Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1993: A den that is said to be dangerous

   Chapter 1993 A lair that is said to be dangerous

  Lin Tian waited while thinking about it, and even hoped that the so-called Beastmasters would come quickly and refine it for himself.

   Something that surprised Lin Tian. After waiting there for a day, Lin Tian didn't see any trace, which made Lin Tian wonder, "These guys, don't you take revenge?"

   The ghost layman didn't understand, and looked around and said, "Since yesterday, not a single ghost or beast has appeared."

  Lin Tian felt weird, so he took out the ghost book and planned to let the twelve captains appear, but he didn't expect that an hour later, there was still no movement.

   "Strange, I can't be summoned." Lin Tian was puzzled, and the ghost layman asked curiously, "Will they be trapped?"

   "Maybe." After thinking for a while, Lin Tian looked at the big crab, "Go and find out."

   "Me?" The big crab was stunned, while Lin Tianen said, "It's not you, is it me?"

   "I, I'm going!" The big crab dared not to obey, and left quickly.

  Lin Tian continued to stay there until two hours later, when the big crab finally came back, and hurriedly said, "Hit, I heard."


   "The Twelve Beastmasters ordered that all the ghosts and beasts return to their nests and must not come out! So those ghosts and beasts all returned to their nests. As for the twelve captains, it is said that they were trapped." The big crab explained.

  Lin Tian wondered, "Return to the nest?"

  Big Crab explained, "In this forest, there is a big nest, which is connected to the ghost realm, and it is also the base camp for everyone. Only when there is a major event, the Twelve Beastmasters will order to return to the nest."

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Am I so scary? Let them all hide?"

  The big crab hesitated, "Master, you don't know, those ghosts and beasts compared you to a human demon!"

   "Human demons?"

   "Yes, as long as anyone touches you, the beast's soul will be weakened and you will abolish it, so none of those ghosts and beasts dare to come out at this moment." The big crab explained.

  Lin Tian had to get up and say with a smile, "I still have to go by myself, it's really troublesome!"

  The big crab reminded, "That nest is very threatening, and humans must not go in."

   "Isn't it the avatar of the Twelve Beastmasters? What's so scary?" That Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and the big crab explained, "It is said that someone once trespassed there, but who knew that as soon as they entered, they turned into bones."

   "Turn into bones?"

   "Yes, it is rumored that the lair has mysterious power, only ghosts and beasts can enter and exit freely, and other species, such as humans, cannot step in at all." The big crab explained one by one.

  Lin Tian smiled at the ghost monk, "Have you heard of it?"

   "This, no one dares to come, so I really don't know." The ghost layman explained, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then I will experience it."

  The big crab was frightened and reminded, "Master, this is not a joke."

   "Do you think I'm joking?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he smiled slightly and let the crab lead the way.

  The big crab had to lead the way, and the ghost layman followed, but at this moment, in the forest nest**, a huge formation flashed.

   This formation is gloomy, and inside this formation, there is a thick ghost fog, and it is impossible to see the situation ten steps away.

   But there are some voices coming from here, and the ghosts and beasts in this array heard the voice and were covered in hair.

   Some ghosts and beasts sighed, "These twelve captains are too pitiful."

   "Hey, who made them lose to that human."

   "It is said that it is still controlled by that human."

   "What's more, the cultivation base has been abolished, and now I can only be trapped and tormented by the twelve beast kings."

   The other ghosts and beasts sighed helplessly after hearing this, and in the deepest part of the cave, twelve captains were tied to different stone pillars.

   At the same time, in front of this stone pillar, there are twelve shadows, and these twelve shadows are the so-called beast kings.

   Hearing the black shadow of the wolf beast king was furious, "I didn't expect that a **** would make you like this."

   These captains were very helpless, especially the one-eyed wolf, who also said to the wolf beast king, "Your Majesty, that kid, it's scary."

   "Dare to say that?" The wolf beastmaster took out his whip and whipped it hard.

   This one-eyed wolf screamed in agony, and then the wolf beastmaster snorted and looked at the other beastmasters, "Everyone, what do you think?"

   Everyone looked at each other, and then a fox beastmaster made a middle-aged woman's voice, "I understand the whole situation."

   "What's the result?" the wolf beast king asked, and the fox beast king said, "That boy has a magic weapon that can restrain our ghosts and beasts, and at the same time, this kid's soul magic is very powerful, and he can also attack our ghosts and beasts."

  Other beastmasters obviously knew it, so they frowned. As for the wolf beastmaster, he said, "We finally came here from the ghost realm, we just wanted to do something, but we were blocked by an angel."

  The Fox Beast King said, "That's not necessarily true?"

   "What? Do you think that we can still solve that angel with our clones now?" The wolf beast king said depressedly.

  The Fox Beastmaster looked at the Beastmasters, "This kid must have some purpose in coming here, so we just need to stay in this nest for a few days until he comes in by himself, or he leaves, right?"

  The Wolf Beastmaster was depressed, "If he really leaves, then in the future, don't we have to stay in this forest forever and not be able to rush to the human world?"

   The other Beastmasters thought it was reasonable, but the Fox Beastmaster said solemnly, "It just depends on our luck and whether we can attract this kid."

  The Wolf Beastmaster hesitated, "Then I will send my species to tempt him."

   "No, he will doubt it." The Fox Beast King said, while the Wolf Beast King was depressed, "Then what should we do?"

  The Fox Beast King had nothing to do, until a ghost beast outside reported, "Your Majesty, that human has come from outside the lair."

   "Oh? Are you here?" The wolf beast king was overjoyed and rushed out, while the other ghost beast kings also went out, wanting to see how this Lin Tian turned into a bone.

   As for Lin Tian, ​​as soon as he came outside the formation, he laughed and said, "It turned out to be a formation."

   Big Crab explained, "This is where humans dare not go."

  Lin Tian understood, and asked the ghost layman to go into his space magic treasure first, while he stared at the formation and prepared to go in.

   But these twelve beast kings appeared in the formation one after another, and Lin Tian smiled when he saw the twelve beast kings, "It finally appeared."

  Wolf Beastmaster wanted to attract Lin Tian to come in, so he provoked, "Boy, do you have the guts to come in?"

  The other Beastmasters also teased one by one, and some even said, "Boy, don't be shy, come in quickly!"

  Lin Tian smiled at these beastmasters, "Don't you just want to see how I die?"

   These twelve beast kings looked at each other in dismay after seeing their plot exposed, not knowing what to do, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you don't come out, I will still go in."

  The beasts didn't expect Lin Tian to be so confident, so the fox and beast king said strangely, "Boy, are you really afraid?"

   (end of this chapter)

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