know?

  Wait, she seems to have overlooked something.

  This planet is already so magical, so why don’t the alien beasts on it have any special abilities?

  Su Ruan frowned, this time, she was negligent.

   Seeing that she didn't speak, Black Hawk quickly spoke again, "Don't worry, we have no ill intentions towards you."

   Even if it was there before, it is not at all now.

  Su Ruan still looked at it vigilantly.

   "What did you see?" she asked.

   "I saw that you picked a piece of grass for the snow wolf to eat." Black Hawk replied very honestly, "We have been waiting for you for a long time."

   It became candid, "My ability is precognition. Before you came, I had a precognition dream."

   "Dreaming of you falling from the sky brings us hope."

  Black Hawk slowly lowered his head, not daring to spy on her.

   "The plants here are poisonous."

   "Some beasts couldn't bear the hunger and ate these plants, and finally died violently."

   "Death is a momentary thing, but it is terrifying."

   (end of this chapter)

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