Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1944: uncontrollable apprentice

   Chapter 1944 The uncontrollable apprentice

   At this time, the patriarch Fen walked out of the sedan chair, and when the patriarch Fen saw Lin Tian and the Black Widow, he reported himself, "I am the patriarch of the Fen family, and I have met the two of them."

   Seeing the other party being so polite, Black Widow felt strange, "Are you here to find fault?"

   "No, you have misunderstood, I want to invite you to our mansion." The Fen family master explained, and the black widow said strangely, "You don't have a bunch of masters at home, right?"

"No such thing." The Fen Patriarch immediately denied it, but Black Widow wondered, "We just frightened your son, and then you asked us, saying it wasn't a fault, and then invited us to your mansion, what do you think we are? Do you believe it?"

   Patriarch Fen said, "You two, I really want you to go to our mansion."

   "Forget it, we are not fools." After the black widow finished speaking, she said to Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, let's go."


   Then the two left, and the Fen family head looked at the group of people around him, "You, you can go back, and leave the rest to me."

   After finishing speaking, the Fen family leader followed the two of them, and the black widow said to Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, he's here."

   "Just follow him, as long as he doesn't mess with us." Lin Tian said seriously, and the black widow, gracefully, continued to return to the city with Lin Tian.

   About half an hour later, the three returned to Xuanming City, while Lin Tian and Black Widow walked in front, while the Fen family kept a dozen paces away from them and followed silently.

   "Sir, the owner of the house is really patient."

   "You said that the head of a dignified family would follow us like this, what would he do?" Lin Tian asked with a smile.

  Black Widow hesitated, "This, I really don't know."

  Lin Tianze couldn't help but stop and smiled at the Fen Patriarch, "Why do you have to invite us to your mansion?"

After seeing that Lin Tian was finally willing to speak, Patriarch Fen briefly explained the matter a little, and finally said a little embarrassedly, "As long as you can arouse his fighting spirit and make him less timid, I am willing to give you anything. ."

   Hearing this, Black Widow was stunned, "Is it that simple?"

   "Yes, it's as simple as that." Fen Patriarch nodded and said, while Black Widow looked at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "I don't have time for now, let's talk about it another day."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he turned around and left, and the Fen Patriarch hurriedly said, "Then, when are you free?"

   "Look." Lin Tian didn't give the other party the exact time, but Patriarch Fen said excitedly, "Then I'll wait for you."

   "Whatever." Lin Tian said casually, and returned to the inn with Black Widow.

   He was in the inn at the moment, but there was no one there, which surprised Lin Tian, ​​"What about that fairy beast? Why not?"

   "Did you go out?"

   "Let me see." Lin Tian closed his eyes, and then went to sense this Jinpeng fairy beast, but this Jinpeng fairy beast was restrained by its power.

   Not only that, but Lin Tian finally knew what was going on through the pictures sent back by the Jinpeng Immortal Beast.

   But Lin Tian sighed helplessly, "It's really troublesome."

   "Sir, what's wrong?"

   "My apprentice, dragged the demon boy and went to a famous brothel nearby, and also brought the Jinpeng fairy beast with him, but he was taught a lesson."

   "Brotherhood?" Black Widow immediately looked embarrassed, feeling that this Sha Yuan was really a worry-free person.

   "Let's go, let's have a look, what's going on." At this moment, Lin Tian also wanted to ask questions.

   Until a while, Lin Tian and Black Widow came to a place called Tianxuan Qinglou.

   Just as Lin Tian and Black Widow were about to go in, they were stopped by the guard who guarded, and the guard said, "Are you a member?"

   "No." Lin Tian said simply, and the guard said, "If you are not a member, then go and apply to see if you have this qualification."

   "How to do it?" Lin Tian asked, and the guard pointed to a shop next to him, "It's okay there."

  Lin Tian took a look at the procedure and found that it would take at least a day before he shook his head and said, "No, I'm going in now."

The guard was not happy, and then called a few people out, blocked the door together, and took the lead in the guard and said, "Only members of our Xuan Qinglou can enter, if you want to make trouble, then we will not be polite! "

   Black Widow heard this and had to report her identity, "I am the Black Widow Fairy."

   "Black Widow Fairy? Do you think I'm stupid? Will she appear on the street? She even came to the brothel?" The lead guard scoffed, and the other guards laughed even more.

   "Don't think that if you dress up as a black widow fairy, you really think you are a black widow fairy."

   "No, if Fairy Black Widow finds out, you will be finished."

  Black Widow did not expect these people to immediately release spiders after they suspected that they were fake.

   The people were startled when they saw the spider, and Black Widow asked, "Can anyone else pretend to be this?"

   How dare these people say anything else, they hurried to the brothel, and Lin Tian and Black Widow entered together.

   The guests inside, as well as the women, stared at Lin Tian curiously.

  Then that Fen family head also came in from behind, and kept a certain distance from Lin Tian, ​​as if it had something to do with it, but it didn't matter.

   So everyone thought they were not a group at first, but when Patriarch Fen walked to Lin Tian, ​​everyone guessed that they were a group.

  Black Widow looked at everyone, "Have you seen these people?"

After   , Black Widow took out the portraits of Sha Yuan and others, and those people were startled one by one.

   "Why are these guys related to those people?"

   "It won't be a gang, will it?"

   "Those people have already been arrested, do they want to be arrested too?"

   At this time, a group of guards invited a woman, and this woman seemed to have a complicated identity, and said with a cold face, "You think there is no one in my Tianxuan Qinglou, right?"

   Then, a group of masters appeared nearby, and these people were obviously raised by this Tianxuan Qinglou, and they all looked extraordinary.

  Black Widow took the lead, "We're here to find someone, not to make trouble."

   The woman said coldly, "Do you know who I am? I am the boss of this place."

  Black Widow did not expect the inconspicuous woman in front of her to be the proprietress and said directly, "Then please tell me where these people are?"

   "They messed with us and are being punished." The woman said coldly, while the black widow frowned and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, what should I do now?"

   "Let them lead the way." Lin Tian said to the black widow, and the woman glared, "I can hear it, don't spread the word!"

   "You can hear it, so why don't you let it go?" Lin Tian asked back, but everyone didn't expect this Earth Immortal to dare to be so mad.

   For this woman, she usually calls for wind and rain here, but after being ridiculed one after another today, she immediately said, "Boy, you are really crazy!"

   (end of this chapter)

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