Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1400: Take advantage of the opportunity

   Chapter 1400 Take the opportunity to seize the house

  Ma Guishi said in a hurry, "This kid used the Soul Technique and directly injured me!"

   "What?" The third prince was stunned, while the others were also shocked. As for the fourth prince, he was even more annoyed, "This kid."

  Ma Guishi said coldly, "I will kill him tonight."

  The third prince immediately asked curiously, "Master, what can you do?"

   "I'm a master of ghost cultivators, and what I'm best at is killing people in the invisible." After Ma Guishi finished speaking, he looked at everyone, "Show me the flesh, my primordial spirit will come out of the body."

   "Okay." The third prince was overjoyed, while the fourth prince said excitedly, "This time, we must kill that guy."

   "Don't worry, I will." After Ma Guishi finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and the next moment, his entire body seemed to be dead, motionless.

  The third prince said excitedly, "This time the master takes action, that kid is dead."

   "It's not." The fourth prince was proud, but the third prince was still thinking about Zeng Xiaoyao's words, which made her a little worried.

   As for Lin Tian, ​​he was in Fang Ji's house at the moment, and in a separate secret room, while Shui Wu and Xiaopang were outside the secret room.

   "What are you talking about this kid? Don't let us in." Shui Wu said depressedly, while the little fat man smiled and said, "Princess, you can't understand even if I let you in."

  Shui Wu was immediately unhappy, "Who said I don't understand? I'm also someone who has learned a little bit of refining."

   The little fat man smiled and said nothing, while Shui Wu was not reconciled, so he beat him outside, but he didn't hear anything in the secret room.

  Lin Tian smiled at that Fang Ji and said, "Are you ready?"

"All right."

   "Well, I'll teach you a kind of fire alchemy, which is to use flames to melt materials and remove magazines, and the fewer magazines, the more advanced the magic weapon will be, you know?"

  Fang Ji naturally knew, so he excitedly said, "Senior, you said."

  Lin Tian began to teach there, and after Fang Ji studied for half an hour, the whole person suddenly said, "Senior, you are really amazing."

   "Practice hard, you won't be able to become proficient in a while." Lin Tian smiled at him, while Fang Ji said gracefully, "Okay."

   But at this time Lin Tian felt something running in and smiled, "Looks like someone is making trouble."

   "Someone?" Fang Ji was puzzled, then looked around, "This is a secret room, there can be no one."

   "Some ghost cultivators think they can penetrate any object." Lin Tian smiled slightly, and hit a place with his palm, where a figure immediately appeared.

   This is the Ghost Master Ma. Fang was shocked when he saw this, "Master Ghost Horse."

  Ma Guishi smiled coldly, "I didn't expect to be discovered."

  Fang Ji wondered, "What are you doing here?"

   "I came here, naturally, to let this kid know how good I am." After the horse ghost master finished speaking, his body was surrounded by ghosts, and the next moment, dead souls appeared.

  These dead souls have no memory and no pain, but they will attack people's souls, so these dead souls are like shadows, rushing towards Lin Tian quickly.

  When these dead souls hit Lin Tian one by one, Lin Tian did nothing and laughed, "Is that enough?"

  Ma Guishi was shocked, "This."

   Not only the ghost master, but Fang Ji was also curious why this Lin Tian was so scary, and Lin Tian smiled at the ghost master, "It's my turn."

   At this time, Lin Tian saw countless ghosts, and then countless phantoms. There was only one target, the horse ghost master.

  Ma Guishi immediately cried and howled, then disappeared into a puff of smoke, and Fang Ji took a deep breath, "Senior, you, you are really amazing."

   "Those who provoke me will not end well." Lin Tian smiled, and Fang Ji quickly said, "Senior, do you want me to help."

   "No, I will solve it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he let Fang Ji continue to comprehend, while he went outside.

  Shui Wu glared when she saw Lin Tian coming out, "What are you doing in there, it took so long."

   "Of course it's learning." Lin Tian said with a smile, while the water dance stared, "Study, I can also learn."

   "Would you like to learn from me?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and Shui Wu felt that something was wrong, and immediately said, "My master is the national teacher, the first person in the water country, I need to worship you as my teacher?"

   "Then you go to your master to learn." Lin Tian finished, and then left with a big smile and the little fat man.

  Shui Wu refused to accept, "You keep an eye on it, I will learn from my master, and I will show you the most powerful refining skills."

   "I'll wait." Lin Tianxie smiled and left, but Shui Wu was really angry and left, went to find her master, and wanted her master to inquire about Lin Tian's origin.

  Because Shui Wu is not a fool, she gradually felt that this Lin Tian was definitely not an ordinary person, but she came to her Eighth Emperor, so she suspected that Lin Tian might be a hidden master of the enemy country.

   So Shui Wu hurriedly left.

   The little fat man smiled and said, "Boss, this princess really went to find his master, Xue Cao."

   "Don't worry, when she comes back, she will be much more honest." Lin Tian laughed, while the little fat man wondered, "Are you familiar with his master?"

   "Cooked, very cooked."

  Little Fatty was dubious, but Lin Tian was halfway there when suddenly a seller stepped forward, even came to Little Fatty, handed a letter and left.

   "For me?" The little fat man was stunned, and Lin Tian was also puzzled. After all, the people in the city who had to deal with him were not the little fat man.

   So Lin Tian said, "Open it and take a look."

  Little Fatty quickly opened it, and then the contents inside made his face change greatly, and Lin Tian asked, "What's wrong?"

   "The King of Monster Beast Mountain already knew that I was with humans, and he ordered me to hurry back or kill me," the little fat man said anxiously.

   Lin Tian smiled comfortably after hearing this, "Don't worry, no one can kill you with me."

   Little Fatty was stunned and said, "Boss, these monsters are very scary."

   "Don't worry, just follow me." Lin Tian said with a smile, while the little fat man said gracefully, "Well, I see."

   "Go, find a place, and continue to wait for others to trouble you." Lin Tianxie smiled, and the little fat man didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but Lin Tian still found an inn and stayed there casually.

   Then Lin Tian closed his eyes, and then ordered Zeng Xiaoyao, "Find some that horse ghost master and see if he is in the mansion of the Third Prince."

   Zeng Xiaoyao immediately searched and told Lin Tian about the situation of the Third Prince's Mansion, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Go, grab his body and find me."

   "Yes, sir." Zeng Xiaoyao immediately disappeared.

   At this moment, Ma Guishi's soul has just returned to the body, but his face is pale, and his soul is very fragile, and even his nostrils are bleeding everywhere.

  The third prince turned pale in shock, "Master Ma Gui, you, what's wrong with you."

   "This kid, hurt me." As soon as Ma Guishi finished speaking, a soul suddenly rushed into his consciousness.

   This scared Ma Guishi.

   (end of this chapter)

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