Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1919: rout

   Chapter 1919 Defeated

But one person fell down in front of him, and one by one was rammed by the ghost king, causing the so-called masters present to retreat to the front of the Ao Palace Master, and the poisonous dragon wind was even more anxious, "Palace Master, now, we should How to do?"

   "What should we do? Are you all a bunch of trash?" Palace Master Ao was furious, while Ao Changbai said anxiously, "Palace Master, why don't you, please ask that messenger to come out."

   "The messenger is in retreat, you can't disturb it at will." The Ao Palace Master said depressedly, while the Wan Palace Master asked curiously, "The messenger? Which messenger?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Palace Master Ao rolled his eyes, but Palace Master Wan said with a smile, "I heard that Aotian Immortal Mansion is backed by a powerful immortal mansion, but in the Western Regions, there is only one Seven-star Immortal Mansion, and four six-star Mansion. , I don't know which is your back?"

  Palace Master Ao stared and said, "Palace Master Wan, don't ask! It's nothing to do with you!"

   "I'm not asking, it's just that our top ten five-star immortal mansions are backed by different immortal mansions. Everyone knows this, but it's just a tacit understanding, isn't it?" Palace Master Wan said with a smile.

  Palace Master Ao snorted, ignored it, and looked into the dark, "Boy, as long as you return the sword to me, our grievance will be written off, how about that?"

   Seeing that Palace Master Ao took the initiative to compromise, the people in Aotian Immortal Mansion showed helpless expressions, but Palace Master Wan laughed and said, "Palace Master Ao, just compromised like this?"

   "Shut up, it has nothing to do with you!" Palace Master Ao just wanted to reduce the damage at the moment, so he had no choice but to say with a smile, "It's all up to you, do you think I'll accept your compromise?"

"Boy, I'm not afraid to tell you that in our Aotian Immortal Mansion, there is an Immortal King from a six-star immortal mansion in the Western Regions. If you have any further progress, I will invite him out. At that time, you will only have to escape!" That Palace Master Ao said angrily.

  But Lin Tian smiled and said, "Really? Then please, I want to see how powerful this Immortal King is."

   "Boy, his Cepheus has two stars. Do you know how scary the two-star Cepheus is?"

Of course Lin Tian knew that the two-star Celestial Throne was dozens of times stronger than the one-star Celestial Throne, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't talk about the Immortal King, even if the Immortal Emperor is here, if you want to kill me, you have to think of a way. "

   Not only was Lin Tian not afraid, but he dared to be so mad, "So, do you really plan to fight our messenger?"

   "If he dares to provoke me, I will naturally fight." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to control the formation, and the Ao Palace Master was furious, and then shouted to everyone, "Withdraw!"

  Everyone fled frantically, and those who didn't escape were either injured or controlled.

   Therefore, when Palace Master Ao and the others fled outside, only one third of them were not there.

   Seeing the result, Palace Master Ao's eyes turned red, "Bastard!"

   Palace Master Wan said with a smile, "Please envoys, otherwise this kid will be really difficult to deal with."

   Palace Master Ao snorted, then looked at Ao Changbai, "You guys stay here, I'm going to invite someone."

  Palace Master Ao turned around and disappeared, and the Palace Master Wan whispered to himself, "Which of the four six-star immortal palaces will it be?"

   As for Lin Tian, ​​when he came out of the formation, he happened to see everyone waiting outside.

   When those people saw Lin Tian, ​​they immediately surrounded him, but they didn't dare to go forward and could only stare at Lin Tian strangely.

   "Where's your Palace Master?" Lin Tian glanced at the crowd and asked with a smile, the Ao Changbai said anxiously, "Boy, wait, our Palace Master, the messenger will be invited right away."

   "The messenger? The Six-Star Immortal Mansion?" Lin Tian teased, and the Ao Changbai said timidly, "That's right, the Six-Star Immortal Mansion."

  Lin Tian knew that the strongest in this Western Region was the Seven-Star Immortal Mansion, and below the Seven-Star Immortal Mansion, there were four Six-Star Immortal Mansion.

   At the same time, under each six-star immortal mansion, there are many five-star immortal mansion, and this Aotian Immortal Mansion is one of them.

   At this moment, Palace Master Ao naturally went to find this messenger, so that the other party could come out to deal with Lin Tian.

  But Lin Tian wasn't afraid at all, and smiled at them, "I'll take care of you before he comes."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he let a group of people who had been subdued behind him take action, and the scene fell into a melee for a while.

   In addition, Lin Tian's ghost king was secretly making trouble. Originally, a third of them were from Aotian Immortal Mansion, but in the blink of an eye, only less than one-tenth of them were.

   It is precisely this one-tenth that is also the strongest group of people, including Palace Master Wan, Du Longfeng, Ao Changbai, and some masters.

   At this time, Palace Master Wan looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Boy, look, we don't have any deep hatred, so let's just leave it like this."

   "How is it?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the Wan Palace Master smiled and said, "You and I will never have any grudges in the future, and I will never trouble you again in my Wan Wan Immortal Palace, how about that?"

   "Do you think that I would be afraid of your Myriad Immortal Mansion?" Lin Tian asked back, and Mansion Master Wan laughed again after knowing that he had said something wrong, "No, that's not what I meant."

   "Then let's go up together, don't talk nonsense." After Lin Tian finished speaking, let all those under his control go up.

   These tenths of the people are only a few dozen people, and the remaining hundreds of people are all attacked together with death.

   Except for Mansion Master Wan and Du Longfeng who were better, everyone else felt very uncomfortable, and even wanted to tear Lin Tian to pieces.

   But the others were reduced one by one, controlled one by one, and finally only ten people were ready to support them.

  Lin Tianxiao looked at Du Longfeng and others, "You guys, you can really handle it."

  Palace Master Wan looked at the monsters, "How do you control them."

"This is my business, I don't need to report it to you." Lin Tian smiled at Palace Master Wan, and Palace Master Wan wanted to get out of here after hearing this, but surrounded by those who were being controlled, he looked at Ao Changbai depressedly. "Your people are really trash."

  Ao Changbai said with contempt, "Then what about your Immortal Mansion? Why didn't you bring people here?"

  Du Longfeng also sneered, "That's right, you are all immortals, not even us."

  Mansion Master Wan originally wanted Lin Tian and Aotian Immortal Mansion to fight to the death, but who knew that Aotian Immortal Mansion was so vulnerable, and Lin Tian took so many people, which made him a little worried about Ten Thousand Immortal Mansion.

   Therefore, Palace Master Wan continued to negotiate with Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian refused to give them a chance and continued to let those people attack.

   After about a while, this Du Longfeng and the others were also covered in wounds, and Palace Master Wan also looked the same, scolding after blood stains everywhere, "I won't let you go!"

  Lin Tian sneered, "I don't want to let you go!"

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian used the Shadowless Sword Technique, and the poisonous dragon winds who were struggling at the end were shocked, until after Lin Tian's countless sword shadows went out, a powerful airflow flew from one place.

   Then a golden bell fell, protecting Du Longfeng and others so that they were not attacked by these sword shadows.

   This made Du Longfeng and others overjoyed, and Ao Changbai was even more excited, "The messenger is here!"

   (end of this chapter)

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