Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1507: ghost iron mutation

   Chapter 1507 Ghost Tie Yin Mutation

  The memories of these people only show that a genius in Huaxiantang, Jianhong, held this sword.

   "Jianhong? How did this person get the sword?" Lin Tian wondered, but at this moment a voice came from the city, "Boy, I didn't expect you to come."

   This is a painting without wind, and Lin Tian smiled back, "You guys, if you escaped here, you thought I couldn't catch you?"

Painting Wufeng said to himself, "Boy, before Shui Huajingyue took advantage of you, but here you can't break this painting, because this painting is maintained by countless monks in this city, if you break this painting, It's like killing them directly."

   "A monk?"

"Yes." The painting became complacent, and Lin Tian looked at it and found that this painting formation was maintained by everyone in the city, which means that if he broke this painting formation, he would immediately let They die.

   So if you want to crack this, you must find the core area of ​​the painting array and find the person who controls the painting.

   Therefore, Lin Tian smiled and said, "You are half right."

  Hua Wufeng asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

   "Although most of the power in this painting comes from the monks in the city, it is the people behind the painting who really control the painting. As long as I find those who control the painting, I will naturally be able to break the painting formation."

   Painting Wufeng did not believe it, and sneered in the dark, "Boy, this city is very big, and how do you know where we are?"

   "Don't worry, I can definitely find you." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to search in the city, but the painting Wufeng kept laughing, "It's ridiculous."

  Lin Tian ignored it and moved forward step by step.

   I saw those people and monks on the street mourning as they were waiting to die, and Lin Tian was here, just like a passerby, those people didn't know him at all.

   There were only some people in the painting fairy hall mixed in the crowd. They peeped at Lin Tian, ​​but they quickly pretended not to notice Lin Tian.

  As for the painting without wind, he was standing in a courtyard at the moment, staring at the picture on the big screen and said with a smile, "Two princes, see, he has come to this city."

   Seeing this scene, the third prince said angrily, "We must kill him."

   The fourth prince also said angrily, "It was he who harmed us."

  Hua Wufeng smiled and looked at the third and fourth princes, "Two princes, how much power do you have in Shuiguo?"

  The third prince wondered, "What do you want to do?"

   "Our Qin state also controls a lot of forces, and there are also quite a few spies. If we cooperate with your forces, I think it's not a problem for the lord of the country to be yours." The painting said calmly.

  The third prince said in surprise, "Can you take down the Water Kingdom?"

   "As long as you want to be, and cooperate with us, there will be no problem." The painting said with a smile, and the third prince excitedly said, "Okay, what are you going to do?"

   "Don't worry, wait for this kid to be dealt with, and then use this city to eliminate some of the forces of the Water Kingdom. That's it." The painting said with a smile.

  The third prince hummed, "Okay."

  The fourth prince was also full of anticipation, but at this time, Lin Tian sat on a roof, stared at the three people in the yard and said with a smile, "Why? Can't you be a prince, do you still want to be the king?"

"You, how did you find this." Hua Wufeng was shocked, and the third prince and the fourth prince were also scared, as for Lin Tianxiao, "It's very easy to find some people in the city, not to mention you guys in the painting fairy hall. Many people have already been captured by me."

  Hua Wufeng hummed, "Impossible."

   Lin Tian held the Frost Cold Sword and stared at Hua Wufeng, "You should know what this is."

   "This is Senior Brother Jianhong's sword." The painting Wufeng naturally knew, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Where is he now?"

   "Why tell you?"

"Then, I'll have to take you down and talk about it." Lin Tianxie smiled, and then countless ghosts entangled around this painting Wufeng, who looked ugly, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you won't end well. of."

   "You said that you escaped last time, you didn't hide well, and now you dare to appear in front of me, isn't this self-defeating?" Lin Tian laughed helplessly, and the ghost shot.

   The painting Wufeng screamed again and again, and the ghost book suddenly hit him, and the painting Wufeng instantly widened his eyes, "No."

   "Come here." Lin Tian's voice was like a call, causing the painting Wufeng to walk towards Lin Tian involuntarily, and the third and fourth princes were startled.

  Hua Wufeng was struggling, "Boy, let me tell you, I won't be afraid of you."

   "Oh? Are you going to fight against me?" Lin Tianxiao asked this painting Wufeng, and Hua Wufeng hummed, "I will fight you to the end."

   "Fight to the end? Is that only your ability?" Lin Tian said, jumped, came to him, and pointed a finger directly on his forehead, and Hua Wufeng felt something in an instant, and then widened his eyes.

  The third prince and the fourth prince were curious about what happened to the painting, but Lin Tianxiao looked at the painting and said, "We can have a good chat now."

  Hua Wufeng said in a panic, "What do you want to know?"

  The sudden change of painting without wind made the third prince and the fourth prince nervous, and then stepped back, while Lin Tianxiao looked at the two, "Two, don't worry, I'll talk to you later."

   The third prince scolded, "We are not stupid."

After   , the third prince and the fourth prince ran outside immediately, while Lin Tianxiao looked at the painting without wind, "Follow me."

   Then Lin Tian jumped out and blocked in front of the two princes, and the third prince said nervously, "Boy, I am the third prince, you, what do you want."

   "The third prince? Do you know that you are traitors now? And there are bounties for you everywhere." Lin Tian smiled at them, and the third prince was instantly furious.

   But at this time, the ghost iron in the third prince's body changed. The third prince's face suddenly turned black, and then his eyes turned black.

   Not only that, the teeth got longer, but the nails also changed.

  The fourth prince saw this, his legs went weak with fright, "Brother Sanhuang, you, what's the matter with you."

  The third prince said frantically, "Death."

   I saw that the third prince slapped the fourth prince with a palm, causing the fourth prince's body to be penetrated, and the fourth prince could not believe that he would die at the hands of this third prince.

   Seeing that the fourth prince's soul was about to enter the underworld, the third prince waved his hand, and the fourth prince's soul was sucked in, and then the third prince put this soul on the ghost iron floating in front of him.

   The fourth prince screamed in an instant, and then Ghost Iron became stronger.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "You can actually use ghost iron to enhance your strength."

  The third prince grabbed the ghost iron with one hand, and said coldly, "We will definitely meet again."

   The next moment, the third prince was enveloped in a ghostly energy, and then disappeared where he was. As for the painting, Wufeng was dumbfounded.

   (end of this chapter)

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