Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2357: It doesn't matter who you are!

   Chapter 2357 Who you are!

  The gaffe of the Wei guard made everyone puzzled, until Lin Tian put away the Buddha and God Jue, the Wei guard looked puzzled and looked around, "I, what's wrong?"

   A guard shouted, "Captain Wei, you just kneeled down for him."

   "That's right, Captain Wei, you just now."

   "Shut up! How could I kneel down for him?" The Wei guard didn't believe it, but Lin Tian smiled at the Wei guard.

The   wei guard shouted, "What are you laughing at? I definitely didn't have you kneeling just now!"

   "Then it's okay to kneel now!" Lin Tian said, the guard suddenly knelt down, which made his expression change greatly, "What's going on? Why doesn't my body listen to me!"

   Only then did everyone know that Wei Guard was controlled by Lin Tian, ​​and the old gentleman blinked. As for Su Zhao, he sighed, "If you offend Emperor Lin, that's how you end up."

  Guardian Wei was going crazy, but his body was out of control, so he could only stare at Lin Tian in horror, "What do you want?"

   "I didn't think about it, I just wanted you to take everyone to disperse me, don't hinder me from doing things."

   Wei Guard stammered, "This is the City Lord's Mansion, I don't have the right."

   "Oh? Is that so?" Lin Tian glared at him, and Wei Guard said nervously, "I'll take it, I'll take it!"

After    finished speaking, the Wei Guard shouted to the crowd, "Retreat to the side, don't get in his way."

  Everyone had to retreat, but the **** that the guard was taken down quickly spread, so that many people came one after another in the city lord's mansion.

   In the end, a white-robed youth with a fan appeared. When the guards saw him, they respectfully said, "Mr. Fang."

   This man named Fang Gongzi is an honored guest of the City Lord's Mansion.

  The guards talked about it, and this Young Master Fang smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"That's right, an Immortal Emperor can make an Immortal Venerable obedient."

   "I don't care who you are, if you don't want to end up like him, don't hinder me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he planned to continue looking for Tian Luo.

   But everyone was shocked, because they all knew the identity of Mr. Fang, but Lin Tian said that about him, so the scene immediately started talking.

   "Did you hear that? This guy is so outrageous, talking to Young Master Fang like this!"

   "Doesn't he know that Mr. Fang is from the Palace of Nothingness?"

   "This kid is probably blind!"

  Nothing Palace, Lin Tian didn't know where it was, but the old gentleman was startled and quickly came to Lin Tian's side to remind him in a low voice, "The first palace of nothingness, the Palace of Nothingness."

   "I don't care if it's the first house or the second house, anyway, it's better not to mess with me." Lin Tian didn't take this empty house seriously at all.

   But the guards took a deep breath, and the man in the white robe laughed, "Boy, my name is Fang Taitian, if you don't want to die, you'd better take back what you just said!"

   "What I said, I never need to take it back." Lin Tian believed in himself, but Fang Taitian smiled evilly, "Really? Let's see how long you can last."

   "What? Are you going to mess with me?"

   "Let me see if your ability is as crazy as your tone." After Fang Taitian finished speaking, he swung his fan, and a gust of wind rolled up Lin Tian.

   Those guards got excited one by one, and some even complimented Fang Taitian, "Young Master Fang, it's really amazing."

   "No, Mr. Fang, it's amazing!"

   While these people were complimenting Fang Taitian in various ways, Lin Tian, ​​who was rolled up, suddenly disappeared, and everyone was immediately stunned.

   As for Lin Tian's deity, he sat on a roof and stared at Fang Taitian, "If you want to deal with me like this, I think you should give up."

   Everyone looked over immediately, and then they were all surprised, and some people said, "How did he come out?"

"who knows."

   The old man was also surprised and suspicious, "A little immortal emperor with such a strong ability."

   Fang Taitian frowned, waved his right hand, and a whirlwind rushed towards Lin Tian again, intending to sweep Lin Tian away.

  Lin Tian disappeared again, that Fang Taitian gradually lost his patience and said, "Boy, don't hide if you have the ability!"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "If you don't hide, you can't help me."

   "Really? Then try it!" Fang Taitian said proudly, while Lin Tian took out a soil clone.

   This earth clone walked over, and Fang Taitian saw this earth clone with a look of ignorance, and even snorted, "Go to hell!"

   Fang Taitian's palm condensed a wind palm and hit it, who knew that the earth clone, using the qi separation technique, resolved the opponent's palm wind system.

   Everyone immediately looked at Lin Tian dumbfounded, and the old man muttered, "Can this be cracked?"

The    earth clone stared at Fang Taitian with wide eyes, "Originally, I didn't want to waste time, but if you want to cause trouble for me, then I have to clean up you first."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tianhuo's clone appeared and shot the magic fire thousand-layer palm, and in order to speed up the release of the thousand-layer palm.

  Lin Tianhuo's clone attacked very fast, but due to the low power in front, Fang Taitian suddenly laughed after being attacked for a few palms, "It's nothing more than that."

  The guards were also relieved.

  Lin Tian smiled evilly, "Don't hide if you can!"

   "You think I'm you? Do you only hide?" This Fang Taitian really didn't hide for the sake of face, but just like that, Lin Tian didn't need a while to hit hundreds of slaps.

  Especially at the last blow, Lin Tian slammed down with a heavy palm, that Fang Taitian was directly shattered in front of the crowd, the protective cover was shattered, and the whole person was blown away, "Boom".

   This Fang Taitian slammed into a stone pillar, and then looked uncomfortable, and even vomited blood in his mouth.

   "This." Everyone was dumbfounded.

  Lin Tian's earth clone condensed beside this Fang Taitian again, and that Fang Taitian was so frightened that his body rolled over in a gust of wind, and the whole person floated into the distance at a very fast speed.

  Lin Tian laughed, "The speed is not bad."

  Fang Taitian stared angrily at Lin Tian, ​​then touched the blood on the corner of his mouth with one hand and became even more annoyed, "You dare to hurt me?"

   "I said, if you cause trouble for me, I will clean it up. You don't listen to me, so you can't blame me." Lin Tianbing said coldly.

  Fang Tai was blown up by the weather, so he quickly shouted to the surrounding guards, "What are you in a daze, give it to me!"


   Those guards had to obey orders. After all, Fang Taitian had a very high status in the city lord's mansion, so they went up to encircle Lin Tian one by one.

  Lin Tian had no choice but to release Iron Bone and them, and at the same time he blessed them with enhanced light spells, making these gods become violent one by one.

   Even in the blink of an eye, all the guards were beaten to the ground, and that Fang Taitian was dumbfounded.

   Those lying guards were begging for mercy one by one, but the old gentleman was confused, "This."

  Su Zhao also said in disbelief, "How did these guys suddenly become so strong?"

   (end of this chapter)

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