Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1491: The real usage of ghost book

   Chapter 1491 The real usage of ghost books

  The valley owner immediately stood in front of the ghost writing and hummed, "This is mine."

   "Yours? Then why can't you control it?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the valley owner glared, "That's because I haven't fully controlled it yet."

   "You don't have this ability, but I do." After Lin Tian waved his hand, the huge ghost book fell in front of Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian still controlled it to float in the air.

   Seeing this, the Valley Master frowned, "This, how is this possible."

  Lin Tian smiled at the valley owner, "Okay, it's time for you to experience the taste of being controlled."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian controlled the ghost book, and the valley owner wanted to escape, but the ghost book hit him heavily, and even passed through him.

  The owner of the valley was stunned, thinking that he was dead, but after seeing that he was all right, he let out a sigh of relief, "It's okay."

   Lin Tian took back the ghost book and smiled, "Now, your soul has been imprinted on this ghost book."

   "What do you mean?" The Valley Master was puzzled, while Lin Tianxie smiled, "You study the Nine Arts of the Soul, don't you know that this ghost book is the real magic weapon to control the soul?"

  The owner of the valley does not believe, "Impossible."

   "Oh? That's okay, listen carefully." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he held the ghost book in one hand, and then ordered the ghost book, "Let him sit down."

   The ghost book flashed a strange light, the valley owner suddenly lost control of his body, and then sat down, and the valley owner was shocked, "No, how can I do this."

   "Slap yourself."

   The ghost book continued to control, and the owner of the valley slapped himself again.

   Not only that, Lin Tian also laughed and said, "This ghost book can not only control you, but also borrow your soul power. You know this."

  The owner of the valley naturally knew, but those people were interrupted before, and he couldn't borrow it at all, so he could only stare at Lin Tian angrily, "You."

   Lin Tian stared at the ghost book and muttered to himself, "It seems that this is an advanced part of borrowing spirits."

By borrowing soul art, you can borrow other people's soul power. Lin Tian learned it before, but this ability can only be used on one target at the same time. Anyone with a brand name can be borrowed at any time, and they can also be controlled by ghost books.

   But the owner of the valley didn't know, so he planned to escape, but Lin Tian returned to his senses with a smile and said, "It's useless for you to escape, I can order you to come back."


   "Don't believe it?" Lin Tian then ordered the ghost book, and the valley owner immediately came to Lin Tian involuntarily, and then said in a hurry, "Can you let me go."

   "I'll let you go, yes, but in the future, you still have to listen to me."


   "Come here." Lin Tian ordered again, and the ghost book asked the owner of the valley to come over. Lin Tian directly imprinted the soul of the owner, and the owner of the valley said angrily, "You."

   "Now, I can control you without ghost books." Lin Tian smiled evilly, and the valley owner was completely depressed until Lin Tian smiled and said, "Okay, it's time for me to go."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian returned to the valley, found the Eighth Prince waiting there, grabbed him with one hand and said with a smile, "Let's go."

   Then Lin Tian took him back to his own body, and Lin Tian also withdrew from the opponent's body.

  When Lin Tian returned to his senses, the eighth prince also returned to his senses, but he was a little puzzled, "Master, what happened to that sarcophagus?"

   "It's just an immortal." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he didn't say more, but took him out of here.

  Shui Wu, who was waiting outside at the moment, sighed in relief after seeing the Eighth Prince coming back, "Eighth Prince, what's wrong with you?"

  The Eighth Prince explained what happened, and Shui Wu was shocked after hearing it, "What? Shui Yougu, to do such a thing?"

   "Well, fortunately, my master came in time, otherwise my soul may never come back, and as for the physical body, it is estimated that it will disappear soon." The eighth prince guessed.

  Shui Wu wanted to express gratitude to Lin Tian, ​​but she thought about it and said instead, "He is your master, and he will definitely save you, otherwise how can he be your master."

   Master Fu, who was on the side, said, "I didn't expect Shuiyougu, this is what happened."

   Lin Tian was in a daze, because he received the news from Zeng Xiaoyao. After seeing Lin Tian, ​​he smiled at them, "I want to go out to play, you are in the mansion, don't run around."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian left the mansion immediately, and the water dance wondered, "What do you mean by this kid?"

   The eighth prince said suspiciously, "I guess my master has something important to do."

  Wolf King and Xiaopang felt the same way, but Master Fu was puzzled. As for Lin Tian's reappearance at this moment, he had already arrived outside the city, and he saw Qin Fu and some people on the sidewalk.

But at this moment Qin Fu was wearing a mask and a cape, thinking that others would not recognize him, but when he saw Lin Tian coming, his eyes showed a strange look, but he quickly calmed down and said to those people, "Wait a minute. After entering the city, we must take good care of what we want, you know?"

"Yes." Those people said in unison, and then they pretended to be businessmen and started to walk into the city, while Lin Tianxie smiled and threw the ghost book in his hand. Several people.

   Qin Fu immediately avoided it, but the others were caught, and Lin Tian smiled at Qin Fu, "What? If you pretend to be like this, I won't be able to take you down?"

   Qin Fu was shocked when he saw the gang, "Boy, how did you recognize me, and how did you know I was here."

  Lin Tian naturally has the eyeliner Zeng Xiaoyao, but he smiled and said, "Your shadow is with me, and I have a unique way to find a nearby shadow."

   Qin Fu was immediately shocked, "Impossible."

   "It's impossible for you, but now I'm going to take you down." Lin Tian smiled at Qin Fu, and Qin Fu said, "If you can take me down, talk about it."

After   , Qin Fu took out a talisman and wanted to leave, but Lin Tian ordered those people, "Stop him."

  The bodies of those people couldn't help attacking Qin Fu and grabbing the talisman, but Qin Fu never thought that these people would betray him, which made him growl, "What do you mean."

  Those people expressed their incomprehension, and some even said, "Elder Qin, I, we are not under our control."

   "That's right, Elder Qin, I, we didn't do it on purpose." Those people said that they didn't do it themselves.

   Qin Fu looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, "Boy, you."

"That's right, I controlled them." Lin Tian smiled, and then used the Myriad Demon Soul Extermination Technique to let countless demon souls entangle this Qin Fu, and that Qin Fu said, "Boy, as long as my deity doesn't die, I can release more shadows."

  Lin Tian said with a smile, "There is a limit to the number of sub-figures, and if you lose one sub-figure, your soul will be weakened, and your cultivation will also be lowered."

   "You." Qin Fu looked angry after being seen through by Lin Tian.

   (end of this chapter)

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