Chapter 305 Real Dreams and Reality

  Lu Shinian lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes cast a light shadow.

  Su Ruan was a little surprised by the details of this dream, and even simulated the extent of his usual drooping eyes.

   Fingertips caressed the end of Lu Shinian's eyes, and the long eyelashes trembled on her fingertips, numb.

   She tickled the corner of her mouth and chuckled, "Look, you didn't refute it."

   She came closer, her ear to his heart, listening to his heartbeat.



   is gentle and powerful, as if it really exists by her side.

   If it wasn't for sure that it was just a dream, Su Ruan would have thought that he was real holding her.

  Lu Shinian didn't speak, just as Su Ruan said, he didn't open his mouth to refute her.

   His normally rosy lips were pursed tightly, and the lines of his face were tensed, as if even his jawline was expressing some kind of inexplicable emotion.

  In this empty hall, on this high throne, it was solemn and cold, without the slightest warmth, but at this time, because of Su Ruan's smiling face, it became a little more popular.

   Time seems to be accelerating.

   Even though she and he didn't quarrel, the dream didn't seem to change its overall direction because of this change.

   Someone pushed open the door of the main hall with a high voice.

   "Your Majesty! The Zerg are coming!"

   Urgent and fearful.

  As these words fell, there was a faint sound of insects in the air.

  Su Ruan felt the big hand around her waist tighten.

   The next second, she heard his low, hoarse voice.

   "How many Zerg?"

   The person who reported the report could not see his face, and only vaguely showed a figure.

   "Rough estimate." The reporter swallowed, "One hundred thousand."

   One hundred thousand Zerg, enough to devour a planet.

  Su Ruan recalled what happened in her previous life. She remembered that after Lu Shinian heard about the invasion of the Zerg, she quickly set off from the palace and led several large legions to defend against the Zerg.

   She didn't follow him because she quarreled with him, and after he left, she ran away from the palace.

   If the dream is based on the events of the previous life, then he should be ready to set off to defend against the Zerg?

   The reporter had disappeared without knowing when.

   Only Su Ruan and Lu Shinian were left in the entire hall.

  Lu Shinian hugged her waist tightly, looked down at her, and did nothing else.

  Su Ruan blinked, seeming to be puzzled, but also a simple question.

   "Aren't you going to defend against the Zerg?"

   Lu Shinian's pupils seemed to be darker than before, with a faint hint of dark red.

   He was about to speak.

  The space was distorted.

  The dream is gone.

  Su Ruan woke up from the dream, stretched and yawned lazily.

   "Strange." She muttered, "I still dream about the past."

   She thought she had given up long ago.

   It was just a dream. Su Ruan didn't care. After resting enough, she began to purify the energy stone again.

  In the cockpit, Lu Shinian slowly opened his eyes.

   He got up calmly, walked to the console, looked at the beating data and coordinates on the console, and wondered what he was thinking.

  In another room, Cheng Qingye seemed to have noticed something and let out a light hum.


   He murmured and tapped his fingertips on the big white head lying on his lap.

   "Dabai, your news is too late."

   "Go to Zero Zero Three to update your data and system."

   Dabai tilted his head, as if he didn't understand what his master said.

  Cheng Qingye was a little helpless.

   Dabai has lost the ability to speak and think since he devoured System Zero Two, like a newborn larva.

  Devouring comes at a price, this is the law of all things.

   "Become a light brain." Cheng Qingye ordered.

   Dabai understood his order, and with a flash of white light, he went straight towards Cheng Qingye's left wrist.

   Within a second, the light brain was already buckled on Cheng Qingye's wrist.

   "Little Er, go to Zero Zero to update the data and system." Cheng Qingye ordered again.

   A mechanical voice sounded in the room, [Yes, Master. 】

  In the huge data world, a stream of data flows straight to zero zero three.

  003 was angry in his private room at this time, it clenched its fist, and the little fist looked fleshy and very cute.

  【Damn! The second brother was actually swallowed by that **** phantom insect! 】

  0030 is very angry. Although it has not communicated with the second brother, everyone is separated from the main brain. From the data point of view, they are different from other data streams.

   In this state of mind, Zero Three will be angry.

   But it doesn't know who to talk to, so it can only be bored and angry in the data world.

   At this moment, it felt a strange data flow outside its own space.

  003 immediately became vigilant, "Who?"

  Xiao Er flew in from the outside, and in the data world, it still looked like a phantom worm.

   [The master ordered me to find you to update the data and system. 】Little Er's voice is rigid and mechanical, completely lacking the agility and liveliness of self-awareness like Zero Zero Three.

  003 heard this and snorted softly, [You also know that your data is behind. 】

  It raised its little head arrogantly, [What the **** is going on with you? Didn't that strange man say that you were devoured by phantom insects? 】

  Although the second brother in front of him still looks like a phantom worm, he feels a data flow of data.

  Xiao Er did not answer it, but repeated: [The master ordered me to find you to update the data and system. 】

  003:  …

  【Are you stupid? ] Zero Zero Three walked in front of Xiao Er, with his hands on his hips, his cheeks bulged, and he looked puffed up.

  Little Er: [The master ordered me to find you to update the data and system. 】

   Zero Zero Three: ? ? ?

  【I said you...】Zero's face turned a little red with anger.

  Little Er: [Master orders...]

   In the infinite repetition of Xiao Er, Zero Zero Three finally agreed to help him update the data and system.

   This will take a while, so Zero Zero Three and Xiao Er stayed in this small space temporarily, waiting for the transfer to complete.

   On the spaceship, Ringo was raised even more fat by Su Hu.

  Linger began to give up on himself since he knew that Su Ruan had no companion beast.

   Anyway, in the end, he will die. It would be better for him to be a fat ghost than a starving ghost.

The reason why Su Hu feeds the rabbit so hard is mainly because he wants to have a good relationship with the rabbit, so that he can talk to himself in the future, so that he can prove that he is the smartest in the Su family... um... even if not The smartest and the most resourceful!

   Thinking that he would be praised by his younger sister and second brother for being smart in the future, Su Hu couldn't help grinning, so that Linger next to him gave him a look.

   This Su Hu is the stupidest man in the entire spaceship, right?

   (end of this chapter)

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