Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1409: It's no use hiding anywhere!

   Chapter 1409 It's no use hiding anywhere!

   Lin Tian raised a corner of his mouth when he heard this, "Receive a reward? Do you think you have this ability?"

   "Of course, the stones I control are immune to all spells." The man said proudly, but Lin Tian smiled evilly, "Spells are immune, but what about soul spells?"

   "Soul magic? What kind of soul magic do you have." The other party said contemptuously, while Lin Tian smiled, "Then you can be optimistic."

   Finished speaking, Lin Tian slapped a palm print with a palm, and instantly hit a stone man, the stone man seemed to have lost his breath of life, and immediately stood there motionless.

   The man was startled, "This, what's going on."

   "These stone men are nothing more than being controlled by you, and I just need to cut off the power that I control over them." Lin Tian said with a smile.

   The other party heard this and said angrily, "Boy, don't be complacent."

"I think it's you, don't be arrogant." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he slapped a few more slaps, and then sent those stone men flying, while Lin Tian cleaned up his mood, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, it's time to catch you out. already."

   "It's ridiculous, I'm hiding in the dark, how could you find me." The other party believed to himself, and he didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but Lin Tian sneered, ran under a wall, put one hand on it, and then withdrew.

  A figure was caught from the wall, and the other party was shocked, "How did you know I was here."

"I'm tired of your ability to hide in the wall." Lin Tianxie smiled, the other party immediately backed away, and then the whole person turned into a stone and clay figurine, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I've seen this kind of thing before. ?"

   "Is it from the phantom gate again?" Lin Tian teased, and the other party shouted, "Yes, the phantom gate, Shi Tianfeng, it's me!"

  Lin Tian didn't know any Shi Tianfeng, but Xiao Yixian was surprised, "Shi Tianfeng of Qin country?"

   "Yes, little girl, know me?" That Shi Tianfeng said proudly, and the little medical fairy frowned, "I heard some seniors talk about you."

"Does it mean that I'm very powerful?" The other party said proudly, while the little medical fairy looked ugly, "The seniors said, you have an earth-based spell that can travel through the mountains, and once you are in the mountains, no one can find you. ."

   "I like this sentence." This Shi Tianfeng laughed, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Others may not find you, but I can."

   "Boy, if I go into the mountains now, you won't be able to find it at all."


"Of course." Shi Tianfeng became proud, but he obviously didn't plan to hide, and created countless pieces of mud that shone with brown light around Lin Tian and the two, and these mud, like mud, first entangled the two of them. legs, and then spread.

  Little Doctor Immortal was struggling frantically, trying to break open the mud, but it was as if he was bound and could not break free at all.

   That Shi Tianfeng said proudly, "Give it up, my stone mud technique, not to mention binding you, is an ordinary earth immortal. In this Kyushu, you have to be obediently entangled by me."

  Lin Tian smiled when he heard this, "What a darling."

   "Isn't it?" Shi Tianfeng looked at Lin Tian coldly, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then you are optimistic."

I saw that Lin Tian, ​​who had awakened the primordial spirit of reincarnation, directly devoured the power in the stone mud, and then Lin Tian walked out, and the little medical fairy easily broke free, and said excitedly, "Shen doctor Lin, you are really amazing. "

   That Shi Tianfeng was in a hurry, "Damn, look at the trick."

   That Shi Tianfeng released countless pieces of mud everywhere, and all of a sudden the mud was like a "storm", attacking Lin Tian crazily, but Lin Tian could easily avoid it, but Xiao Yixian couldn't.

   Not only that, but after Xiaoyixian was hit, the stone mud closed up, making Xiaoyixian turn into a stone man, standing there motionless.

  Lin Tian had already arrived in front of Shi Tianfeng, and Shi Tianfeng threatened, "Boy, if you move again, I will let her die."

   "Do you think this can threaten me?" Lin Tianxiao asked, while that Shi Tianfeng said coldly, "What? You don't want to save her?"

   "I thought, but I didn't listen to you." Lin Tian suddenly punched out with a palm. That Shi Tianfeng's eyes widened, and his soul seemed to tremble. He was so frightened that he quickly turned into a puddle of mud and disappeared there.

  Lin Tian chuckled in his heart, "Those who have been marked by my annihilation still want to leave?"

   At this moment, Shi Tianfeng didn't know what Lin Tian had done to him, but he quickly escaped into the earth and hid himself.

  Lin Tian came to Xiaoyixian's side and asked, "How is it, are you alright?"

   Little Doctor Immortals shook their heads one after another, "I'm fine."

   "Let's go then."

   "Where?" Xiaoyixian was puzzled, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Look for that guy."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian took the little medical fairy and walked out of here, and the Shi Tianfeng, who emerged from the ground at this moment, stood in a hidden wood and said depressedly, "It's okay to run away."

  But after a short rest, Lin Tian's voice came out from a distance, "Do you think you escaped?"

   Hearing this voice, that Shi Tianfeng was startled, "Boy, you, get out of here."

   "Are you afraid?" Lin Tianxiao asked the place, and that Shi Tianfeng became anxious, and even looked around and stared, "Boy, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

   "If you're not afraid of me, what are you running for?"

   "I just want to play with you." After speaking, this Shi Tianfeng disappeared into the ground again.

   Little Doctor Immortal wondered, "He ran away again."

   "Don't worry, this guy can't run away." Lin Tian smiled, and then began to play hide and seek with this guy in this Spirit Grass Valley.

  In the observation deck, after those hall masters saw Lin Tian appear again, someone shouted, "Look, they came out."

  The king smiled and said, "Let me keep staring at them."


   Then the big screen locked Lin Tian and others, but after a while, Lin Tian and Xiaoyixian broke into a broken formation and then disappeared.

  The country lord said depressedly, "There are so many messy formations in this Spirit Grass Valley."

  The national teacher opened his mouth and said, "The king, this third level has already ended, why don't you go and rest."

  The king knew that the ten people in the third stage had already been selected, so he had to say, "Okay, let's go."

  Then the country lord and the national teacher left, as for the others.

   Palace Master Yan was curious about what Lin Tian was looking for in Lingcao Valley, why he broke into the formation, and in the formation, Lin Tian found Shi Tianfeng who was resting there.

  Shi Tianfeng thought that the formation that he came here could only come in.

   As soon as he saw Lin Tian, ​​Shi Tianfeng immediately alerted, "Can you also come in with this formation?"

"This formation is in this Lingcao Valley, why can't I come in?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, while Shi Tianfeng hummed, "Boy, I have studied this formation countless times, as long as I want, I can leave at will, but you It's hard to come in, but to go out."

   (end of this chapter)

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