Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 306: Ruan Ruan's mental strength has improved again

   Chapter 306 Ruan Ruan's spiritual power has been improved again

  Su Hu had no idea what the fat rabbit thought of him, he smiled and handed the rabbit another nutritional supplement.

  Ringer unceremoniously held the nutrient in his mouth, and his three-lobed mouth moved quickly.

  When everyone on the spaceship was busy with their own business, they were separated from them by an empire of worms.

   After two days of transmission, the data of [100% of the total scheduling] was finally transmitted to the master of the empire.

  The Empire does not have an independent ruler like the Federation. Although there are many planets in the Empire, there is no unified government.

  Led by the five main stars, it implements planetary autonomy.

   There are many small planets under the five main stars. While these small planets obey their respective main stars, they also implement an autonomous system.

   Therefore, the planetary forces of the empire are very scattered, there are many evenly matched forces, and because of traditional reasons, the major planetary masters are inherited.

   That is, the planet master can only pass the position to his own children. If there are more than one child, it is the capable one.

   But because of the low birth rate of empires, this is generally rare.

   On the contrary, there are many planet masters who die without children of their own. At this time, the planet master on the main star side will send someone to take over the planet.

   Then it goes on from generation to generation.

  If the main star does not have its own heir, then it has to be another matter.

  Because such a situation has not happened in history, no one knows what will happen if the main star does not have its own heir.

   These five main stars are Wanling Star, which is like spring all year round, Winter Star, which is covered with ice and snow all year round, Fire Star, which is covered with volcanoes, Tianyan Star, which is daytime all year round, and Zero One Star, which is occupied by artificial intelligence and robots.

The main brain of the    empire is on this zero one star.

The    Empire has actually been unstable for so many years. There are alien beasts coming from far away, and there is a robot uprising inside, occupying the planet that is one of the five main stars and changing its name to Zero One Star.

   The mastermind was on the side of the robot, so the people of the empire were in dire straits for two years.

   Fortunately, after negotiation, the two sides maintained peace.

   And the condition of peace on the robot side is that when a newborn is born, they want to see the live broadcast of the newborn.

   They want to take care of the newborn if possible.

   Something went wrong in the code of these robots, or the love and desire for cubs is the common theme of the entire empire.

   Of course, the people of the Empire would not let these robots take care of newborn babies, because they didn’t trust them very much, and secondly, they wanted to take care of them well, so why would they be willing to let others take care of them.

   Therefore, the robots can only watch the live broadcast every day to relieve the desire for cubs from their core code.

  Unfortunately, the Imperials have not had a newborn for ten years.

  Yes, ten years.

   Not a single newborn was born.

   Whether it is a prosperous main star or a poor little planet, there are no newborns born.

   This is like some kind of curse, firmly hovering in the heart of the entire empire.

  The whole empire seems to have been ignorant of the new life for a long time.

   The mandatory matching regulations on high co-scheduling have been stricter and stricter, but even if 80% of the couples co-scheduled, they could not give birth to a child.

As we all know, co-scheduling is related to the difficulty of pregnancy, so when the data of [co-scheduling 100%] was transmitted to Zero One Star’s main brain, Zero One Star’s planet’s main body suddenly tensed, and his flat, waveless face For the first time there was excitement.

   "100% total scheduling?"

   His voice is very magnetic, and it has the unique coldness of robots, like a stream flowing slowly in a cold spring in winter.

   The total scheduling is 100%, which means that it is absolutely pregnant.

  The chance of pregnancy is 99.99% when both are in good health.

  The empire is now medically developed, and there are basically no physical diseases that cannot be solved.

   "Which couple?" Zero asked eagerly.

   At this moment, too much code ran through his core program.

   There is a plan for him to disguise himself as a human to approach the couple, gain their trust, and strive to help them take care of their cubs in the future.

   also imagined what the cubs born by the couple would look like.

   That must be so cute that all code cannot be written.

  The main brain quickly popped up an interface, which displayed Ringo's optical brain number and his biographical information.

   Zero, one eye and ten lines, and his eyes suddenly became cold.


   "Did Ringo force the other party?"

   If it is 100% dispatched together, even if Ringo himself does not force it, the law of the Empire will force the two of them to be together.

   And generally the co-scheduling is high, both parties have a favorable impression of each other.

   For those who are 100% scheduled, they should love each other very much, but maybe something happened and they didn't log in to the marriage system.

   "Check the coordinates of Ringer right away."

  Zero suddenly stood up, "I want to go immediately."

  Light Brain's screen flashed, and only one line of words appeared.

  【Coordinates unknown】

  Zero clenched his fists suddenly, the coordinates are unknown... That means what danger has Ringer encountered.

   This is a big deal!

   This has something to do with the cub's voice. They are a family of machines, absolutely can't let the cub have an accident!

   Zero pressed the red button next to it, and the entire Zero One star sounded a sharp alarm, and the entire planet immediately fell into a state of alert.

   The other four planets that have been monitoring Zero One Star received this situation, and they all guessed what happened to Zero One Star.

   But no one answered them, they had to investigate on their own.

   As for when they can investigate it, it depends on their own ability.

  When the undercurrent was surging on the side of the Empire, in the Federation, on the spaceship of the Lion Star Pirates.

   After purifying nine thousand five-level purification stones, Su Ruan felt that her spiritual power seemed to have broken through again.

   Just as Lu Shinian returned from the cockpit to the room, she shared the news with him.

   "My mental strength seems to have risen again."

  Su Ruan said, releasing his spiritual power and heading towards Lu Shi Nian.

  Lu Shinian released his own mental power at the same time and hooked up with her.

   He put his arms around him, carried the person to his lap, sat on the bed, and let out a low laugh.

   "Then Ruan Ruan is now a 3S?"

  Su Ruan snorted lightly, with a little pride in his eyebrows.


   "Maybe it's higher than 3S."

   As she spoke, she naughtyly used her mental power to tease Lu Shi Nian's mental power.

  Lu Shinian felt her movement, squinted his eyes and moved his throat slightly.

"Is it fun?"

   "It's fun." Su Ruan replied softly, "Don't you think it's fun?"

   "Want to play more fun?" Lu Shinian had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and there was a faint wickedness between his brows.

  Su Ruan:…

  I don't know why, but I always feel that the current Lu Shinian is like the big bad wolf who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood.

   The little cub will take the group pet script in the future~



   (end of this chapter)

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