Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1408: the man behind

   Chapter 1408 The man behind

   "I told you? Don't be naive!" The other party laughed, while Lin Tian smiled, and then quickly came to the other party.

   The man was startled, he immediately cast a ghost technique, and then the chains formed by the bones were wrapped around Lin Tian.

   Not only that, there are countless black air currents on these bones, it is ghost energy, and it penetrates into Lin Tian's body crazily.

   At the same time, the man said proudly, "Boy, all these ghosts have entered your body, and your body will be useless immediately."

   "How can you be sure that I'm not a ghost cultivator?" Lin Tian asked him with a smile, and the man was stunned and said, "Impossible, you are walking in the immortal way, how could it be the ghost way."

   "Whether it's a ghost, you'll find out later if you look at it." Lin Tian finished speaking and absorbed all the airflow on the bone.

  When the airflow on the bones disappeared, the bones fell off completely, but Lin Tian was fine, and smiled at the man, "Is there any way?"

  The man was a little scared at first, but a ghost weapon changed into his hand, and then the ghost weapon turned into a huge claw and grabbed Lin Tian.

  But Lin Tian laughed when he saw this ghost weapon, "What? A ghost weapon, you want to take me down?"

   "This ghost weapon can capture people's souls." The man said proudly, while Lin Tian smiled, "But this ghost weapon won't listen to you."

   After saying that, Lin Tian danced the ghost weapon, and suddenly the paw fell in front of Lin Tian, ​​and the man was shocked, "You, what did you do to it."

   "It's mine now." Lin Tian looked at the other party with a smile, and the man said coldly, "I have other ways."

   After finishing speaking, this person still wanted to do it, but Lin Tian smiled, "Wasting time."

  I saw Lin Tian hit countless empties, the man screamed again and again, and finally Lin Tian stepped forward, took out a talisman, and directly sealed the soul inside the talisman.

  The surroundings immediately quieted down, and the little doctor was startled, "Lin Shenyi, where's that guy?"

   "I sealed it up." Lin Tian smiled, then asked with a smile, "Now you're willing to tell me."

   "Boy, I won't tell you." The other party said angrily, while Lin Tian said coldly, "If you don't say it, then I'll make you feel like dying."

   "You, what do you want to do?" The other party asked anxiously, while Lin Tian smiled, and then increased his strength. The other party immediately felt uncomfortable, and finally screamed.

   After about a while, the other party compromised, "I said, I said all."

   "Tell me."

   "But if I say it, I'll be in ashes." The man was terrified, and Lin Tian looked at his soul and smiled, "Soul shackles, it seems that you are from the ancient alliance."

   "How do you know?" The other party was puzzled, obviously the other party didn't know who Lin Tian was, and after Lin Tian first destroyed the soul shackle, he was entering the soul imprint.

   After reading the other party's memory, Lin Tian laughed, "Do you want to know who I am?"

   "Think." Of course the other party thought, especially when he saw the shackles of the soul being forced, he already knew that Lin Tian must not be easy.

   Who knows, Lin Tian said with a smile, "I am the enemy of your Tiangu Alliance, Lin Tian."

   Hearing the word Lin Tian, ​​the man widened his eyes, "You, you are the rumored Emperor Lin."

   "Oh? You know me?"

   "In the Tiangu Alliance, an order has been issued, saying that Lin Tian is Emperor Lin, and people outside must be careful about you." The man said nervously.

  Lin Tian laughed, "So, the secret has spread?"

   "No, the nine ghosts have spread, but I don't know about Yangjie here." The man stammered.

  Lin Tian snorted, "So, you are arranged in the underworld by the Tiangu Alliance?"


   "Then why are you here."

   "I'll be responsible for releasing poison, destroying Lingcao Valley, and causing trouble to the Water Kingdom," the man explained.

  Lin Tian smiled, "It seems that I guessed right, and it really has nothing to do with you people."

   The other party said in a panic, "Sir, I just follow the orders."

   "I know, but where did you come from, you wood rot poison?"

   "It was given to me by a big man in the Sky Ancient Alliance. After he handed it over to me, he let me put poison here."

   "What about him?"

   "After coming here once, it never shows up again, and I put poison on this day and night."

  Lin Tian looked around, "Where is the source of the poison?"

   "There is a plant in front of it, and this plant is the source of the poison." The other party explained, and Lin Tian walked over.

   After about a while, I saw a black grass, and this grass exuded a thick wood rot poison.

  Lin Tian looked at the grass, then looked at a crack behind the grass and laughed, "It turns out that this crack has immortal energy seeping out, no wonder this poison will survive here."

   Little Doctor Immortal asked curiously, "Shen Doctor Lin, what kind of grass is this?"

   "Wood rot grass is only found in the fairy world, because it needs to consume a lot of fairy energy to grow, and it will emit wood rot gas for a period of time every day, infecting other plants."

  Little Doctor Immortal took a deep breath, "I didn't expect this to exist."

  Lin Tian looked at the crack, "This crack is relatively small, and the immortal energy is relatively weak, so the power of this poison is not weak, otherwise the Lingcao Valley will be over."

   Hearing this, Xiaoyixian frowned and said, "This ancient alliance is really poisonous."

   "Tiangu Alliance, now they are trying their best to toss the water country, and they are trying to deal with me." Lin Tianwei laughed.

  Xiaoyixian worried after hearing this, "What should I do now?"

   "This poison source can be solved." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put away the poison source and sealed the crack at the same time.

   In this way, even if there is another source of poison, it will not be able to survive here.

   Xiaoyixian was stunned, especially when she saw the crack closing, she said dementedly, "Can the crack close?"

   "As long as I take action, there is nothing wrong." Lin Tian smiled, then packed up and walked out of here.

   Little Doctor Immortal hurried to keep up, but just after walking a few steps, he shook around, and then some boulders appeared everywhere.

  These boulders turned into giants, approaching Lin Tian and the two step by step.

   Xiaoyixian said in shock, "What is this."

  Lin Tian laughed, "The Fossil Technique, it seems that the Tiangu Alliance is still here and has arranged for other people."

   The Little Doctor Immortal immediately alerted, and then attacked and hit those stone men, but these stone men were fine and continued to move forward.

   This frightened Xiaoyixian, "These people have nothing to do with them."

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "These stone men are immune to all spells."

   "What? All spells?" Xiaoyixian's eyes widened, and a voice came from the dark, "Who are you, why are you making trouble here."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "I'm Lin Tian."

   The other party said in surprise, "You are Lin Tian."

   "Have you met now?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the man hummed, "I just caught you and took it back to Qin to receive the reward."

   (end of this chapter)

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