Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2280: It's no use going together!

   Chapter 2280 It's useless to play together!

   "Come on, then, I also want to see what you, the nine great immortals of the mortal sect, have some skills." Lin Tian didn't take them seriously at all.

   This is a shame for the Nine Great Immortal Venerables, and the disciples of the mortal sect were startled one by one, and even wondered if this Lin Tian was really fearless.

   Jin Jianzun was so angry, "I'll kill you!"

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian was covered in golden light, and these were all spells released by Jin Jianzun.

   But Lin Tiantu's clone is completely a hard body, so this Golden Sword Sovereign can't do anything to Lin Tian with all kinds of attacks and all kinds of damage.

  Lin Tian instead smiled at the Golden Sword Sovereign, "It's a waste of time."

   Jin Jianzun was a little surprised, and even stared at Lin Tian strangely, while Lin Tian stared at the other eight sedan chairs, "Can't you come out?"

   At this time, the Great Immortal appeared.

   As soon as he came out, a gust of wind blew up around him, and the other immortals of the sedan chairs also appeared one by one.

   When the nine Immortal Venerables stood together, they were very imposing, and the disciples who stood there felt their immortal souls tremble.

   Even Ghost Corpse said in horror, "What a powerful aura."

   Elder Qin said excitedly, "Of course, the Nine Great Immortal Venerables, what a powerful existence."

   Lord Lu Jin, who was watching, worriedly asked that Nangong Yan, "Do you think the adults can win?"

   "Don't worry, I've never seen my eldest brother lose." Nangongyan believed, but Lu Jinye frowned, "This is too scary."

   "Look, there must be a good show." Nangongyan smiled proudly, while Lu Jinye had to stare.

   The wind around the Great Immortal Venerable continued to buzz, and his eyes were still staring at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, are you afraid?"

   "You are only a three-star Immortal Venerable." Lin Tian looked at the other party's cultivation base, but he was only a Three-star Immortal Venerable, so he didn't take it seriously.

  Da Xianzun never thought that after Lin Tian dared to despise him, he glared and said, "Do you really think that I dare not do anything to you?"

   "Come here and let me see." Lin Tian smiled at the Great Immortal Venerable, and the Great Immortal Venerable gritted his teeth angrily, "Okay, you forced me!"

After    said, a strong wind swept Lin Tian and spun wildly, as if it was about to tear Lin Tian apart.

   But this attack didn't have any effect on Lin Tian at all. Instead, Lin Tian smiled confidently, "That's all you can do?"

   "This, what's going on!" The Great Immortal Venerable was suspicious, and the other Immortal Venerables were puzzled. After all, the Great Immortal Venerable was their strongest, and it was not a problem to directly smash a one-star Immortal Venerable with this kind of power.

   What's more, the defensive power that this Lin Tiantian one-star Immortal Emperor can display is really scary.

   "What? Don't continue?" Lin Tian asked after seeing their surprised expressions, and at this time an Immortal Venerable said, "I'll come."

   This Immortal Venerable took out a bow, and the bow was black, with ghost energy entwined on it, and under the gaze of everyone, an arrow was condensed.

   Everyone was shocked when they saw that the end of the arrow looked like a skull.

   "Ghost Skull Bow!"

   "Now that kid is going to die."

   "No, one arrow down will directly penetrate the fairy soul."

   The Great Immortal Venerable even stared at Lin Tian and said, "Boy, it's too late for you to surrender now, otherwise this arrow will pass through your fairy soul, and you will know how miserable it is."

"Passing through my fairy soul? Do you think it's okay?" Lin Tian smiled, but the Great Immortal Venerable said after seeing Lin Tian's madness, "It seems that if you have a good experience, you will know what is scary. ."

   After finishing speaking, the Great Immortal Venerable gave the Immortal Venerable a look, and the man immediately released an arrow.

   This arrow slammed through Lin Tian's body in the blink of an eye, and the people present at Fanmen cheered one by one.

   Because the arrow hit, everyone thought Lin Tian would be killed, so everyone was very happy.

   But what these people never thought was that Lin Tian had nothing to do, and smiled at them, "I'm fine, why are you happy?"

   Everyone was blinded, and the man with the bow trembled, "Impossible!"

   Great Immortal Venerable solemnly, "Do you have a soul defense device?"

   "To deal with you, you don't need these." Lin Tian said confidently, and this made the faces of the nine immortals look ugly.

   Those people from the mortal sect immediately became worried one by one. After all, these nine great immortals have no way to take Lin Tian at all.

   Until Jian Xianzun said to Da Xianzun, "Use the Nine Immortals Formation."

   "That's the only way!" The Great Immortal Venerable became cold, and then the nine Great Immortal Venerables suddenly dispersed, surrounded Lin Tiantu's clone, and finally formed a transparent barrier to trap Lin Tian inside.

   Sword Immortal said with a smile, "Boy, you see, the hood that the nine of us gather together can be said to be very hard."

   "Are you going to use a cover to trap me?" Lin Tian thought that these people were really whimsical, but the Sword Immortal sneered, "Don't worry, we will add something to the cover."

   After finishing speaking, some medicinal pills appeared in the hands of the Great Immortal Venerable, and after these medicinal pills were thrown into the enchantment, they released a huge amount of power.

   "Boom!" Everyone saw a fog inside, and the power was so huge that it was like shaking the hood.

  The Great Immortal Venerable said happily, "How about the power of Shendan?"

The other eight Immortal Venerables also thought that these divine pills were enough to destroy Lin Tian, ​​but what these people didn't expect was that after the fog dissipated, Lin Tian was still intact, and smiled at the nine of them, "This is yours. Strategy?"

   The nine people were blinded, and they looked at each other in dismay, even showing a weird look, but Lin Tian smiled at them, "You can't do anything about it, then I'm going to come out."

  Da Xianzun believed in himself, "Although we can't kill you, it's more than enough to trap you."

   "Don't talk to death." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put one hand on the hood and began to devour the hood's power.

   After the nine people felt that the hood had changed a bit, they were so frightened that they hurriedly continued to inject power, while Lin Tian smiled wryly, "Come back?"

   "Don't think about it!" Daxian Zun shouted, and Lin Tian had to laugh, "Then I'll be welcome."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian took out the black jade pendant and increased the absorption. In an instant, the entire hood was shattered, and the nine Immortal Venerables retreated to one side.

The disciples of the Fan Sect were startled, and one of the nine immortals, one of the nine immortals, suddenly ran to Nangongyan while everyone was not paying attention, and a chain locked the neck of Nangongyan, and threatened, "Boy, she It's yours, right?"

  Nangongyan said, "You little man."

   "Shut up!" the man shouted, but Nangongyan couldn't stop at all and continued to curse in various ways.

  The Great Immortal saw the opportunity and stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, if you don't want her to die, just give up resistance."

  Lin Tian stared coldly at the person who controlled Nangong Yan, "Originally, I wanted to spare you, but if you want to provoke me, then I can only take care of you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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