Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1399: Secretly play tricks, let you suffer!

   Chapter 1399 I'm secretly making a fool of myself and making you suffer!

   Shui Wu was dubious, when a lively voice came from outside the lounge.

   Wu Botian even shouted outside, "Boy, come out."

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Let's go, here we come."

   Shui Wu and the others immediately followed and came to the hall.

   At this moment, the Nine Treasures Pavilion was already crowded with people, but Wu Botian stared at Lin Tian coldly and said, "Boy, this time there are more than a dozen fairy artifacts, please check them out."

   "If it's still fake, how do you say it?" Lin Tian began to prepare a big pit for the other party, and Wu Botian said to himself, "If it's fake, I'll accompany you ten times the price."

   "Ten times? 200 million for one piece, 300 million for fifteen pieces, ten times, 30 billion?" Lin Tianxiao asked, Wu Botian nodded and said, "That's right, but you can't get the money."

  Lin Tian smiled, "That's okay, everyone can see it, I hope you can give me so much when you lose."

   "The premise is that these are all fake cases." That Wu Botian said coldly, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Okay, then you can look at it."

After   , Wu Botian took out a dagger and gave it to Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian got the dagger and was about to activate the power of devouring to devour all the important materials in the fairy.

   But at this moment, there was a fierce tiger in the dagger, and it was a beast soul, and the beast soul rushed into Lin Tian's body fiercely, ready to attack Lin Tian's soul.

  Lin Tian chuckled in his heart, "Just like this, do you still want to take me down?"

   I saw the fierce tiger rushing into the space of consciousness, and Lin Tian annihilated countless empties, instantly destroying this fierce tiger.

  The horse ghost master, who was staring in the dark, thought he could easily get it, but the next moment, the dagger shattered immediately.

   Everyone had expected this, and laughed, "Another one was discarded."

   Wu Botian's face was flushed, and he said quickly, "There's more."

After    finished speaking, he took out some more, and Lin Tian did the same, breaking a bunch of them, and Wu Botian was anxious, looked at the third prince and said, "Three princes, what's going on?"

  The third prince immediately asked Ma Guishi through voice transmission, "Master, if this continues, we will lose."

   "I'll control it." After the horse ghost master finished speaking, he closed his eyes, but when Lin Tian encountered the last fairy weapon, a figure appeared inside.

   The figure smiled and said, "Boy, you have some ability, you have broken so many ghost tricks in a row."

   "Just that kind of ghost-breaking technique, you want to hurt me? You're a little naive." Lin Tian smiled and looked at the other side, and the figure hummed, "Dare you say I'm a ghost-killer? Then I will teach you a good lesson."

After    finished speaking, the figure moved, and the speed was very fast, rushing into Lin Tian's body.

  But as soon as he reached the consciousness space, the figure saw darkness in front of him, and black vortices everywhere.

   "This, what is this."

   "You have ghost magic, I have soul magic, let's see who is better." Lin Tian stared at the other party with a weird smile, and the figure hummed, "Soul magic?"

   "What? Don't you believe it?"

   "It's not that I don't believe it, it's that all soul methods are garbage in my eyes." The other party was very confident.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Trash? Then you can be optimistic."

   After finishing speaking, those emptiness all hit the figure, and the figure screamed, and finally exited Lin Tian's consciousness space and returned to his body.

   When Ma Guishi opened his eyes, his face was pale, and the last fairy weapon in Lin Tian's hand was completely shattered.

  Wu Botian's legs were completely weak, and the whole person was terrified, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Three billion."

   Wu Botian's eyes widened, "You."

   "Everyone watched it just now." Lin Tian said with a smile, while that Wu Botian stammered, "I, I'll give it."

  Lin Tian said again, "There are still fifteen pieces of fairy artifact. If you don't want me to wait here, you can refund the money."

   Hearing the refund, the shopkeeper immediately became anxious and looked at Wu Botian, "Brother Wu, you can refund the money."

  Wu Botian knew that things must not be so good, so he trembled and said, "How much?"

   "It's ten times as well."

"Then, then I will give you a total of 60 billion?" Wu Botian's eyes widened, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "You can choose not to give it, but I will come often in the future, and then it will not be a dozen fairy artifacts. Hundreds, thousands of fairy artifacts can be settled."

   Wu Botian's face darkened when he heard thousands of pieces, and finally agreed with gritted teeth, "If I give you sixty billion, you won't come?"

   "Yeah." Lin Tian didn't have much time for this toss, but he was very satisfied to let the other party cut flesh and blood at once.

   In order to drive away the lunatic Lin Tian, ​​Wu Botian hurriedly looked at the shopkeeper, "Bring 60 billion."

   "Senior brother, I, we don't have so many here."

  Wu Bo said, "How many are there?"

   "Up to 40 billion."

   "Okay, I'll give the rest." Wu Botian gritted his teeth, and the shopkeeper said urgently, "But the more than 40 billion yuan belongs to our sect."

   "If you want to give it, give it, and all the responsibility is mine." Wu Botian said, but the shopkeeper had no choice but to prepare.

   After about a while, 60 billion was given to Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled at everyone, "Thank you all."

  Shui Wu was even more proud, and stared at the fourth prince, "And your 10 billion, this time we made 70 billion."

   These words made everyone envious, but Lin Tian and the others left with a smile.

   That Wu Botian was going crazy, and he stared coldly at the direction Lin Tian was leaving, as for the third prince, he looked at Master Ma Gui.

  Ma Guishi said coldly, "Go back to the mansion and say."

   Everyone had to leave and go back to the third prince's mansion, while Shui Wu looked at Lin Tian and said, "Boy, I suddenly found out that you are too sinister."

   "Insidious? Not really."

   "Seventy billion, plus those damaged fairy artifacts, it's estimated to be more than eighty billion, right?" Shui Wu did the math, and the whole person felt too cruel.

   Fang Ji said, "This Nine Treasure Pavilion, in this city, only makes several billions of profits a year, and these tens of billions are estimated to take decades to earn back."

   "It's only been a few decades? It's cheap for them." Lin Tian laughed, but Fang Ji said, "But this Master Wu, if you lose so much at once, it will be a lot."

  Lin Tian smiled, "If you find fault next time, it won't be as simple as 80 billion."

   Seeing Lin Tian's smile, Shui Wu said excitedly, "Boy, did you think of something fun again?"

   "Secret." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to go his own way, but Shui Wu was unwilling and insisted on pestering Lin Tian.

  Fang Ji followed silently, until after a while, Lin Tian stared at Fang Ji and said, "Do you really want to learn my crafting skills?"

   "Yes, senior?"

   "Well, go to your house, I'll explain something to you."

   Fang was overjoyed and said quickly, "Please."

  Shui Wu thought it was interesting, so she quickly followed, wanting to see what Lin Tian's crafting skills were like.

   However, when he returned to the mansion of the third prince, Ma Guishi suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the third prince was shocked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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