Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2031: Soul Killing Power in the Valley

   Chapter 2031 Soul Killing Power in the Valley

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "If I don't hide, I'm afraid you won't hurt me!"

   "It's ridiculous, I can't hurt you? Don't be naive!" After the impermanence finished speaking, a brown light flashed across the right palm, and the palm print landed in front of Lin Tian.

  The earth element immortal among the nine great immortals in Lin Tian's body immediately dominated the body, causing this impermanent attack to hit Lin Tian. Lin Tian only took a few steps back, and nothing else happened.

   "Is it all right?" The Impermanence looked strangely at Lin Tian, ​​while the Immortal Emperor Lanjian teased, "Yin Impermanence, either I scare you, or the first person in the Yueming Immortal Domain, I can't help him."

   "Don't lie to me! I'm not a fool!" This impermanence did not believe, and then he disappeared again. The next moment, the area where Lin Tian was, immediately turned into a swamp, and Lin Tian was sucked into the swamp, and then his whole body was fixed there.

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian frowned, "I said, you're cheating."

   "What's wrong with brushing? As long as you can catch people." This impermanence reappeared, and then said proudly.

Immortal Emperor Lanjian took a leap and wanted to save Lin Tian, ​​but a huge hand in the swamp blocked the Immortal Lanjian, and he smiled awkwardly, "Immortal Emperor Lanjian, my swamp is called the Swamp Swamp. , can be transformed into countless attacks, so if you want to save him, it depends on whether you can defeat me."

   Hearing this, Immortal Emperor Lanjian raised his brows, while that Dongfang Qingming was a little worried, and stared at Lin Tian and shouted, "Are you alright?"

   "It's just an immortal magic, it can't help me." Lin Tian finished speaking, shook his body, and then took a leap and left the swamp.

   This Impermanence was stunned, and looked at Lin Tian strangely, "This, how is this possible."

"What? Are you afraid?" Lin Tian smiled at this impermanence, but the impermanence immediately returned to his senses and snorted, "Boy, this only means that you broke my spell, but you want to say that I'm afraid of you? You think too much. too much!"

After    finished speaking, Yin Wuchang disappeared with a flicker, and the Immortal Emperor Lanjian looked around, "Leave?"

   "I didn't leave, but stay away from here, just peeping in the dark in the air." Lin Tian smiled bitterly, while Immortal Emperor Lanjian looked up and said with contempt, "I said impermanence, are you so cowardly?"

   An impermanent voice came from the air, "I'm not a coward, I just want to find a flaw in this kid and take care of him."

   "Then did you find it?"

   "I haven't found it yet." After the impermanence finished speaking, he cursed inwardly, "Damn it."

  Lin Tian ignored it and said with a smile, "Let's go."

  Lanjian Immortal Emperor's kindness, took Lin Tian and left, and when that Dongfang Qingming thought of a terrible guy in the sky, he was worried, "Will he suddenly attack him?"

   "His target is me, not you, what are you afraid of?" Lin Tian teased, and Dongfang Qingming said embarrassedly, "That's true."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian reminded Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, it's better to be careful, this guy can be elusive."

   "Don't worry, no matter how he gets out, he still can't escape my sight." Lin Tian said to himself, while Immortal Lanjian said kindly and followed silently, but Dongfang Qingming still looked around timidly.

   Until a few days later, they came to a valley and stopped in front of a huge stone tablet.

   This stele reads, "Yueming Valley, the first magical place in the Yueming Xianyu."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Is this Moon Valley so exaggerated?"

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian explained, "In this place, only people above the Immortal King hurry to go, so if you say the degree of danger, it is still quite big."

"Let's go, let's go and have a look first." Lin Tian couldn't wait and wanted to go in and have a look, but at this moment, the impermanence appeared, standing not far away, and asked strangely, "Boy, if you want to die, you don't have to be in such a hurry, right? "

"wanna die?"

   "Nonsense, just like a golden immortal like you, go in and still not die?" The impermanent self-righteous road, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Do you think I will die?"

"Of course, there is a strong ghost inside, and there is no fairy soul power above the fairy king. After entering, you don't even know how to survive." This impermanence frightened, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I am this person. , like adventure."

   "If you die inside, I won't be able to deal with the Xi'ao family." This impermanence said depressedly.

   "Can't meet? Could it be that you want to stop me?" Lin Tian asked back, and the impermanence stared, "Yes, I will stop you."

   After finishing speaking, this impermanence started to stop Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian smiled strangely, ignored the other party, and continued to move forward.

   That Immortal Emperor Lanjian made fun of this impermanence, "I'm not afraid to tell you, if you say that the immortal soul is stronger, he is definitely much stronger than you."

   "It's ridiculous! How strong can a golden immortal be?" The impermanence didn't believe it, and said with contempt.

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian said with a smile, "Follow and see, and you'll know."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian followed Lin Tian's pace, and Dongfang Qingming had already followed suit. As for this impermanence, he was suspicious, "Is this guy really so capable?"

   After muttering about the impermanence, he always felt unbelievable, so he followed sneakily behind him, wanting to see how this Lin Tian got into this Moon Nether Valley.

  For Lin Tian, ​​after entering the Moon Valley, you can feel the ghost energy here is very strong, and there is an invisible power around, and this power will attack the soul.

   This made Lin Tian couldn't help but ask, "Yue Minggu, has it always been like this?"

   "What?" The Blue Sword Immortal Emperor hadn't reacted yet, but Lin Tian looked around and said, "It just has the power to attack the soul."

   "Yes, this power is called soul-killing power. If the soul is weak, it will be killed by this soul-killing power, and the soul-killing power is different in different regions." The Blue Sword Immortal Emperor explained.

  Lin Tian understood and continued to move forward, while the impermanence watched Lin Tian keep walking and seemed to be okay, and then wondered, "It doesn't make sense, how could he be okay?"

Immortal Emperor Lanjian in front of him turned his head from time to time and smiled at the impermanent and strange one, until after a while, he could gradually see some ghosts and beasts, then Immortal Emperor Lanjian returned to his senses and asked Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, do you want to? Are you going to catch ghosts?"

   "I need a group of ghosts and beasts." Lin Tian disliked these ghosts and beasts, so he reminded the Immortal Emperor Lanjian.

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian quickly understood, "Come with me, I'll take you to see the ghosts and beasts."


  Lin Tian kept up with Immortal Emperor Lanjian and continued to move forward, while Dongfang Qingming began to be a little scared, because the killing power around him had become stronger and stronger, making him a little powerless.

   But he still insisted cheekily, until a quarter of an hour later, this Dongfang Qingming suddenly stopped, trembling all over, "I, I can't hold it anymore."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian said with contempt, "You are too weak."

   Dongfang Qingming was depressed, but Lin Tian smiled at Dongfang Qingming, "I will teach you a way, as long as you do it, you will be fine."

   "Really?" Dongfang Qingming was dubious, and Lin Tianen preached there privately, but the impermanence behind him was puzzled, "What are these two guys doing?"

   (end of this chapter)

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