Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1508: The strength is good!

   Chapter 1508 The strength is good!

  Lin Tian looked at Hua Wufeng, "Ghost iron, who gave it to him?"

  Hua Wufeng said nervously, "It's Qin Fu."

  Lin Tian understood and asked, "What about Qin Fu?"

   "I don't know." Hua Wufeng shook his head, while Lin Tian said, "Go, take me to Jianhong."

  Jianhong, Hua Wufeng was a little timid when he heard this person, "Sir, my senior brother is not only good at painting, but also very good at swordsmanship, and even has Linggen, rumored to be Xiangen."


   "Yes, very powerful, Xiange, it is not easy."

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "If you say that, I really want to play against this guy."

  Hua Wufeng hesitated, "You, are you really going?"

   Lin Tianen said, "Let's lead the way."

Hua Wufeng said, and then led the way, until after a while, he came to an inn, and the inn looked very calm, but when Hua Wufeng came there, he could meet a few disciples of Huaxiantang. The front respectfully said, "Brother painting."

   "Where's Senior Brother Jianhong?"

   "He was resting upstairs."

Hua Wufeng immediately took Lin Tian upstairs. During the upstairs, Hua Wufeng was very uneasy, and still stared at Lin Tian, ​​"That lord, my brother Jianhong, he looks very gentle on the surface, but there is something in his heart. A strong heart."

   "A strong heart?"

   "Yes, if he knew the sword was with you, he would definitely take care of you." The painting Wufeng explained, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "I want to ask him what happened to the sword!"

  Hua Wufeng looked at Lin Tian strangely, "You, are you really not afraid of him?"

   "What's there to be afraid of." Lin Tian disdainfully said, but Hua Wufeng reluctantly came outside a room and knocked on the door, "Senior Brother Jianhong."

   "What's the matter?" an icy voice inside asked, and the cold air could be felt everywhere, and the painting Wufeng said nervously, "Senior Brother Jianhong, there is someone who wants to see you."


   "This, he, took your sword." Hua Wufeng didn't know what to say, so he could only helplessly say, and the people in the room immediately opened the door.

   "DUANG", with a loud bang, the door exploded, and the cold air forced out one after another.

   This cold air turned into a hand, trying to grab the Frost Cold Sword in Lin Tian's hand, but Lin Tian put away the Frost Cold Sword and said with a smile, "Want to take the sword?"

   "Who are you." The other party found that Lin Tian acted quickly, unlike ordinary people, and asked strangely, but Lin Tian looked at the cold air and said with a smile, "Show your face."

   At this moment, the cold air disappeared, and the people inside stared at Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian saw that the other party was a young man with a really strong aura and asked, "How did this sword come from?"

   "Why tell you?" That Jianhong didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "You better tell me."

   "Why don't I say it?"

   "Then give it a try." Lin Tian smiled at him, but Jianhong didn't expect that he would be threatened by a weak person and then glared, "It seems that I have to let you know how good I am."

After    finished speaking, the cold air from Jianhong's body flew out again, and the cold air turned into countless swords.

   These swords are very strong. When they were shot out one by one, Lin Tian could only dodge. When Jianhong found out that Lin Tian could dodge his sword, he immediately looked around, "Boy, do you only dodge?"

   "This place is too narrow, let's go outside." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he jumped and ran outside, and the Jianhong rushed out immediately.

   Then Lin Tian stood on the street, and that Jianhong also appeared. As for the nearby disciples of Huaxiantang, they appeared one by one.

   "Look, Senior Brother Jianhong."

   "Who is that person, who is so self-aware that he wants to fight against Senior Brother Jianhong."

   "I guess which one doesn't have eyes."

  While everyone was laughing at Lin Tian, ​​other cultivators nearby hoped that Lin Tian could defeat the people in Huaxiantang, and that Jianhong looked at Lin Tian coldly, "Boy, I'll give you a chance to surrender."


   "Yes, give me the sword and let you live." That Jianhong said coldly, but Lin Tian laughed, "It's a good way to live."

   Jianhong looked at Lin Tian coldly, "What? Don't you want to try it?"

   "I don't want to." Lin Tian smiled, but Jianhong suddenly became gloomy, and then countless sword qi flew out like a long snake, as if countless sword shadows overlapped, and there was only one target, that was Lin Tian.

   Everyone present was dumbfounded.

  But Lin Tian's power was even stronger, he turned into countless ghosts at once, stood on the surrounding roofs, and then laughed in unison, "Your sword shadow is powerful, but what's the use of it if you can't hit me?"

   Jianhong was annoyed and cast the spell again, and this time he used the power of the Holy Spirit, and then countless swords rained wildly on Lin Tian's head.

   Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and Jianhong smiled and said, "Boy, you know I'm good."

   Everyone thought that these sword rains could easily defeat Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian continued to release ghosts, and then joked, "Do you have as many ghosts as mine in the range of your sword rain?"

   "You rascal!" That Jianhong said in a hurry, but the person who painted the fairy hall couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted frantically, "Boy, you rascal."

   "That's right, you rascal."

   But some loose cultivators, and the people from Heshui Kingdom are supporting Lin Tian, ​​"Destroy Huaxiantang."

For a while, two voices were shouting, and that Jianhong sat down one by one, and then a huge figure appeared behind this Jianhong, and this Jianhong was holding a huge sword shadow, staring at those ghosts, " die."

   That sword shadow turned into countless small sword shadows and hit Lin Tian's demon shadow one by one. After a while, Lin Tian's demon shadow was wiped out, while Lin Tian stood on a roof and said with a smile, "That's right, I have some skills."

  Jianhong saw that Lin Tian was still alive, and he didn't dare. He continued the huge figure holding the sword shadow, attacking Lin Tian frantically, and his strength was so great that all buildings were penetrated.

  Lin Tian smiled, "It seems that I have to give you a drop in strength."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian leaped over, and the power of the Holy Spirit on Jianhong immediately weakened, causing the giant shadow behind him to disappear, and when Lin Tian arrived in front of Jianhong, the two looked at each other.

   Everyone present was dumbfounded, and that Jianhong said coldly, "What have you done to me."

"I will weaken the ability of other people's Holy Spirit." Lin Tian smiled and looked at the other party, but Jianhong had to switch to the airway, and the airway reached 3 billion all of a sudden, and said coldly, "If I use medicine pills and runes, It can reach more than ten billion.”

   "Oh? Really? Then I'm worried." Lin Tian also opened his airway, but he stayed at the basic airway of 100 million.

   Seeing that there are only 100 million air passages, everyone thought that Lin Tian was finished, especially those loose cultivators sighed, "It's over, no one can save us."

   "No, it's over." Everyone sighed.

  The people who painted Xiantang were all madly shouting like blood.

   (end of this chapter)

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