Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2100: Shock Wanxiandao

   Chapter 2100 Shocking Myriad Immortals

The old orangutan was obviously not going to succumb to humans, so he stared at Lin Tian arrogantly, while Lin Tian smiled and watched him and the other immortals present for a while, then took out some immortal stones, then turned around and walked around in the maze behind him. .

   "Elder, what is he doing?" Shi Renhu asked, but the old orangutan didn't understand, "I don't know what he's doing either."

  The other immortals and monsters were also puzzled, until Lin Tian walked out, pointed behind him and said with a smile, "The formation here has been transformed by me, so if you want to go out, you have to ask me."

   These fairy monsters looked at each other after hearing this, while the old orangutan laughed, "Boy, don't be naive, that's impossible!"

   "Impossible? Do you think I'm joking with you?" Lin Tian asked back, but the monsters didn't believe it, so some monsters ran over and tried, but they couldn't get out.

   Some monsters also shouted, "The road is gone!"

   "How is this possible?" The old orangutan was shocked, and the stone man also ran over to look at it and said anxiously, "Elder, it's not good, the intersection is gone."

  The old orangutan got angry when he heard this, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, do you want to live or die?"

   "Oh? At this time, are you still threatening me? Then you come, I want to die, but I'm afraid you won't kill me." Lin Tian wished that the other party would do something.

   The old orangutan stared angrily at Lin Tian, ​​"I will fulfill you if you are going to die."

   After that, the white light flickered on the old orangutan's body, and the power of the surrounding immortal veins gathered on it crazily.

  Lin Tian laughed when he saw it, "It's interesting."

   "It's boring to wait!" The old orangutan is gradually getting younger now, and he is full of energy, and his breath has become stronger.

   Until a while, the old orangutan punched, and a white light hit Lin Tian heavily, directly knocking Lin Tian into the air.

  Lin Tian slammed heavily on the rocks, and these rocks were very hard, even so, Lin Tian did not shatter those rocks.

   But the most strange thing for all the immortals is that Lin Tian has nothing to do.

   "Isn't that impossible?" A fairy beast stared wide-eyed and looked incredulous, but Lin Tian was very calm, and smiled at the old orangutan, "Are you still coming?"

  The old orangutan stared at Lin Tian for a while and said, "Are you all right?"

   "You're too weak." Lin Tian looked at it with a smile, and the old orangutan was very unwilling, especially after being so despised by Lin Tian, ​​he said, "Boy, then look at it!"

  The strength of this old orangutan became more and more powerful, and then he hit Lin Tian's golden body, and then the tenth layer of golden body was broken a little bit, but only a little bit.

  For Lin Tian, ​​it didn't have much effect at all and sighed, "It seems that your power can't help me."

   Hearing this, the old orangutan stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you?"

   "This question, you study slowly."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand, and then a pen appeared and drew there, while the other fairy monsters stared at Lin Tian as if they were looking at monsters.

   After about a while, something unexpected happened, the old orangutan was immediately trapped by a chain.

   The old orangutan was startled, and then began to struggle, but the beast soul broke away from the body little by little, and the other fairies and monsters present were frightened.

  Lin Tian smiled at the old orangutan, "Are you satisfied?"

   "I refuse to accept it!" At first, the old orangutan was still struggling, but Lin Tian continued to pull it. It wasn't until after a while that the old orangutan panicked, "I have given it, I have given it!"

  Lin Tian gave a weird smile and let the Ghost King pass through before letting it return to his body.

   Lin Tian put away the pen, and those fairies stared at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian stared at the old orangutan, "Come on, make a contract."

   "Contract?" The old orangutan became nervous, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "What? Can't you?"

  The old orangutan didn't want to, but his body was involuntarily controlled, and he took the initiative to make a contract with Lin Tian.

   The other fairy monsters were already frightened and didn't know what to do. As for Lin Tian, ​​he picked up his mood and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

  Those monsters had nowhere to escape, so they could only compromise one by one, until Lin Tian packed up his mood and said with a smile, "From today onwards, I'm going to practice here, don't disturb me, you know?"

   Those fairy monsters nodded, and Lin Tian then opened the labyrinth passage to let them out, while Lin Tian himself set up a formation here, preparing to assist Old Ancestor Ning to attack the 10,000 Immortal Dao.

  But the stone man who walked outside said depressedly, "Elder, in the future, can we only listen to him?"

   "We've already made a contract with him, what do you want?" the old ape asked, and the stone man was very unwilling, "I didn't expect that we would lose to a human."

   "Whether you want to or don't want to, anyway, now that we have been controlled, just do our thing well, don't let some guys come here to make trouble."

   "Yes, elder." After the old orangutan finished speaking, he could only take those fairy monsters to guard here.

  Lin Tian was busy inside for a while, and then released Old Ancestor Ning, while Old Ancestor Ning looked around, and after a formation, he said curiously, "This is it."

   "A filtering array can filter the immortal energy outside and around it into a thick immortal energy." Lin Tian explained to him.

   Old Ancestor Ning was very excited when he heard this, "Then, can I attack the Immortal Dao here?"

   "Well, take out all the top-quality fairy crystals."

   This ancestor Ning quickly took out the top-quality fairy crystals, but Lin Tian did not let him absorb them immediately, but took out these top-quality fairy crystals and embedded them in the formation.

In this way, the formation has become different, and the top-quality immortal crystals have become more powerful under the blessing of the formation, making Ancestor Ning feel unusual at first glance and said, "Sir, these immortal crystals have become different. already."

   "Now these immortal crystals will always absorb the surrounding immortal energy, so the consumption will be slower. At the same time, you are here, with the blessing of countless top-quality immortal crystals, it will be easier for you to break through."

   "Sir, really?"

   "Well, let's start." Lin Tian stared at him, and after activating the formation, a powerful force rushed into this ancestor Ning's body.

   Ancestor Ning's Immortal Dao began to increase, and the increase rate was very fast at the beginning, and it was quickly blessed one by one.

   Ancestor Ning felt such a fast blessing for the first time, so he said with great excitement, "Okay, that's great."

  Lin Tian was also satisfied, and continued to watch there.

  In this way, the days passed, until one day a few months later, the outside of the cave was lively.

  Lin Tian felt a lot of strong aura outside, and then looked at Old Ancestor Ning who had only the last one left, "Finally, hurry up."

   "Sir, this last one is really difficult." The old ancestor Ning said depressedly, while Lin Tian stared at the top-quality immortal crystals around, and then muttered, "Now we can only rely on the surrounding immortal energy and the remaining immortal crystals."

   After muttering to himself, Lin Tian took out the black jade pendant and accelerated the approaching of the immortal energy around him, making the immortal energy in the formation more concentrated, and after the immortal crystal would also be affected, he began to increase his strength to inject energy into Old Ancestor Ning.

   (end of this chapter)

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