Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2256: magic plaque

   Chapter 2256 Magical Plaque

   Zilei Demon Venerable heard this, but couldn't help but smile at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, cooperation is not like this."

   "Then why do you make me believe that you can cooperate sincerely?" Lin Tian smiled at the Zi Lei Demon Venerable, and Zi Lei Demon Venerable hesitated, "Then let's go together? How?"

   "Aren't you afraid that I will pit you?" Lin Tian smiled at Zilei Demon Venerable, and Zilei Demon Venerable smiled and said, "Go down together, if you want to be pitted, you will also be pitted together."

   "Okay." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he stepped into the dark cloud, and then slowly fell, and after vacating a certain distance, he smiled at the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable and said, "Can you come down?"

   Zilei Demon Venerable was a little nervous in his heart, and the big voice demon reminded, "Be careful, the other party, it's not easy to solve."

   Hearing this, Zi Lei Demon Venerable took a deep breath, then went down cautiously, and guarded Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian smiled and looked at him who fell one by one, until the two were parallel, the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable said, "Let's go."

   "Yes." After Lin Tian finished speaking, the two continued their whereabouts.

   Then the breath of the two became weaker and weaker, and the people above their heads muttered.

   "Look, their power has diminished."

   "This place is so weird."

   At this moment, the two of them encountered the mountain one after another, and their breaths had reached extremely low levels, just like mortals.

   But the corners of the Zilei Demon Venerable's mouth twitched, "Boy, you're done."

"I am done?"

   "Yes, at this point, you and I are weakened, but I am still much stronger than you." The Purple Thunder Demon Venerable smiled at Lin Tian.

   "Are you sure, you are much stronger than me?"

   "Bullshit, you are like a mortal now, and me? At least it's the strength of Earth Demon."

  Lin Tian knew that the Earth Demon was an Earth Immortal, but Lin Tian smiled at him, "I advise you not to think otherwise, or you will regret it."

   "Regret? It's ridiculous! How could I regret it!" The Purple Thunder Demon Venerable didn't take it seriously at all, but Lin Tian smiled at him, "Then you're optimistic."

  Everyone was curious about what Lin Tian was going to do, and in the next moment, Lin Tian's breath all recovered and he reached the Immortal King, and he was also a Six-Star Immortal King.

   The Purple Thunder Demon Venerable stared wide-eyed on the spot, "You."

  The people in the air were also stunned, and some people were still demented, "He, why did he recover again?"

  Lin Tian smiled at Zi Lei Demon Venerable, "Actually, the surrounding power has no effect on me at all."

   "But I just saw that you have been weakening all the time." The Purple Thunder Demon Venerable said angrily, but Lin Tian smiled at him, "That's because I deliberately pretended to show you."

   Zilei Demon Venerable stared at Lin Tian as if his nostrils were burning with rage, "You, you big liar!"

   "I said just now, if you have other ideas, you will regret it, but you don't listen, so you can't blame me." Lin Tian smiled slightly, and hit him with a false death.

   How could this Purple Thunder Demon Venerable be able to withstand it? He was knocked flying on the spot, and the Ghost King immediately possessed him.

   Zi Lei Demon Venerable's expression changed greatly, "What's going on here?"

  Lin Tian smiled at Zi Lei Demon Zun, "Come here, let me take a good look at your memory."

   Zilei Demon Venerable looked ugly, and looked at Lin Tian angrily, "What do you want?"

  Lin Tian ignored it and directly entered the soul imprint, looked at his memory one by one, and finally took out the picture, "How did you get this picture."

   "I was cultivating one day, and it suddenly fell in front of me." This Zilei Demon Venerable knew that it was useless to lie, so he had to say it one by one.

   "Oh? It suddenly fell in front of you?"

"Yes, after I fell, I was very excited, but I knew that it was difficult to rely on my own strength, so I found other Demon Venerables, and discussed ways, and finally found Demon City, and I knew that the unity of Demon Continent can only be achieved. Open the Demon Palace."

  Lin Tian was lost in thought, and the Zi Lei Demon Zun said anxiously, "I'm telling the truth, I didn't lie to you."

   "I didn't say you lied to me, it's just that this thing can't come to you for no reason, unless that person is too powerful, you can't find him."

   Zilei Demon Venerable was suspicious, "I'm already very strong, I won't know if someone will send something to me."

  Lin Tian laughed when he heard this, "That's because the other party is much stronger than you, and he may even be a person from the God Realm."

   "What?" Zi Lei Demon Venerable was shocked, while Lin Tian was lost in thought.

   Until the mountain had a weird smell, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then let's take a look at what the so-called Demon Palace is."

   "Is there really a Demon God Palace here?" The Zi Lei Demon Venerable asked curiously, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "It's not easy to make people lose their strength, so it's not easy to have a Demon God Palace, so is it important to have a Demon God Palace?"

   Zilei Demon Venerable wondered, "But aren't you all right?"

   "I have my own way." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to walk in the mountain, and Zi Lei Demon Venerable was very depressed at the moment, but he had no choice but to follow Lin Tian like a little follower.

   Everyone in the air looked at each other in dismay, and some people said, "Now, what should we do?"

"What can we do, wait, let's see if they find it." Demon Venerable You said helplessly, and Demon Venerable Dayin had an ugly expression when he saw that Demon Venerable Zi Lei was taken down by Lin Tian, ​​"Damn it. "

  For Lin Tian, ​​he released a ghost there, and searched in this mountain, and finally found a small hole in one place.

   This hole can allow two or three people to enter and exit, and Lin Tian stood there, staring at the demonic energy that emerged inside and said, "It should be here."

   "In here, there will be news of the Demon Palace?" Zilei Demon Venerable asked anxiously, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "If you go there, you won't know."

  Purple Thunder Demon Venerable was worried, especially when he approached the entrance of the hole, he found that his strength was weakened a lot.

  Lin Tian walked in step by step, and the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable finally gritted his teeth and followed.

   About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Tian and Zilei Demon Venerable came to the deepest part of the cave, and there was a plaque there.

   "Magic Palace".

   Zilei Demon Venerable went over and picked up the plaque with a demented face, "Why is there only one plaque left?"

"It's definitely not that simple." Lin Tian stared at the plaque and fell into contemplation, and the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable was puzzled, but he put the plaque down and looked at the cave walls, "Here, there seems to be nothing but the inability to exert power. special."

   "If you can't use your power, you are already very powerful." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he came to the central area, closed his eyes, and used the space peeping technique.

   Zilei Demon Venerable didn't know what Lin Tian was doing, so he stared at him curiously until after a while, Lin Tian suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, "There is a hidden mystery here."

   "Hidden mystery?"

   "Yes, double space." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he attacked in some directions. After a while, the surrounding space suddenly changed drastically.

Not only that, but even the whole mountain began to shake, but Lin Tian and Zi Lei Demon Venerable found that the ground under their legs suddenly grew taller, and the rock above their heads cracked even more, and a huge crack appeared. Let the two rise with the boulder and rush out.

   (end of this chapter)

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