Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1390: invite

   Chapter 1390 Invitation

After watching the people in the hall for a while, the country lord stood up and said to the palace lord Cang, "Palace Lord Cang, you go to announce the results, and remind everyone that there may be people from the enemy's power to make trouble, and the next eight levels must be Let everyone recognize which is the end point, and don’t mess around in unfamiliar places.”

   "Yes." After the Cangdian Master took the order, one turned to leave, and the King whispered, "Cultivating demons is really not easy."

   Palace Master Yan wanted to say something, but the king and the water left, causing the eyes of the Palace Master Yan to flash strangely.

   Shui Wu, who was at the final destination at the moment, also asked Lin Tian how to cultivate demons, but Lin Tian only said, "Those who have the ability can cultivate demons, demons, and ghosts, there is no problem."

   Shui Wu, who heard this, said with contempt, "You can just say that your talent is good and you are very powerful."

  The eighth prince adored, "Master, what else are you doing?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said nothing, while Master Fu stared at Lin Tian like a monster until the third prince and others came in.

   This time, the third prince and the fourth prince got the third and fourth respectively, then Shuifu, and others.

   But these people are obviously not reconciled, especially when they look at the eyes of the Eighth Prince and others, they all reveal killing intent.

   Until the Cang Palace Master appeared, he looked at everyone, "Everyone can go back to the Prince's Palace to rest. When the third round of the competition is over, we will notify everyone after five days."

   Everyone packed up and prepared to leave through the teleportation array, but the Cang Palace Master told everyone what happened today, so he said to everyone, "So everyone, be careful in the future, don't run into the traps arranged by other enemy countries."

   Everyone immediately heated up, and Lin Tian and others left through the teleportation array.

  The third prince said gloomily, "Let's go too."

  Shuifu looked at the depressed man wearing the helmet and said, "Master, what should I do?"

   "Take your time, there are still eight levels." The man in the helmet said, and Shui Fu Ensheng had to take his own people and leave.

   Returning to the Prince's Palace, that Lin Tian got up and said, "I will go shopping in the city these few days, and I will come back before the game."

  The eighth prince was stunned and said, "Master, where are you going?"

   "I'm going to do something." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the Eighth Prince sighed, so he had to let Lin Tian leave, and before Lin Tian left, let the Wolf King and Master Fu stay by the Eighth Prince's side to ensure his safety.

  Just like this, Lin Tian left with Xiaopang, and this Shui Wu wondered, "What is he doing when he leaves at this time?"

   "My master, so powerful, there must be a lot of things." The Eighth Prince explained, but Shui Wu didn't believe it and wanted to follow him, so he said, "Eighth Emperor, I'll go first."

   After saying that, Shui Wu left, and the eighth prince shook his head helplessly, "It's still so crazy."

   As for Lin Tian, ​​the little fat man beside him asked curiously, "Boss, why are we leaving the Prince's Palace?"

   "If I don't leave, those people will have no chance to attack." Lin Tian laughed, and the little fat man said in surprise, "Are you deliberately trying to attract people to deal with you?"

   "Yes, this person from the Qin country must really want to find an opportunity to start, but he is just struggling with the opportunity, so I need to go out more now, so that they have a chance to find me." Lin Tian laughed.

   Hearing this, the little fat man laughed, "I really want to see someone who doesn't have long eyes come to my door."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "That princess is really busy."

  The little fat man turned around curiously, just after seeing the sneaky water dancer, he smiled and said, "Boss, this princess, why are there so many things?"

   "Don't worry about her." That Lin Tian smiled helplessly, then took the little fat man and left there.

   Shui Wu secretly muttered, "I'll see what you're going to do."

   Shui Wu followed, and in the Prince's Hall, Wu Botian immediately reported to the Hall Master Yan after receiving the news.

   "Keep an eye on him and see what he's going to do." Hall Master Yan urged.


   Then Wu Botian left, and the fifth prince in the palace of the prince complained, "I didn't expect that I was eliminated in the second round."

  The fourth prince stared at him and said, "Who made you abstain."

   "I won't abstain, waiting for the monsters to come and eat me as food?" The fifth prince said resentfully.

   The fourth prince wanted to say something, and the third prince said, "Okay, stop arguing, now think about what to do next."

   The third imperial concubine frowned, "This gentleman is too complicated."

  The third prince said coldly, "I don't care if he is simple or not, as long as he provokes me, I will kill him."

   "What's your plan?" the third emperor asked, and the third prince said coldly, "It's more important to look at the back."

   "Okay." The Third Imperial Concubine responded, and then these people could only wait there depressed.

   As for Lin Tian, ​​he took the chubby chick in the city, but the good times didn't last long, and after a while, a housekeeper came over and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Excuse me, is it Mr. Lin?"

   "Who are you?" Lin Tian didn't know this person, and that person took out a letter and said, "Our lady, a letter to you."

  Lin Tian took the letter out of curiosity, but he muttered in his heart, "Who, as soon as he left the Prince's Palace, he sent me a letter."

   The little fat man asked excitedly, "Boss, are you trying to trouble you?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

  I saw Lin Tian took out a letter and smiled strangely after seeing the letter left by Liu Qingxiang, "This woman, dare to take the initiative to find me?"

   "Boss, who is it?"

   "The woman in a brothel in Shuiyun City, I saw through it before, she ran away, and then never showed up, but now she took the initiative to find me. It seems that I have to meet her for a while."


   "The first brothel in this capital, Mengxianglou."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he brought Little Fatty with him, and Little Fatty said excitedly, "I heard that your human brothel is a very fun place."

   "It's fun, but they're all rouge fans, I don't like it." Lin Tian said a word, making the little fat man smile and say, "Then I want to see it."

   But Shui Wu, who was not far away, muttered, "This guy, what letter did you receive? Are you still so happy?"

   So Shui Wu continued to follow, but an hour later, when Shui Wu saw a luxurious area like an inn in front of him, he stared, "What? Mengxianglou?"

  Shui Wuda despised the men who came in and out of here, but now seeing Lin Tian entering, she immediately said, "This hypocrite, stinky hooligan, who ran out to do errands turned out to be looking for a woman?"

   The water dance couldn't help it. He ran over immediately and stopped Lin Tian and the little fat man, and the little fat man pretended to be surprised, "Princess, why are you here?"

   "If I don't come, do you guys have to go in?" Shui Wu said aggressively, while the little fat man said gracefully, "Yes, I want to go in."

  Shui Wu immediately scolded Lin Tian, ​​"Okay! Say it out and do things, but you come to the brothel to find a woman, you are really amazing!"

   (end of this chapter)

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