Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1920: like a monkey

   Chapter 1920 Playing like a monkey

   At this moment, a man with golden wrist guards landed in front of everyone, and behind him, he followed the proud mansion master.

  Ao Palace Master respectfully said to the man with the golden wrist guard, "The messenger of spring, that's him."

   Hearing the spring messenger, the Palace Master Wan said in surprise, "Could it be Lord Chunfenglei from Xuanming Immortal Palace?"

  The man glanced at Palace Master Wan, "Do you know me?"

   Palace Master Wan said happily, "The Palace Master of the Immortal Mansion under all things."

"Everything Immortal Mansion? Why are you here?" Chun Fenglei was puzzled, and Mansion Master Wan didn't know what to say, but he immediately accused Lin Tian, ​​"Master Chun, you should take him down quickly, he is too hateful. "

   Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You capricious little person."

  Palace Master Wan stared at Lin Tian and teased, "Boy, do you think I would be afraid of you? Then you are naive!"

   "Just now you were begging for peace with me, now you have the confidence?" Lin Tian smiled, but Mansion Master Wan said proudly, "I call this a strategy."

   "Strategy? In my opinion, the capricious villain, whichever side is safe, go to this side." Lin Tian attacked rudely.

  Palace Master Wan was about to refute, but that Chunfenglei stared at Lin Tian and said coldly, "I don't care who you are, you have to pay the price for making Aotian Immortal Mansion like this today."

   "The price?"

   "Yes!" The Chunfenglei looked at Lin Tian, ​​the talented queen, and even more disdain.

  But Lin Tian smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't take you seriously at all."

   Everyone was startled, and the spring breeze became cold, "You kid, do you really think you can fight me with your little cultivation?"

   "You are also a three-star Immortal King, a two-star Immortal Throne. It's no big deal." Instead, Lin Tian looked down on him.

   But in the eyes of everyone, Lin Tian is really crazy, especially the Ao Palace Master who complained, "Spring messenger, this, this guy, is really lawless."

  Spring Breeze Lei said coldly, "If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

  Palace Master Ao and others immediately flew into the air, and Lin Tian also let those who were under control retreat.

  In this way, Lin Tian and Chunfenglei were left in the entire mansion.

  Chunfenglei said coldly, "I haven't attacked Earth Immortal for many years."

   "Oh? Then don't lose to me, or you will be embarrassed by the messenger of the Xuanming Immortal Palace." Lin Tian smiled at this spring breeze.

  Chunfenglei stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Just you? Ridiculous!"

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's do it, let me see your two-star Cepheus."

  Chunfenglei disdainfully said, "To deal with you, you don't need to use Cepheus."

   After saying that, Chunfenglei's hands flashed with golden light, and the next moment, there was a thundercloud above Lin Tian's head, and then countless thunder and lightning hit this Lin Tian.

   "It turned out to be the Lightning Bracers, what I thought they were!" Lin Tian laughed after seeing the clues of the two bracers.

   What makes everyone puzzled is why those lightning strikes on Lin Tian have no effect on Lin Tian at all.

   Even Chunfenglei squinted his eyes, "Boy, my attack can instantly shatter Xianjun's immortality, why are you nothing at all?"

   "Just a little bit of thunder, do you still want to smash my fairy? I think you should stop dreaming!" Lin Tian smiled at this spring breeze.

  Chunfenglei saw that Lin Tiangan looked down on himself so much, he glared and said, "Boy, I'm not joking with you."

   "Do you think I'm joking with you?" Lin Tian asked rhetorically, while Chunfenglei became a little annoyed, and then punched him out of the air.

The power of the    Immortal King can be said to be very powerful. If he is accidentally hit, his whole body will fall apart.

   Therefore, Lin Tian had to cast a ghost to avoid it, but the opponent was still too strong, and Lin Tian instantly felt powerless.

   This spring breeze grabbed Lin Tian's bluntness for a moment, smashed all the ghosts one by one, and finally punched Lin Tian in the air.

  In front of Lin Tian, ​​a wall of immortal and divine stones flew over in an instant, blocking the opponent's attack, and then Lin Tian took the stone beastmaster into the ground.

  Chunfenglei snorted, "Want to escape? Have you asked me?"

  I saw Chunfenglei take out a brown flag, and then the whole person also disappeared into the ground.

   It was quiet after that, and everyone didn't know where the two went until Palace Master Wan asked, "Would you like to go underground and have a look."

   "Do you think the spring messenger can't help him?" Palace Master Ao asked, and Palace Master Wan immediately shook his head, "I don't mean that."

  Palace Master Ao sneered, "I see, that's what you think."

  Palace Master Wan was too lazy to explain, but stared at the ground, but he still had no breath, which made him puzzled.

   On the contrary, at this moment, in a very far area outside Aotian City, Lin Tian appeared.

   But Lin Tiantian just stood firm when the spring breeze thunder appeared and laughed, "Boy, aren't you crazy? Why are you running away now!"

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I'm only an Earth Immortal after all, and you, the Three Star Immortal King, how can I compare?"

   "Do you know that you are not enough?" The Chunfenglei was satisfied and laughed, while Lin Tian sighed deliberately, "Yes, my strength, in your eyes, is indeed too weak."

   "It's good to know!" Chunfenglei said with a smile, but Lin Tian said, "However, if you want to catch me, there is still a little distance."

  Chunfenglei hummed after seeing that Lin Tian was still struggling, "You are dreaming."

I saw Chunfenglei started again, but Lin Tian released countless ghosts to disperse, which made Chunfenglei not know which one to chase, so he ran to the top of a mountain and shouted angrily, and finally shouted, "Don't let me catch it. To you, otherwise, I will kill you!"

  Lin Tian watched in the dark, then smiled secretly, "Let some ghosts play with you."

   I saw that Lin Tian released some ghosts to accompany this spring breeze, but Lin Tian returned to the city.

   When Palace Master Ao and others saw Lin Tian's deity coming back, they all widened their eyes, and Palace Master Wan was even more demented, "You, why are you all right?"

   "Just that idiot, what can you do to me?" Lin Tian mocked, while Palace Master Ao hurriedly said, "What did you do to the messenger?"

   "It's nothing, just let some shadows take him around Ao Tianxing, it should be very interesting." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Palace Master Ao.

  Palace Master Ao and the others immediately turned pale with fright, but Lin Tian smiled at them, "Now, let's see who can protect you."

   Palace Master Wan immediately began to change his face again, "Little brother, this has nothing to do with me."

   "Little man." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he ordered the subdued nearby, "Take him!"


Afterwards, countless people went to besiege this Palace Master Wan, but Palace Master Wan couldn't resist at all, and finally fell down with serious injuries, and Lin Tian came to Palace Master Wan, put a hand on his forehead and said with a smile, "It's all because of you. It starts with you, so it ends with you."

"You, what do you want to do?" Palace Master Wan became frightened, and Lin Tian continued to refine the immortal soul until the next moment that Palace Master Wan turned into an old man, and after the immortal soul was greatly reduced, the whole person was terrified, "No. , I don't want to become a mortal!"

   The people present were frightened, and Lin Tian looked at Palace Master Ao again, "It's your turn!"

   (end of this chapter)

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