Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2038: Cultivation soars

   Chapter 2038 The cultivation base skyrocketed

   Those ghosts and beasts were scared to the side when they saw this big guy. Obviously, this big guy is very prestigious here.

  Xiaoye saw it, and even shouted, "Hoohoo, hurry, save me!"

   "Big Huhu?" Lin Tian and the others wanted to laugh when they heard the name, but this Immortal Emperor Lanjian and Dongfang Qingming held back, so this ghost beast is very scary.

  I saw this ghost beast with a tiger-like appearance and a very sharp tail, and his eyes shone with black light, staring at Lin Tian, ​​"Let him go!"

   "What if I don't?" Lin Tian looked at it with a smile, and this one hooted and flicked his tail very fast. He wrapped the kitten in one stroke, sucked it, and put it on his back.

   At this moment, just like an instant, Dongfang Qingming and Immortal Emperor Lanjian didn't understand at all, so both of them were stunned.

  Lin Tian remained calm and silently looked at the ghost beast, while the ghost beast stared at Lin Tian, ​​"It's here, what I say!"

  The kitten shouted wildly on the back of this big huh, "Da huhu, clean up that guy, he sucked my cultivation away."

   "I will solve it." This shouted, and then swung his tail again, entangling Lin Tian, ​​and then a strong binding force bound Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian was immediately pulled by the other party in front of the shout, and the kitten jumped up, "That's great."

  Lin Tian smiled at the kitten, "Do you think you'll catch me like this?"

   "Nonsense, shouting can instantly restrain your soul power, making you useless." The kitten said proudly.

  Lin Tian smiled helplessly, and the big huh stared at Lin Tianbing and said coldly, "Why do you want to breathe its power."

   "No reason." Lin Tian smiled at this Dahuhu, and this Dahuhu said coldly, "We never take the initiative to hurt people, but if someone dares to hurt us, we won't be polite!"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Why are you welcome?"

   "Of course, I'll eat you!" After this shouting, he opened a big mouth, rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​and then swallowed Lin Tian.

  The kitten was overjoyed, "Okay, great!"

   Dongfang Qingming looked at Immortal Emperor Lanjian nervously, "Will he be alright?"

   "This, it should be fine, otherwise I should be dead now." Immortal Emperor Lanjian knew that he and Lin Tian were one, and if something happened to Lin Tian, ​​he would definitely have an accident, so he concluded that Lin Tian should be fine.

  But the surrounding ghosts and beasts showed greed and wanted to eat these two people, but the kitten looked at Da Huhu, "Da Huhu, is that guy dead?"

   "Not yet." That big whistle could feel something moving in his body, so he frowned.

   "How is that possible? He should be dead." The kitten was puzzled, and shouted helplessly, "I don't understand this either."

   "Then what do I do now?" Kitten was very depressed, and hesitantly said, "It's okay, I will continue to increase my efforts."

   After saying that, the big huhu fell to the ground, while the other ghosts and beasts watched curiously, and the kitten was waiting there.

   However, at this moment, in the belly of this ghost beast, that Lin Tian put one hand on the belly of this ghost beast, and then sucked the opponent's power.

   That ghost beast suddenly suffered severe pain, and even yelled, "Boy, what are you doing?"

   "Of course it **** your power."

   This one was so shocked that he quickly wanted to get Lin Tian out, but Lin Tian couldn't go out, so he just breathed there.

   Therefore, this big Huhu, who was lying on his stomach, suddenly rolled on the ground, as if it was very painful, and the other ghosts and beasts were startled.

   The ghost beast kitten said in a panic, "Hoohoo, what's wrong with you?"

   "I, I'm so uncomfortable!" This shouted in pain, and the ghost beast kitten was anxious, and began to shout to the other ghost beasts, "Quick, you guys, you go in and help!"

   "Go in?" The ghosts and beasts looked at each other in dismay, and the kitten said, "Just go into the belly."

   These ghosts and beasts snorted, and then turned into a shadow one by one and entered the body of this big Huhu.

   Dongfang Qingming, who was on the side, said suspiciously, "He won't mess around in this ghost beast, will he?"

   "Depending on the situation, he is abolishing this ghost beast." Immortal Emperor Lanjian said with a smile, and Dongfang Qingming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

  However, at this moment in the belly of this ghost beast, it is another scene.

   I saw batches of ghosts and beasts passing by, all of them being swallowed up by Lin Tian, ​​and finally fleeing.

  It wasn't until half an hour later that Lin Tian came out of the big whirring body, and Lin Tian looked at the escaped ghosts and beasts and said, "I didn't kill you, just because you weren't too bad."

   At this moment, all the ghosts and beasts here have almost been abolished. If Lin Tian wanted to kill them, it would be a piece of cake, so these ghosts and beasts looked at Lin Tian gratefully.

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian stared at Lin Tian and was surprised when he found that he was already the Seven Star Golden Immortal Queen, "Seven Stars?"

   Lin Tianen smiled, "Seven stars, it's no longer a problem to withstand the attacks of ordinary immortal emperors."

   "Amazing." Immortal Emperor Lan Jian worshiped, and Dongfang Qingming stepped forward to study the golden light on Lin Tian's body, "It's really different."

   But the kitten was anxious, "You bastard!"

   "Little guy, if I'm bad, you ghosts and beasts will all die." Lin Tian smiled at it, and the kitten said angrily, "Wait, my master is here, and I will kill you."

   "Oh? Let it come, so I can improve my cultivation." Lin Tian looked at it with a smile, while the kitten stomped his feet in anger, and the loud sigh sighed, "Little Leaf, stop making trouble, rest."

   "Hoohoo, I'm going to call my master out." The kitten continued to stomp, while the ground continued to vibrate like an earthquake.

   That Dongfang Qingming said in shock, "This little guy has no soul power, why does he still have so much strength to stomp his feet?"

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian was also puzzled, but Lin Tian stared at the kitten and muttered to himself, "The ghosts and beasts in the world are really extraordinary."

  The big huhu sighed helplessly, until the ground began to shake, and the kitten was very excited, "My master is here!"

   At this moment, a crack appeared not far away, and a huge stone statue appeared. This stone statue could not be seen at all, but there was a strong breath inside and asked, "Little Leaf, I said it, don't disturb me if it's okay."

   "Master, come and have a look, everyone has been abolished by him." The kitten pointed at Lin Tian aggrieved.

   The ghosts and beasts in the stone statue looked around and saw a group of powerful ghosts and beasts that had no soul power, and immediately startled, "What the **** is going on?"

  The ghosts and beasts rushed over and complained one by one, and the kitten even blamed Lin Tian. As for the ghosts and beasts in the stone statue, he said, "Damn humans!"

   Then, a huge wave of powerful ghost energy directly hit Lin Tian and the others, knocking them all flying.

  The kitten was very excited, "Okay, kill them!"

   (end of this chapter)

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