Chapter 321 New Dawn

  Su Ruan touched Xuelang's big head and whispered, "Then you don't have to go out to find nutrients for the time being tomorrow, I'll take you to find the baby."

   She was going to experiment a little more.

  If a grass can bring satiety, then they don’t have to worry about eating for the time being.

   Of course, the premise is that it is really useful.

  Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled lightly, thinking alone.

   Seeing the girl touching his head, Xuelang fell into deep thought, so he used his big head to cup the girl's palm, and whimpered: "I'm going to die, I can't accompany you to find the treasure."

   "Touch me more, hurry up."

  Su Ruan came back to her senses, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said helplessly, "Who said you were going to die?"

   "They said that the plants here are poisonous." Snow Wolf replied, "I ate a grass just now, and I'm so full now."

   "It must be an illusion, a flashback before death!"

  Su Ruan:…

   "No." She leaned close to his ear, her voice was very soft, "That grass is a treasure, a treasure that can fill your stomach without poison, we will go find it tomorrow."

   "This is something other beasts don't know about."

   She seemed to be coaxing a child, "This is a treasure that can only be enjoyed by wolves."

  Xuelang doesn't quite understand why a single grass can easily fill his stomach, but he understands the word "exclusive".

   Exclusive means that only he can have it.

   That grass is, and so is the girl.

  The furry wolf tail wrapped around Su Ruan's slender waist all of a sudden, wrapping him completely in his arms, holding back his tears, and snorted softly, "I understand."

"you are mine."

   No beast can take her away from him.

  Su Ruan smiled and replied again and again: "Well, I'm yours."

   Even if he temporarily lost his memory as a human, he was still possessive towards her.

  Su Ruan no longer rejects his possessiveness like before, she echoed his words and added a sentence.

   "I will always be yours."

  Xuelang was very satisfied with the girl's words, he wrapped the girl in his arms with satisfaction, stroked her back lightly, and said vaguely, "Sleep."

  Su Ruan was still thinking about the weed thing, she responded, nestled in his arms, with a lot of thoughts in her mind, and she didn't fall asleep for a while.

   It was Lu Shinian who hugged her like that and fell asleep soon after.

   It was quiet outside, not a single sound.

  Su Ruan withdrew his mental power, relaxed himself, and gradually fell asleep.

   She didn't know that the conversation between her and Xuelang had already been overheard by Black Hawk who was a kilometer away.

  As a hunter in the dark night, the black eagle has vision and hearing that are beyond ordinary beasts. As long as it wants to, it can even clearly hear the movement of a hundred kilometers away, let alone this short one kilometer.

   So Black Hawk heard what Su Ruan said clearly, and of course, he also saw the scene where Snow Wolf ate the grass without any discomfort.

   This is so amazing, it's like some kind of miracle.

  Black Hawk believed more and more in his precognitive dream.

   They will usher in a new dawn, a new hope.

   The night is thicker, and this wood peach star has almost no moonlight.

   Even the moon seems to have rejected them, but what does that matter?

  They will find the light eventually.

   Black Hawk's figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

   Until dawn broke, a ray of light pierced through the thick dark clouds and illuminated the little wooden house.

   Dawn, at first sight.


  The author has something to say: the menstrual period is too painful, I will update it for the time being, good night.

   (end of this chapter)

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