Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2032: There are villas

   Chapter 2032 There are villas

  Dongfang Qingming was listening to Lin Tian's voice transmission, and then stared at Lin Tian with a strange expression, "Are you sure this is okay?"

   "You try!" Lin Tian smiled and looked at Dongfang Qingming, and Dongfang Qingming condensed a hood according to Lin Tian's method.

   But this hood is not an ordinary hood, it is black, and when the surrounding ghosts rush over, they will lie on this black hood, making the hood thicker.

   "How is it? Are you comfortable?"

   "It's quite comfortable, and that feeling is gone." Dongfang Qingming was surprised, and stared at Lin Tian strangely.

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian asked curiously, "What method is this?"

   "The ghost hood of the Immortal Emperor Ghost Demon." Lin Tian smiled strangely, while the Dongfang Qingming widened his eyes, "You said this is a ghost hood?"

   "What? I used it myself, but I don't know?" Lin Tian smiled and looked at Dongfang Qingming, and Dongfang Qingming became suspicious, "It seems to be very similar to the rumored one."

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, "Let's go."

   Dongfang Qingming immediately went to experience this hood excitedly, and then asked Lin Tian how he learned it, and Lin Tian said that he passed it on to the Ghost Demon Emperor.

   This made Dongfang Qingming depressed and said, "Don't always say that you are that Lin Emperor."

  Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "It's all like this, you still don't believe it, what can I do?"

  Dongfang Qingming couldn't argue with that, so he had to slowly feel the hood by himself, while the one staring in the distance was vague and suspicious, "What kind of hood, is it all right again?"

When    was in confusion and doubts, a group of people appeared in front, and they were wearing black wooden armor and stopped them.

   "Here, it is forbidden to enter." The man who took the lead also painted some camouflage with green liquid on his face, staring at Lin Tian and others like a savage.

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian immediately let go, "Why can't you enter?"

When these people saw that it was a nine-star Immortal Emperor, they were immediately taken aback, so they were much more polite, especially the person who stopped them just now said, "There is a group of powerful beasts inside, and now they are surrounded by people in the Moon Valley, and We just don't want outsiders to cause trouble."

   "Add chaos? Do you think we look alike?" Immortal Emperor Lanjian asked, and these people didn't know what to do. After all, Immortal Emperor Jiuxing was too powerful, so those people could only look at each other.

   Impermanence, then leaped over and arrived in front of those people, and when those people saw another Nine Star Immortal Emperor, their expressions became even more ugly.

   Impermanence stared at them and said, "Are you from Yueminggu Yueming Beast Village?"

   "Exactly." These people didn't expect anyone to know them, and the impermanence said with a smile, "I am the impermanence, the fifth person of the Immortal Emperor of the Yueming Xianyu."

   "What?" Everyone was startled, and the impermanence continued, "I am familiar with your village owner."

   These people looked at each other, and the impermanence continued, "You can contact your village owner to confirm."

   These people had to do the same, and after those people got confirmation, they respectfully said, "Master Yin."

   Impermanent pride rose, and then pointed at Lin Tian and the three of them, "You must stop the three of them for me."

   "Lord Yin, why is this?" Someone asked suspiciously, while Yin Impermanence glared, "If you want to do it, do it, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

   "But, they also have a nine-star Immortal Emperor." One person said embarrassedly, while Yin impermanence shouted, "Aren't your villas good at controlling beast herds? Hurry up and control the nearby beast herds and deal with these people well."

   "This." Those people looked at each other.

   Impermanently said, "Do you want me to invite your village owner?"

  These people didn't dare, so they took out horn-like things one by one and blew it, and then more and more people appeared nearby.

   Not only that, but there is also an eight-star Immortal Emperor, who is also wearing wooden armor, and said with a serious face, "What happened?"

   Those people reported it immediately, and said to this person, "Master Xu, it's up to you to decide."

   This person, Master Xu, stared at the impermanence and said suspiciously, "Xu Tianmo in Xia Shanzhuang."

   "I don't care what your name is, now I'll give you a task to take down the three of them." This impermanence said.

  Xu Tianmo hesitated and looked at the Immortal Emperor Lanjian, "Who is this?"

   "He, Immortal Emperor Lanjian, nothing, a little weaker than me." Yin Impermanence said, and everyone was startled when they heard the swordsman Immortal Emperor Lanjian.

   Xu Tianmo said embarrassedly, "Master Yin, he is so powerful, how can we fight?"

   "In that case, I'll entangle him and leave the other two to you, head office?" Yin Wuchang stared.

  Xu Tianmo felt that this was feasible, so he said, "No problem, I can solve the other two."

   "Okay, that's it."

After    finished speaking, Yin Wuchang stared at Immortal Emperor Lanjian, "Now I have a helper."

   "No matter how much help you come, it won't help him."

   "Fart." That Yin Impermanence didn't believe it, and immediately entangled Immortal Emperor Lanjian, preventing him from helping.

   As for Xu Tianmo, he fixed his eyes on that Dongfang Qingming, because he felt that this Dongfang Qingming was an immortal emperor, and Lin Tianmo was not enough to take it seriously.

   So this Xu Tianmo said to the others, "Leave that golden immortal to you, and I will deal with this immortal emperor."


   I saw Xu Tianmo release a rope and quickly entangle this Dongfang Qingming, while Dongfang Qingming looked at Lin Tian depressedly, "What should I do now?"

   "Aren't you very good? How come you're so cowardly?"

   "He's an eight-star Immortal Emperor, and I don't even have five stars." That Dongfang Qingming was very depressed, but Lin Tian said helplessly, "It seems that carrying you is really a burden."

   "You." Dongfang Qingming was speechless with anger, but Lin Tian looked at Xu Tianmo and smiled, "You guys should deal with me."

   After saying that, Lin Tian waved his hand, and the other party's rope flew to Lin Tian's hand, and Lin Tian turned it into "waste copper and iron".

  The people present were confused. They didn't expect a Jinxian to have such a powerful power, and that Xu Tianmo was annoyed, "Boy, this is a king-level magic weapon, you actually destroyed it?"

   "Don't talk about the king level, it's the **** level, and I can break it right away." Lin Tian said simply, and the Xu Tianmo said in a hurry, "Looking for death."

   The impermanence there is like watching the lively, "Quickly kill him!"

   What everyone can't figure out is that this Xu Tianmo can't do anything to Lin Tian no matter how he attacks Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian is still standing there and deliberately provoking, "Come on, don't waste your time."

   "You." Xu Tianmo was the first time he had met such a strange guy, so he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

  Others were apprehensive, and the impermanent scolded, "A bunch of trash, don't you have some powerful people in your villa?"

   Those people looked at each other in dismay, and finally looked at Xu Tianmo, and Xu Tianmo said depressedly, "It seems that I can only lead the herd to come!"

   (end of this chapter)

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