Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2099: frighten the fairies

   Chapter 2099 Frightening the fairies

   The white orangutan sighed helplessly, "Let's rest."

   When these fairy monsters were going to rest, something unexpected happened, Lin Tian's voice came from the ruins, "What? Do you want to bury me like this?"

   Everyone was startled when they heard this, and Lin Tian climbed out of the ruins at this time, and smiled at the stone man, "Your strength is good, but it's still a little lacking."

  Lin Tianbian said, looking at his golden body, there is still one thirtieth, but it is precisely this point, which is also the most difficult to break.

   But in the eyes of these immortals, Lin Tian is a weird human being, and the stone man was not reconciled, jumped over, came to Lin Tian again, and punched Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian was kicked away again, and those fairy monsters were curious about whether Lin Tian died this time. As for the old orangutan, he became solemn, "Isn't he still dead?"

   The stone man believed in himself, "I have used a lot of power just now, and I should be able to kill him."

   "But, I sensed his breath." The old orangutan looked solemn after looking at the thick fog ahead.

   But everyone thought the old orangutan had an illusion, and even the stone man said, "Elder, don't worry, he will surely die."

   "Oh? Really? But why do I feel that something is wrong!" The old orangutan always felt uneasy.

   At this moment, in the fog, a figure gradually came over, and everyone was terrified when they saw this scene, they couldn't even believe it, it was Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian was still standing there at the moment, smiling at the fairies, "How about you, who else wants to try?"

   These fairy monsters were so frightened that they couldn't even believe that this Lin Tian would be fine.

   "What? Not coming?" Seeing that these immortals were unmoved, Lin Tian felt a little lost, and he walked towards them step by step.

  The stone man was unwilling, roared, turned into countless stones, and quickly smashed at Lin Tian, ​​and then exposed Lin Tian's head and body parts, all wrapped in stones, trying to crush him to death.

   But Lin Tian's golden body kept flickering, the stone man couldn't do anything to Lin Tian at all, but Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "That's right, it can be turned into a stone."

   Hearing Lin Tian's tone, the stone man became anxious and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You, you monster."

  The old orangutan said solemnly, "Come back."

  The stone man had to go back, and the old gorilla stared at Lin Tian after hesitating for a long time, "You, you really have some skills."

   "Thank you for the compliment."

  The old orangutan said solemnly, "But, here we are all about unity, so what you just experienced is the power of one, but if countless of them unite, you will be dead."

   "Oh? Is that so? Let me see!" Lin Tian smiled at the old orangutan, and the old orangutan said with a strange expression, "It's so, so I'll have to let you see."

   After finishing speaking, the old orangutan waved with one hand, and then a black force danced there, and all the fairy monsters gathered together and finally turned into a huge white monster.

  This monster has countless heads, countless arms, and the burst of aura is very strong, so powerful that Lin Tian stands there, as if seeing a mountain.

   Ke Lin Tian was very excited because he guessed that the other party could make him stronger.

   Sure enough, the next moment, a huge force condensed in front of the big monster and hit Lin Tian hard.

   Lin Tian's ninth-layer golden body was completely shattered, condensing the tenth-layer golden body, and Lin Tian's cultivation level also reached the Nine Star Immortal Monarch.

  Lin Tian smiled wryly when he saw this, "There is still a tenth floor."

   But those fairy monsters didn't know, they were still staring at Lin Tian, ​​but the old orangutan behind the monster was anxious, so he ordered the big monster again.

   This big monster once again shot out a force, but this time the tenth layer of the golden body, they didn't even break the corners, but Lin Tian was a little disappointed, "It's a bit weak."

   Those fairy monsters were unwilling to curse, and some even said, "Boy, don't be complacent."

   "That's right, believe it or not we killed you?"

   Hearing these fairies talking, Lin Tian laughed, "If you have the ability, just come, but if you don't have the ability, don't talk nonsense."

   These fairy monsters were despised by humans for the first time, so they complained, and the old orangutan quickly realized that Lin Tian was terrible, and ordered those fairy monsters, "Retreat."

   "Retreat?" This was the first time they had heard an order to retreat for so long.

  Lin Tian smiled at them, "Let's go?"

   Those fairy monsters broke away from the big monster one by one, and then fled one after another, and Lin Tian knew that this old orangutan was their leader, so Lin Tian's clone stood in front of this old orangutan and shot out.

  This old orangutan disappeared like a shadow, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "It seems that you old guy is the real old monster."

  Then the fairy monsters disappeared, but the voice of the old orangutan swayed, "Boy, don't mess with me, or I will be rude."

  Lin Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "I said, you were the one who messed with me just now, how could it be that I messed with you?"

   The other party had nothing to say, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Anyway, I must take you down today."

   "If you have the guts, come in and make sure you die in our labyrinth." The old orangutan hummed.

  Lin Tian smiled, and then the deity disappeared. As for the depths of this cave, those fairy monsters were gathering together.

  The stone man asked the old orangutan, "Elder, what should we do now?"

   The old orangutan hummed, "Can he come in this maze?"

  Those monsters thought it was impossible. After all, this labyrinth was very complicated, and outsiders could not come in at all except them.

   So these fairies were not worried at all, but after a while, a pile of sand appeared and turned into a figure.

   All the fairy monsters were startled, and then they stared at Lin Tian as if they were looking at monsters, and the old orangutan was even more startled, "Boy, how did you get in."

   "Me? When you came in just now, my avatar secretly followed you." Lin Tian smiled at them.

   When the old orangutan heard this, he immediately cursed, "Damn!"

   "Okay, stop scolding, let's have a good talk."

   "Talk? Talk about what?"

"I want to control you and ask you to protect me." Lin Tian stared at these monsters and said with a smile, and the old orangutan didn't know why Lin Tian asked them to protect the law, but they were here and never controlled by humans, so this The old orangutan said proudly, "Want to control us? You are dreaming!"

  Lin Tian heard this, but smiled at the old orangutan, "What? Don't let me control it?"

   "Yes, you just don't allow control, what's the matter? Do you have any questions?" the old gorilla hummed, while the other fairy monsters also became alert one by one.

   (end of this chapter)

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