Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1490: Soul Tian Jiujue

   Chapter 1490 Soul Tian Jiujue

   At this time, Lin Tian made his move, turning into countless ghosts, and tens of thousands of ghosts, so that the entire water valley was his figure.

   At the same time, Lin Tian cast False Destruction, these False Destruction hit those people, directly destroying the power that controlled them.

   So after returning to his senses, he looked at the sarcophagus angrily as if he knew something.

  Lin Tian's phantom was put away, then returned to its original state, and smiled at the sarcophagus, "It seems that these people don't listen to you now."

  The owner of the valley inside the sarcophagus was already stunned, especially when he saw that the power he had accumulated over the years was destroyed like this, he went berserk, "Boy, you are really hateful."

   "You are the one who messed with me, but you can't blame me." Lin Tian smiled at the valley owner, and the valley owner was furious, "Boy, I want you to die."

   At this time, the sarcophagus rushed towards Lin Tian's soul, and in a flash, he took Lin Tian's soul away, and disappeared together with the sarcophagus. Those who were sober were curious about where the sarcophagus went, so they searched frantically.

   For the eighth prince, he is a soul at the moment, unlike others who have a body, so he can only wait there for Lin Tian's return.

   But at this moment, in a dark space, Lin Tian saw a figure, and this figure exuded immortal energy, and there was also immortality.

   "Boy, you are really hateful." The man said angrily, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Is this inside the sarcophagus?"

   "Yes, it's in the sarcophagus!" The man said angrily, and Lin Tian smiled after hearing it, "I didn't scare you, you can't deal with me with your ability."

   That valley owner sneered, "I am an immortal, and I can still generate immortal energy in this place. If I use immortal methods, you will be finished."

   "Xianfa, the power in Kyushu has also been weakened. How much power do you think you can exert?"

"Boy, in addition to immortal magic, I also have powerful soul magic, and soul magic is unaffected in this world." The valley owner said proudly, but Lin Tian smiled at the valley owner, "Then try it. try."

   "If you want to die, I will fulfill you." This valley took the initiative, and there were countless black ropes around it. These ropes are soul locks, which are specially used for soul locks.

   So the moment these ropes appeared, they quickly wrapped around Lin Tian, ​​and then wrapped them up, and the valley owner said proudly, "How is it, you know how good I am."

  Lin Tian didn't break it right away, but said with a smile, "I'm very curious, what do you want to do when you create a water valley and control so many people?"

   "What? Want to know?" The valley owner asked with a smile, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Of course."

   "That's fine, anyway, you're dying anyway, so I'll tell you."

  Lin Tian smiled, "I'd like to hear it."

   "As for me, from the fairy world, I happened to discover such a magical place as this secluded water valley, and I also found an interesting book, but this book needs to pass through the souls of others before it can show its magical power."

   "Other people's souls?"

   "Yes, it's in Shuiyougu, how is it? Are you curious?" The man said proudly, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then what?"

"I found that this book needs a powerful soul, not an ordinary one, so I choose one person every day, and then use their souls to accompany the book, so that the book changes little by little, while I learn the things inside. ."

  Lin Tian laughed when he heard this, "So, many of your soul techniques were learned from above."

   "Boy, you are very smart." The man laughed, while Lin Tian smiled, "I'm sorry, but my soul is so powerful that you can't control it."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's powerful soul rushed out of the shackles and came to the valley owner.

   The valley owner was shocked, "Impossible, my soul magic is extremely powerful, how can you resist it?"

  Lin Tian smiled at the valley owner, "What do you think?"

  The owner of the valley widened his eyes and stared at Lin Tiantian, "Boy, I won't let you go."

   After finishing speaking, the valley owner turned around and disappeared into this world, and threatened, "You will be trapped in this forever."

  Lin Tian laughed when he heard this, "Stuck here forever? Do you think you have this ability?"

  I saw Lin Tian also disappear in this space.

   When Lin Tian appeared, he was already standing in a cave, and the valley owner was standing in front of the stone script, frantically flipping through the book, as if to find a way to deal with Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian stared at him and said, "This is the book you mentioned."

   Hearing this voice, the valley owner turned around in shock, "Boy, you, how did you come out."

"Just your magic weapon, you still want to trap me? You are naive." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the valley owner immediately said, "Boy, I tell you, don't come here, otherwise I will let this book take your Soul absorbed."


"Yes, this thing can **** people's soul, and then spit it out, but after it comes out, it will be under my control." The valley owner vowed, and Lin Tianxiao said, "I said, how do you control that The souls of many people did not expect to pass through this thing."


  Lin Tian laughed, "I can crack their controlled power, do you think it can control me?"

   "Boy, you, don't be mad." The owner of the valley was a little guilty, but Lin Tian stared at a book, and saw that it was engraved, "Soul Tian Jiu Jue."

  Lin Tian laughed when he saw this, "It turned out to be one of the top ten ghost books, Soul Heaven Jiujue."

   "Top Ten Ghost Books?"

   "Of course, in Guiji, there are ten strange books, and they are all in the shape of stones, but the way of opening and cultivation is different.

  The owner of the valley didn't expect this to happen, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Ordinary people have no way of knowing the mystery of the Soul Heaven Nine Jue, and only think that it is the ability of ordinary people to control other people's souls."

"Boy, make it look like you know something." The Valley Master retorted, and Lin Tian laughed, "The real mystery of the Nine Souls is that one soul changes nine times, and the soul changes nine times, and each time it changes, Soul power will increase sharply, but this method of increasing soul power needs to let other people's souls go in and then come out. Simply put, you can control other people's souls. It would be better to say that the power of those souls is blessed to you, and Once these people lose control, the soul power given to you will naturally disappear."

  The owner of the valley was shocked, "No wonder, when I said that I was dealing with you, I felt that the power of the soul magic was greatly reduced. It turned out that you cut off those souls just now, so I couldn't deal with you."



   "Even if you have the blessing of these soul powers, you will not be my opponent." Lin Tian attacked unceremoniously, and the Valley Master said, "You can brag."

   "Okay, I'll stop talking nonsense with you, now I'm going to take down this ghost book and let you experience what it's like to be controlled." Lin Tianxie laughed.

   (end of this chapter)

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