Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2356: One-on-one, but also miserable!

   Chapter 2356 One-on-one, miserable!

   "That's it." The old gentleman stared at the city lord's mansion surrounded by a formation, took a deep breath and said.

  Su Zhao looked at the guards at the gate of the city lord's mansion and said, "It seems, it's really not simple."

  The old man stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Now, what should I do?"

   "Let's go in and talk about it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked inside, but the old gentleman was blinded.

   At this time, a few guards at the gate of the city lord's mansion saw the stranger walking by, and immediately drew their swords, pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and said in unison, "Stop!"

  Lin Tian glanced at the guards and said, "I have something to do."

   "Who are you?" A man in red armor came out and stared at Lin Tian with cold eyes. When the old man saw the man in red armor, he immediately laughed, "So it's Captain Wei."

   This guy called Captain Wei got angry when he saw this old gentleman, "It's you foodie again."

   "Passing by, passing by!" The old gentleman said with a smile, while the Captain Wei rolled his eyes, "I don't care if you pass by, but what do you mean by bringing them here?"

   "Here, this son wants to find someone."

   "Looking for someone? Is it in our City Lord's Mansion?" The mighty guard asked back, and the old gentleman hesitated, "It should be."

   "Should it be? So, I have to let him in to find it?" the guard asked back.

  The old gentleman nodded, "Better."

   "Dream!" The mighty guard shouted, and after the old gentleman was stunned, the mighty guard continued, "I tell you! You don't dare to bring anyone here today, and you must not step into my city master's mansion!"

  The old man had to look at Lin Tian, ​​"Look, they won't let you in!"

  Lin Tian said to these guards, "I advise you, it's better to get out of the way."

   "Get out of the way? You actually told us to get out of the way? What do you think we are?" the mighty guard shouted, and the other guards even said angrily, "Boy, who are you? Dare to make trouble here?"

   Someone else said, "I don't know whether to live or die, believe it or not, we will kill you?"

   "Boy, get out!" Someone shouted.

  Lin Tian saw that these people didn't welcome him so much, so he had to say, "You guys want to block and don't cooperate, then don't blame me!"

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian turned into countless ghosts and rushed directly into the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, but these people couldn't stop him because there were too many.

   The guard said angrily to the old gentleman, "You wait!"

   After finishing speaking, Wei Guard immediately led someone to chase Lin Tian, ​​while Su Zhao looked at the old gentleman curiously, "Let's go in?"

   "Nonsense! Let's go!" After the old gentleman said something, he brought Su Zhao and rushed inside.

   At this moment in the city lord's mansion, everyone is looking for Lin Tian's fall, but Lin Tian came to the old gentleman with a ghost, "Lead the way."

  The old man hurriedly shuttled through it, but he was finally stopped by a group of people when he passed through a corridor.

   That mighty guard said, "Do you really think we are just a decoration?"

   The old man said embarrassedly, "We are just looking for someone."

   "Get out of the way, it's none of your business!" The Wei guard shouted, the old gentleman had to step aside, and the Wei guard stared at Lin Tian again, "Boy, do you know the consequences of trespassing in our City Lord's Mansion?"

   "Then do you know the consequences of stopping me?" Lin Tian's words made the people in the City Lord's Mansion think that they had encountered a fool.

  Some people also said, "Is this guy crazy?"

   "No, doesn't he know this is the City Lord's Mansion?"

   "It's really arrogant." Some people even laughed, and the guard was annoyed, "Give it to me!"

   Those people planned to deal with Lin Tian again, but Lin Tian's countless ghosts scattered, blinding them all, and they didn't know what to do.

   After knowing that it would be ineffective against Lin Tian, ​​this mighty guard went directly to the old gentleman, and said with a stare, "I'll sleep you up first."

   After finishing speaking, this powerful guard led a few people to surround Su Zhao and this old gentleman, and the two of them, who were not opponents of these guards at all, were bound by their magic weapons on the spot.

   At the same time, Wei Guard also threatened Lin Tian, ​​"Stop everything for me!"

   Everyone stopped, and that Lin Tian recovered to the same expression, "Let them go!"

   "Let them go? Do you think it's possible?" The guard sneered, while Lin Tianbing said coldly, "I'm not joking with you!"

   "We didn't even joke with you." The mighty guard hummed, and Lin Tian had no choice but to use the Buddha's Divine Art.

   After seeing the golden light and sound, these people were curious about what happened, and the mighty guard didn't care what Lin Tian did, but continued to threaten, "If you don't surrender, I will kill them."

   "If they die, then you will surely die." Lin Tian's words caused the guard to laugh, "Surely die? Boy, you are so arrogant."

  Lin Tian didn't say a word, but the Buddha's Spiritual Art was still in action, and the mighty guard shouted, "Can't you stop?"

  Lin Tian still ignored it, the mighty guard had no choice but to grab Su Zhao and snorted, "If you want to blame, you can blame that kid for not listening."

   At this moment, Lin Tian released a group of people from Su Gu, and the addition of this group of people immediately turned the situation around.

   These guards were also curious about where this master came from, and that mighty guard even opened up the power of nothingness.

   I saw five circles on my forehead, and then said with a grim face, "I tell you, if you don't want to die, just stop for me!"

  Tie Gu and the others stopped, but they were staring at Lin Tian, ​​wanting to see Lin Tian's expression and acting, while the mighty guard stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, can you have a fair fight?"


   "Yes, no one else is needed." The mighty guard said that he thought it was fair, but in the old man's opinion, this mighty guard just wanted to make money from Lin Tian.

   So this old gentleman reminded Lin Tian, ​​"Don't be fooled, he just wants to cheat you."

  Lin Tian laughed, "One person is enough."

After he finished speaking, Lin Tian asked everyone to step aside, while Lin Tian's Buddha Spiritual Art was still on display. He hadn't found out what these golden lights and sounds had any effect on the guards, so he stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Come on, I But look at you, an Immortal Emperor, what kind of abilities do you have!"

   Then this mighty guard locked on Lin Tian and continued to attack Lin Tian frantically, but all the hits were phantoms.

  The guards who were watching immediately cheered guard Wei, and some even shouted, "Captain, don't give him any chance."

   "Yes, Captain, kill him!"

   But no matter how high-spirited these people were, they still couldn't change the fact that Wei Guard couldn't take Lin Tian.

Not only that, but about a while later, this mighty guard had been subjected to the Buddha's God for too long, causing him to gradually have hallucinations, and even suddenly knelt down in front of Lin Tian and shouted to Lin Tian, ​​"Palace Master, my great Palace Master. , you finally appeared."

  The other people who didn't get the trick were blinded, and Lin Tian felt that this was an opportunity, so he directly released the Ghost King.

   That mighty guard smirked and looked at Lin Tian, ​​and praised Lin Tian in various ways.

   (end of this chapter)

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