Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2257: Inside the Demon Palace

   Chapter 2257 Inside the Demon Palace

   Outside at the moment, a huge palace has appeared, and there is a plaque hanging on this palace, which is the one just now, "Magic Palace".

   At the same time, there was a colorful light sprinkled on the palace above the palace, making it look very majestic, and the demons on the clouds were stunned.

  Some people are still demented and said, "This is the Demon Palace?"

   "Me, do we want to go down?" Some people are already ready to move, and some people are even more active and leap down.

After    reached the bottom, the man found that the power that restrained everyone had disappeared, so he shouted excitedly, "It's alright."

   The other Demon Venerables also fell, but the Great Sound Demon Venerable was on guard against Lin Tian and kept his eyes on Lin Tian.

   "Go in." Lin Tian smiled at Zi Lei Demon Venerable, and Zi Lei Demon Venerable was looking forward to it, until Lin Tian said this, he took a deep breath and walked to the front.

   When the others saw this, they also followed, until after a while, everyone came to the palace.

  I saw this, there are bookshelves everywhere, and there are indeed many books on these bookshelves, but these books have powerful powers, and those people can't open them at all, and they can't check them.

  Lin Tian was curious about how this Demon Palace came from.

   "Sir, everything here is blocked by a force and cannot be viewed at all." At this time, the little old man planned Lin Tian's thoughts and stared at Lin Tian curiously.

  Lin Tian stepped forward and said with a bottle of medicine, "These powers are nothing."

When the    voice fell, Lin Tian absorbed the energy around the bottle, and then the bottle fell into Lin Tian's hand.

  Everyone immediately showed envious expressions, and they all wanted to curry favor with Lin Tian, ​​but when they thought that Lin Tian had cheated them, they didn't dare to go forward.

   Zilei Demon Venerable was agitated in his heart, his eyes lit up, "Can you share some of this with us?"

  Lin Tian threw the bottle over, "It's just an ordinary magic pill, I don't like it yet."

   But Zi Lei Demon Venerable looked at the medicine pill inside and said excitedly, "Thank you."

   Others also wanted it, especially the little old man said, "Sir, I'll follow you first, can you give me some too."

  Lin Tian released a ghost, absorbed the surrounding power one by one, and said, "I will pick it first, and then give it to you."

   "Yes." Everyone nodded wildly, but after Lin Tianyi picked out several bottles one by one, their hearts were bleeding.

   As for Lin Tian, ​​he chose four kinds of magic pills: wind, thunder, light, and darkness.

  Because the medicinal materials contained in these medicinal herbs are only available in the God Realm, and the attribute power contained in these medicinal materials is no worse than that of Demon Venerable Immortal.

   Therefore, Lin Tian, ​​after absorbing one by one wind, was promoted to the Seven Star Immortal King, the Thunder Element Immortal Throne, and then Lin Tian absorbed it again.

  Just like that, Lin Tian went from the Six-star Immortal King to the Nine-star Immortal King, the Dark Immortal Throne.

  However, there are very few dark drugs here, so Lin Tian stayed at the Nine Stars Immortal King and could not continue to attack.

  Lin Tian had to say to everyone, "Okay, take away the rest of the medicinal pills."

  Those people were overjoyed and stepped forward one after another, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Those who did not submit to me should not be touched!"

   Dayin Demon Venerable was furious, "Why!"

  Lin Tian smiled and looked at Zi Lei Mozun and the others, "Then you ask them."

   At this moment, Zi Lei Demon Venerable was naturally standing in Lin Tian's place, so he said to the big voice demon, "You guys, please submit yourself, anyway, there is no loss."

   Let these Demon Venerables submit to an Immortal King, it is a shame for them, so these people look ugly.

   "What are you thinking about?" Zi Lei Demon Venerable said coldly, and Zi Lei Demon Venerable was the strongest, others saw him speak for Lin Tian, ​​so those people had to submit one by one.

   Even the big voice devil looked at Lin Tian helplessly, "Listen to you, that's it."

   "That's great." Lin Tian smiled at the big voice demon.

   Then Lin Tian put the soul imprint in everyone's body before letting them choose the medicine pill.

   Zilei Demon Venerable couldn't help but said, "Well, can those secrets be unlocked as well?"

  Lin Tian smiled at them, "Those are all divine methods, and you need to become a **** to use them, and you can get them for nothing, so don't waste your time."

   "Ah? Really?" Zi Lei Demon Venerable was a little lost, and the others were even more depressed. After all, they came here to get divine pills and some powerful spells.

  Lin Tian didn't want to explain too much to them. Instead, he walked around and stared at a wall with a smile and said, "If you want those spells, you might as well choose these."

   Everyone went over and saw some small stones floating on the wall, and these small stones flickered and even had a powerful force.

"What is this?" Zilei Demon Venerable wondered, and other Demon Venerables also wanted to know. As for Lin Tianxiao, he said, "Mortals can become immortals, but they cannot condense immortals. The same is true for immortals or demons, in order to become gods, they must have a godhead, and these are."

   Everyone was startled one by one, and some people stammered, "Doesn't matter, if we absorb it, we can become gods?"

   "Theoretically, this is the case, but it takes time and talent to absorb Godhead."

   "Time and talent?" Someone became demented, but Lin Tian laughed, "If you have a good talent, you can absorb it in ten years, but if you have a bad talent, it may not be absorbed well in a thousand or ten thousand years."

   These words poured cold water on everyone on the spot, but Zi Lei Demon Venerable said, "No matter what, we want to try."

   Someone else said, "Yes, it's better to try than never!"

  Lin Tian looked at these Demon Venerables and said with a smile, "That's fine, you can refine it, but it's better to choose your own attributes."

   Everyone was overjoyed and rushed forward to choose, but Lin Tian was not interested in the godhead, because there was no dark godhead here, so he did not stay here, but continued to wander around here.

   At this time, there was a faint breath on a stone pillar in the main hall, and Lin Tian walked over curiously, stared at the stone pillar carefully, and found that a beast soul was sealed on the stone pillar.

   It's just that this beast soul looks very weak, but Lin Tian put one hand on the stone pillar and began to communicate with the other party with consciousness.

   "Why are you here." Lin Tian asked there, and the beast soul was shocked when he saw that someone sensed him, "I, I was sealed here."

   "Man? God?"

   "That's right." The other party said kindly, while Lin Tian was curious, "Why did the other party seal you?"

   "Let me wait here."

   "Wait for someone?" Lin Tian was even more curious, and the beast soul said, "Tell me, there is a man named Lin Di who will come here and find me."

  Lin Tian's face changed drastically, "Then do you know who that person is? And his aura? And his cultivation? Or his appearance."

   The other party looked embarrassed, "I don't know anything."

   "You really don't know anything?" Lin Tian was immediately depressed.

   (end of this chapter)

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