Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2039: Ghost Beast Witch Ball

   Chapter 2039 Ghost Beast Witch Ball

  After the three of them stabilized, that Dongfang Qingming was the most uncomfortable, and lay on the ground and said in pain, "What kind of power is this, I feel that my body is not my own."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian also struggled to get up, "Directly attacking the immortal soul, and it is powerful and fast, it is impossible to resist."

  Lin Tian was fine, standing there, staring at the stone statue and the herd of beasts in the distance, and said with a smile, "Don't get close."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian walked over, and when the ghosts and beasts saw that Lin Tian had nothing to do, they were so frightened that they stepped aside and did not dare to block Lin Tian.

   "How is this possible?" The kitten was startled, staring at Lin Tian in disbelief, and inside the stone statue, an unbelievable voice came, "Boy, are you okay?"

   "What do you think?" Lin Tianxiao looked at the stone statue, and then condensed a mass of phantom in one hand, and the phantom was flashing black light at the moment, and the black light had lightning in it, it looked terrible.

   The ghosts and beasts in their eyes were frightened, and one by one, they were startled, but the ghosts and beasts in the stone statue said coldly, "You are a golden immortal, and you still want to hurt me?"

   "Your subordinates all thought so before, but in the end? Didn't I take them all down?" Lin Tian smiled at the stone statue.

   The ghost beast in the stone statue hummed, "That's them, I am me!"

   After finishing speaking, the stone statue suddenly came alive, turned into a little giant, and stepped on Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian smiled and said, "So you are not a ghost, but a human being."

   Hearing the person, Immortal Emperor Lanjian and Dongfang Qingming were both startled and stared at Lin Tian curiously and the thing that turned into a human figure.

   The human soul said coldly, "I am indeed a human, but I practice ghost beast art."

After    finished speaking, his foot had already touched Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian hit the opponent's foot with a ball of emptiness. The opponent immediately felt something stabbed in his foot, took it back in pain, and glared angrily, "Looking for death!"

   After finishing speaking, the man condensed a sword made of ghost energy in one hand, and then slashed at Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian avoided the opponent's attack and ridiculed him, "So, you want to take me too?"

   "It's more than enough to deal with you!" After the other party finished speaking, he continued to attack Lin Tian frantically, but Lin Tian let the other party attack.

   This made the man wonder, "What's going on here."

   "You only use ghost magic and soul magic, but I have a strong soul, and you two have no effect on me." Lin Tian smiled at this guy.

   This guy didn't believe it, so he tried several times, and the result was the same. In the end, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Okay, it's time to give up."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian borrowed the opponent's soul power to cast a powerful emptiness, and at close range, "Boom" down.

  The man was knocked flying on the spot, and the kitten ran over in fright, "Master, are you alright?"

   "I'm fine." The man felt uncomfortable, and the other ghosts and beasts were frightened. As for Lin Tian, ​​staring at him, "You are a human, why are you here."

   "Boy, if I say it, you will let me go?" At this moment, the other party deeply knew that Lin Tian was not an ordinary person, so he looked at Lin Tian suspiciously.

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "It depends on the mood."

The other party became dignified, "There is a pool here, and some powerful ghosts and beasts will always fly out of it, and I am a ghost cultivator, and I also learn ghost and beast techniques, so I go with them. As for not leaving, that's because , Only here can we become stronger, but once we leave, our cultivation will be greatly reduced, even worse than the Immortal Emperor."

"Great reduction?" Lin Tian was suspicious, while Immortal Emperor Lanjian and Dongfang Qingmingye looked suspicious. As for the kitten, seeing Lin Tian's disbelief, he hummed, "There is a power in this underground that can make us stronger. At the same time, when we stay away from it, it also makes us weaker!"

  Lin Tian was suddenly very interested, "Take me to see."

   That man got up, stared at Lin Tian, ​​and then asked strangely, "Are you sure it won't hurt me?"

   "You don't mess with me, don't cheat, I won't hurt you."

  These ghosts and beasts immediately looked at each other, and then let the "king" lead the way, so the human led them to a ladder and went down the ladder.

   As for the other ghosts and beasts, these ghosts and beasts had been abolished by Lin Tian before, but after entering this underground, their soul power gradually recovered.

   Especially the kitten, who suddenly recovered to its peak, while Immortal Emperor Lanjian gasped, "This is the first time I've seen such a strange thing."

   Dongfang Qingming was also frightened, "It's all recovered?"

  Lin Tian was suspicious, and the human said, "Their power is provided by the underground power. What you absorb is actually the underground power, and as long as they come here again, they will recover."

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "There are such strange things?"

   "You'll know when it arrives." After the man finished speaking, he continued to lead Lin Tian forward until he came to a basement and finally saw a huge ball.

   The ball was flickering with a thick ghostly aura, and it also flashed purple light. Immortal Emperor Lanjian, who saw it, was curious, "What magic weapon is this."

   That person said, "The closer you get to this thing, the stronger your soul power will be."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian was puzzled, "Then why don't we?"

   "You must be a ghost or beast, or practice ghost and beast art." The man explained, and Immortal Emperor Lanjian Oh Sheng, as for Lin Tian, ​​had already come to the ball, staring at the lines on it.

  I saw a few large characters engraved on it, "Ghost Beast Witch Ball."

"Ghost Beast Witch Ball? What is it?" Immortal Emperor Lanjian didn't understand, and Dongfang Qingming didn't understand. As for Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian explained, "It is rumored that there is a ball in the ghost realm that can bring infinite power to ghosts and beasts. Therefore, the ghost beast calls it the ghost beast witch ball, but it has been missing in the ghost realm for many years, and it can be found here."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian and Dongfang Qingming suddenly realized, and that person admired Lin Tian's extensive knowledge, so he said, "Yes, this is the ghost ball, a magical ball."

  Lin Tian touched it, and felt that there was a powerful soul power in it, then he smiled, "It's interesting."

  The crowd and those ghost beasts didn't know what Lin Tian was laughing at, but Lin Tian stared at them and said, "I want to absorb the power inside."

   The man and the ghosts and beasts were shocked, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I am absorbing the power contained in it, and it will not affect you."

  These ghosts and beasts were dubious, but Lin Tian began to refine them. Those immortal essences continued to enter Lin Tian's body, and Lin Tian's golden body changed little by little.

  Those ghosts and beasts could only watch from the side, but the kitten said to the human, "Master, should we sneak attack?"

   "He's so strong that sneak attacks are useless." The human gave up, and the kitten was depressed, "So, do you just let him go?"

   "It's fine that he didn't kill you, what are you thinking about?" the man reprimanded, and the kitten didn't dare to speak immediately.

  For Lin Tian, ​​his golden body was raised from seven stars to eight stars, and he even hit nine stars before he stopped.

   But this ghost beast witch ball is still strong and standing there, and Lin Tian wanted to move it and take it away, but found that it was out of control at all.

   "It seems that this magic weapon cannot be controlled by humans." Lin Tian muttered to himself.

   (end of this chapter)

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