Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1945: lost treasure

   Chapter 1945 Lost Treasure

  Lin Tian stared at the proprietress, "I just want to find someone, is it so difficult?"

   "Then what do you think this market is? Find someone if you want?" The woman started to get angry, and the black widow said, "I advise you, it's better to take us there quickly."

   "Black Widow, right? Let me tell you, our Tianxuan Qinglou is not afraid of you!" The woman vowed.

   At this time, the Fen family head took out the token, "I am the Fen family head, don't you know that you are afraid of me?"

   Patriarch Fen, everyone was shocked, but some people stared at the token for a long time before they became demented, "Is it really Patriarch Fen?"

  The woman was stunned for a moment, and her arrogance disappeared a little, but she still stared at Patriarch Fen coldly, "Patriarch Fen, what do you mean?"

   "We came to find someone, not to cause trouble." Fen family head was speaking for Lin Tian at this moment, and the woman sneered, "Not to cause trouble? Then do you know what these three people did when they came to me?"

  Black Widow asked curiously, "What did you do?"

   "There is a man who has swindled several courtesans in my brothel." The woman said angrily.

   Black Widow was suspicious, "It's a pit? I don't know what was pitted?"

   "It cost them a lot of money and took advantage of them." The woman stared.

  Black Widow looked unsightly, and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, this."

   "He was framed by someone." Lin Tian had already seen the picture given by Jinpeng Immortal Beast, so he was naturally standing with Sha Yuan.

   "Framed? Do you think I'm a fool?" The woman hummed, while Lin Tian said helplessly, "I can prove it to you."

   "Prove it? How to prove it?" The woman obviously didn't want to provoke Lin Tian, ​​after all, the Fen Patriarch was also here.

   "You'll know when you take me to see them." Lin Tian said, and the woman had to shout to the thugs around her, "Lead the team!"

  The crowd immediately led the way, and the crowd watched, until they came to a courtyard.

   In this yard, Sha Yuan, Motong, and Jinpeng Immortal Beast were directly trapped in a transparent cover.

   Not only that, two people and one beast can't use any strength, and the sand dollar can only ridicule the people around him, "Ladies and sisters, I really didn't take your things, how can you say that I took them?"

   "It's obviously you, don't argue!"

   "That's right, it's you we see!"

   "No, I said to borrow it, but I took it away in a blink of an eye."

  Those women complained one by one, while that Sha Yuan was very depressed, "What I said is true, if you don't believe me, ask the two around me."

   "They are your people, they must speak for you." A woman said.

   "That's right, do they still say you stole it? Don't think about it, it's impossible!"

  Sha Yuan was almost driven crazy, and he cursed secretly, "If you let me know who is cheating on me, I will definitely take care of him."

   At this moment, a group of people came from a distance, and in the crowd, there were Lin Tian and Black Widow, that Sha Yuan immediately said excitedly, "Little Master, I, I am here."

   Black Widow said with contempt, "You **** will only cause trouble for adults."

   "I didn't cause trouble, I just came to do business, and the result." Sha Yuan couldn't say the same, and he looked very aggrieved.

  Black Widow didn't bother to argue with him, while the proprietress looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, let me see how you can whitewash him."

   "You said he stole something, but there is evidence." Lin Tian asked, and the lady boss looked at the others, "Everyone, show me what you saw."


   Those people, one after another, were displayed one by one, and they happened to see a person just like Sha Yuan, and he also had a hippie smile, even more debauched than Sha Yuan.

   This made Sha Yuan very depressed, "How could I be such a rogue?"

  The women said in unison, "It's you."

  The proprietress also looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you also saw that this guy not only took advantage of the girls like me, but also stole their things."

   "Then did you find the stolen items?" Lin Tian asked back, but the proprietress said angrily, "These three people are not allowed to be searched, so we have to trap them and wait for them to hand them over."

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "They didn't steal the stuff, so how could it be with them?"

   The proprietress smiled strangely, "Boy, no matter how you explain it, it's useless."

   "If I find out those stolen things, will they be no more suspects?"

   But the proprietress disbelieved, "These things are on them, how can you find them?"

   "What if I find them elsewhere?" Lin Tian asked back, and the lady boss said, "If they are found in other directions, then I must let them go."

   "That's what you said." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked towards the women, but these women stared at Lin Tian in confusion.

  Some women also asked back, "Boy, don't you think we're hiding it by ourselves?"

  There are also women who said, "Boy, do you think we are fools?"

  Lin Tian, ​​who looked at these people eager to explain, said with a smile, "Ladies, don't get me wrong, I just want to know with you, the specific appearance of those magic weapons, and whether there are any traces left."

   "Traces? What traces?" a woman asked back, and another woman said strangely, "Boy, the appearance is what we showed just now, do you want us to say it again?"

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "I'm just confirming it. If it's all shown by everyone just now, then I won't ask more."

   Everyone didn't know what Lin Tian was doing, but Lin Tian came to a woman, stared at the hairpin on her head and asked, "What did you lose is another hairpin?"

"Yes, I have a pair of hairpins." The woman said distressedly, while Lin Tian looked at the white one she was wearing, while the other one was black and smiled and said, "This is a yin and yang double hairpin, Has enhanced spell effects, right?"

   After being stunned for a while, the woman looked at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that, I still know a lot about magic weapons, but if I want to find another one, I have to borrow it from you."


   "Look for the magic weapon through the magic weapon." Lin Tian said with a smile, but the woman didn't believe it, and the people present didn't believe it, especially the proprietress also said, "Boy, what is the magic weapon to find the magic weapon?"

  Lin Tian explained, "Any pair of magic weapons, just like the deity and the avatar, are always inextricably linked, so as long as the two are on the same planet, they will definitely be able to sense each other."

   Everyone heard this ignorant, but the proprietress laughed and said, "Boy, even if what you said is true, someone has to urge this magic weapon to find another magic weapon."

   "I can motivate." Lin Tian said himself, but the proprietress smiled strangely, "Just you? I said boy, you are bragging, can you think about it?"

   The other brothel women, as well as the onlookers, also felt that Lin Tian was telling a big joke.

   (end of this chapter)

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