Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2279: Nine Immortals

   Chapter 2279 Nine Immortals

   After thinking for a while, Lin Tian packed up his mood and walked out of the ghost book, while Nangongyan and Lu Jinye saw Lin Tian come out, and immediately recovered their spirits.

  The Fire King continued to light up everywhere, and the dryad could sense that Lin Tian was getting stronger again.

   "Big brother, are you an Immortal Emperor?" Nangongyan spoke first, while Lin Tianen said, "One Star Immortal Emperor."

   Lord Lu Jin immediately congratulated, "Congratulations, sir."

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Let's go."

  Nangongyan and Lu Jinye immediately followed, and the Fire King also left, but the tree spirit hesitated, "What about me?"

   "If you stay here, I will come to you again." Lin Tian didn't speak after he finished speaking.

  The tree spirit wondered why this Lin Tian still came to find him, and that Nangongyan didn't understand, and asked as he walked, "Big brother, why did you let it stay here?"

   "There are masters in this mortal sect, who often enter the ghost realm through this abyss, and it can be my eyeliner."

   "Master? Could it be the owner of that voice?" Nangongyan was surprised, while Lin Tian shook his head, "No, but it must have been controlled by that voice."

  Nangongyan wondered, "What is the origin of that voice? Why are so many people controlled by him."

   "I want to know too." Lin Tian wanted to know more than anyone at the moment, but the other party was obviously trying to lead Lin Tian somewhere.

   This is also the reason why Lin Tian came to Fanmen, because he knew that according to the other party's instructions, he would definitely find Tianluo.

   But Lin Tian didn't tell anyone, but guessed silently by himself.

  But when Lin Tian and the others walked out of the ghost cave and passed through the Bone Mountain, there were people everywhere.

   These people are all masters from all over the Fan Sect, and they have also arranged a large formation, waiting for Lin Tian to come out.

   That Ghost Corpse Lord and Elder Qin immediately shouted to some black sedan chairs behind them, "It's him."

   There are nine of these black sedan chairs, and they all look the same.

   "Big brother, what are these sedan chairs? They all look like skulls.

  Lin Tian smiled, "It's just a trick to scare people."

  Nangongyan snorted, but the Qin elder laughed, "Boy, scare people? Do you know who they are?"

   "Who, is it important?" Lin Tian asked back, and the Qin elder hummed, "These are the nine immortals of our mortal sect."

   Lin Tian said, "I don't want Immortal Venerable, I want you guys with Immortal Venerable Shadow."

  Lin Tian's words immediately caused laughter from these people, especially the elder Qin, who laughed strangely, "Boy, didn't you say you're not afraid of Immortal Venerable? Why do you say now that you don't want to see Immortal Venerable?"

   "I said, I don't need it, it's not that I don't want to see it." Lin Tian corrected himself, but in everyone's eyes, Lin Tian was just frightened.

   Even the ghost corpse teased, "Boy, today is your day of death."

  Lin Tian stared at the disciples and said with a smile, "Let's try your strength first."

   Before everyone could react, Lin Tianjiu's avatars dispersed.

   Not only that, the nine avatars radiated nine kinds of light, and those who were in the front, the Immortal Venerable Shadows automatically appeared, and even these Immortal Venerable Shadows separated from them one by one and flew to the nine avatars of Lin Tian.

   Everyone was shocked, "My cultivation base!"

   "My Immortal Shadow!"

   The people in the nine large sedan chairs were immediately startled, and one person shouted, "Stop!"

After    finished speaking, a golden light sword shadow flew out, split directly in mid-air, and hit Lin Tianjiu's clone.

  Lin Tian had to put away the eight clones, leaving the soil clones.

  Those sword shadows immediately gathered and hit Tufen, but they dinged, and then the sword shadow disappeared, but nothing happened to the person.

   Those disciples were frightened and hid behind the nine large sedan chairs. Even Elder Qin said in the back, "Boy, you are dead!"

   The Immortal Venerable who shot just now was a little surprised, "This won't kill you."

   "Your strength is too weak." Lin Tiantu's clone said directly, and the immortals in the nine sedan chairs were naturally unhappy.

  Some people even said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, how could the power of our Immortal Venerable be tainted by you?"

   "Yes, we are all immortals, very powerful."

   In the face of these people's complaints, Lin Tian laughed and stared at them and said, "If you have the ability, come out. If you don't have the ability, I will continue to clean them up."

   After finishing speaking, the earth clone turned on its full firepower and flew directly over, absorbing all the immortal shadows of the earth-type immortals.

   Those people were so frightened that they fled everywhere, and the Nine Great Immortal Venerables couldn't stand it any longer, especially the one who just took out the golden sword and flew out of the sedan chair.

   I saw that he was carrying a golden sword, and his body was shining with golden light, and he punched Lin Tian with a palm in the air.

   Lin Tian's powerful body was directly knocked into the air and penetrated a nearby mountain.

  The crowd immediately cheered, and Elder Qin even admired him, "Jinjianzun, really amazing."

  The person whose title is Jinjianzun stared at the ruins in the distance with arrogance, "Boy, can you still fight?"

   At this time, Lin Tian stood behind Jin Jianzun and said with a smile, "You Immortal Venerable, it's not very good."

   Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened, and that Jin Jianzun never thought that Lin Tian would run behind him, so he quickly turned around and stared at Lin Tian angrily, "Courtesy of death!"

   Finished speaking, the guy hit him with a palm, and Lin Tiantu's clone immediately turned into sand, and the other party shot empty on the spot.

   Everyone was blinded, and some people said timidly, "No way, Immortal Venerable can't take him?"

   "What the **** is this guy?"

   "That girl said he was Emperor Lin."


  Those people guessed one by one, while the Golden Sword Sovereign looked around angrily, "Get out of here!"

   "Don't worry." Lin Tian appeared again at this time, and he was standing behind an Immortal Emperor, and directly absorbed his Immortal Venerable Shadow.

   I saw the man screaming in fright, and then all the Immortal Venerable Shadows were abolished, and there were hundreds of thousands of Immortal Venerable Shadows.

   The others were stunned, and ran to the sedan chair again, seeking the protection of the other eight Immortal Venerables.

  Golden Sword Sovereign said, "Bastard!"

   At this time, Lin Tian appeared from a distance again, and smiled at those people, "You can't escape today."

   "Boy, who the **** are you!" The people in the sedan chair finally couldn't help but ask, and the people in the other sedan chairs became curious too.

   Jin Jianzun even shouted, "Boy, Daxianzun asked who you are!"

   "Great Immortal?"

   "That's right, we are the oldest person here." The Golden Sword Sovereign hummed, while Lin Tian said with a loud voice, "So that's what happened."

   "Should we say it now?" The Great Immortal Venerable asked again, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Didn't they say it? I'm Emperor Lin!"

   Daxianzun was a little unhappy, "Boy, do you think it's fun to joke?"

   "Just kidding? Do you think I'm joking?" Lin Tian smiled helplessly, and the Great Immortal Venerable became more and more impatient, "You'd better answer the truth quickly, or we will join forces with the nine, and you won't survive!"

   (end of this chapter)

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