Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1994: Nine Immortals and Ghosts, the crazy plan of the Beastmaster

   Chapter 1994 Nine Immortals and Ghosts, the crazy plan of the Beastmaster

   "Afraid? I won't come!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked into the lair directly under the attention of the beasts.

   These Beastmasters thought that Lin Tian would turn into bones, but Lin Tian walked in front of these Beastmasters intact.

   Not only that, Lin Tian also ridiculed these beastmasters, "The formation here is very strong, but it doesn't really have much effect on me."

   At this moment, these beastmasters have widened their eyes one by one, staring at Lin Tian in disbelief, while Lin Tian smiled at them, "What? Are you shocked?"

   "Who the **** are you!" The fox beast king was startled, but the wolf beast king didn't care, and shouted to everyone, "Don't talk nonsense with him, go directly! I'm afraid he won't succeed!"

   Some Beastmasters were also reckless and rushed over, but when those Beastmasters attacked Lin Tian frantically, they found that their attacks were ineffective against Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian laughed at them, "Your attacks are all aimed at the soul, but this, only those with weak souls will be hurt by you."

  The wolf beast king wondered, "Don't talk about you, you are the fairy soul of a nine-star fairy king. When you meet us, you have to kneel down and beg for mercy."

  The other beastmasters also stared at Lin Tian in confusion, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's them, not me!"

   But these Beastmasters didn’t believe it, and some Beastmasters were even more daring and rushed into Lin Tian’s body, while other Beastmasters followed suit.

   Only the fox and beast king didn't rush in, staring at Lin Tian as if he was thinking about something, while Lin Tian smiled at the eleven beast kings in his body and said, "Is there anything interesting in my body?"

   Those Beastmasters naturally threatened Lin Tian in Lin Tian's consciousness space, and some Beastmasters also said, "Boy, if you don't surrender, we will destroy your soul immediately."

   "Yes, let you know how terrible we are."

   "You better surrender now, or your death is coming."

  The Wolf Beastmaster even snorted, "A little human, how dare you fight us?"

  Lin Tian stared at these beastmasters and said with a smile, "You guys, which ghost capital is in the ghost realm, why are they all so stupid."

   "Stupid? How dare you say we are stupid?" The wolf beast king ran wild, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Isn't it? Even knowing that your attacks are ineffective against me, you still came to find my soul. This is not stupid, what is it?"

   These Beastmasters were stunned, feeling that there was such a truth, but they refused to admit it, and the Wolf Beastmaster hummed, "Boy, don't be complacent, we'll let you know what is better than death."

  Lin Tian smiled, "Oh? Is that so? Then you all come, I'll see what the eleven of you are capable of."

After he finished speaking, Lin Tian ignored them and continued to let them attack his soul in the space of his own consciousness, but he returned to his senses, returned to reality, and stared at the fox and beast king with a smile, "You beast king, you are still smart, you didn't talk to them. Just as stupid."

  Fox and Beastmaster stared at Lin Tian strangely, "How are they?"

   "They are still struggling." Lin Tian smiled at the Fox Beast King, but the Fox Beast King changed his expression and asked, "We have no grievances with you, why did you come to trouble us?"

   "There is no grievance or enmity, but someone asked me to solve the trouble here, so I will come and see." Lin Tian smiled at the fox and beast king.

  The Fox Beast King stared at Lin Tian suspiciously, "You will cause trouble for yourself."

   "Do you think I'd be afraid?"

   "We are all clones. If our deity comes, you will be miserable." The fox and beast king said coldly.

  Lin Tian smiled at the fox and beast king, "This deity? Come on, I'll be waiting here."

   "The passage, we are not ready yet, our deity cannot come." The fox and beast king said simply, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "The passage? Ready?"

   "Nonsense, we need to spend a lot of energy to come here, and we have to occupy the ghost star to get through."

  Lin Tian was suspicious, "Completely get through? What do you mean?"

  The Fox Beast King didn't say anything, and still stared at Lin Tiandao, "Anyway, we are bound to win this ghostly star."

   Lin Tian stared at the Fox Beast King, "Tell me, which Beast King of the ghost capital are you?"

   "Why tell you?"

   "It's okay, if you don't tell me, the eleven guys will tell me soon." Lin Tian laughed, while the Fox and Beast King stepped back, then turned around and disappeared.

  Lin Tian closed his eyes when he saw that the other party had escaped, but in this space of consciousness, the eleven guys were still thinking of ways to deal with Lin Tian.

  Lin Tianxie laughed, "It's naive to want to deal with me like this!"

  The Wolf Beastmaster hummed, "Don't be complacent!"

   "That's right, boy, when we figure out a way, we'll definitely show you a good look!"

  Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, "I won't waste my time!"

   In the next moment, the consciousness space was filled with emptiness, and the ghost and beast kings screamed one by one. In the end, Lin Tian also entered the soul imprint one by one.

   Not only that, Lin Tian also refined them one by one, so that Lin Tian's eighth light fairy appeared.

At this point, Lin Tianxiu has reached the Eight-star Heavenly Immortal, and has advanced a little bit, but the eleven ghost and beast kings are furious, and some shouted, "Boy, wait, our deity is here, we must kill your human beings. Light."

  Some Beastmasters said, "Yes, as soon as we arrive, you humans will all die!"

  Lin Tian read their memories one by one, and laughed strangely after seeing the memories, "So, you are the twelve beast kings of the Nine Immortals and Ghosts."

   "Boy, how did you know?" Some of the beastmasters were shocked, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "I have read your memories just now."

   Only then did the beasts know that the memories of their clones had been stolen, so they cursed one by one, but Lin Tian ignored them and sealed them all in the ghost book.

  Lin Tian returned to reality, but secretly muttered in his heart, "The Nine Immortals and Ghosts are so courageous, they dare to break the rules of the ghost realm, trespass on human beings, and even want to destroy human beings!"

   The most unexpected thing for Lin Tian is that these twelve ghost beasts also want to open up the big channel of this ghost domain and ghost star, so that some powerful ghost beasts and their deity can come.

But this is not what Lin Tian wants, because he knows that once the powerful ghost beasts of the ghost domain land on the ghost star, the humans of the ghost star will definitely lose. Not only that, these ghost beasts will also spread to other planets, and finally The entire immortal world and some monks will be miserable.

  Although Lin Tian is not a big hero, he still has many friends and disciples in Immortal Realm, so Lin Tian has to stop the crazy plans of these ghost kings.

   Therefore, Lin Tian packed up his mood and flew to this nest. When the ghosts saw Lin Tian coming in, they were startled one by one, "This guy is not afraid of this ghost formation."

   "No, it's crazy."

  Lin Tian ignored these little guys, but jumped directly to a hole, and then went directly inside.

   Inside, Lin Tian saw the twelve captains who were bound, and Lin Tian asked them, "Where's the fox and beast king?"

  The captains looked towards a corridor, obviously the fox and beast king was heading there, and Lin Tian took a leap and caught up behind him.

   (end of this chapter)

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