Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1389: phantom gate

   Chapter 1389 phantom gate

   That person was very uncomfortable at the moment, and at this time, the Cang Palace Master rushed in from the outside, and after seeing the situation inside, he asked, "What happened?"

   Seeing the Cang Palace Master, Shui Wu excitedly explained the matter, and the Cang Palace Master immediately grabbed the person and said, "Who are you?"

   The other party laughed, "I won't tell you."


   The other party gradually turned into a pile of ashes and disappeared, and the surrounding palace disappeared all of a sudden, like a phantom.

  Lin Tian said, "Wait a second."

After   , Lin Tian rushed out to a place, and everyone was curious about what was going on. As for the Cang Palace Master, his brows were wrinkled.

   After a while, Lin Tian chased after a forest, and he was already outside the formation.

   "Are you still hiding?" Lin Tian looked around, and the voice cursed, "Boy, how did you find me?"

   "I've seen a lot of spells like yours." Lin Tian said coldly, while the other party said, "What do you mean?"

"Illusory, you can turn your body into any form, such as flames, or something else, and you pretended to burn your body just now, but it was just an illusion, and your body has already turned into gas and escaped." Tian looked around and said.

   The man laughed strangely, "Boy, you know a lot."

"Come out."

   "What if I don't come out?"

   "If you don't come out, will I not be able to find you?" Lin Tian laughed, but the other party laughed, "You are a young man, I am still afraid of you?"

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing the other party's tone, "You think you transformed into a tree, so I can't find it?"

   The other party was startled, but soon, he calmed down again and stopped talking, while Lin Tian smiled and walked towards a tree.

   After about a while, Lin Tian stared at a tree in front of him and smiled at him, "Still hiding?"

   The other party was still unmoved, but Lin Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and a black vortex in the palm of his hand hit the tree heavily.

   The next moment, the tree turned into a person, fell to the ground, and said with a pale face, "Boy, talk to me if you have something to say."

  Lin Tian said coldly, "If you don't want to die, don't move."

   The man was terrified, "What do you want to do?"

  Lin Tian walked over and pressed one hand on his forehead, and the man just wanted to fight back, but found that Lin Tian directly attacked his soul, and even put a soul imprint on his soul.

   This made the man scream in discomfort on the spot, until Lin Tian put his hand away and said, "Tell me, who is the purpose, what is the purpose."

   The other party said nervously, "The Xueguo Huanxingmen is entrusted by the Xueguo. When the water country chooses the prince, seize the opportunity to solve all the princes and princesses, and make the water country's successor incompetent."

  Lin Tian understood, and then said to him, "Okay, you go first, but if there is any trouble, you have to tell me."

   "I, I know." The other party was so frightened that he hurriedly left, while Lin Tian stared at his back and muttered to himself, "Illusory Gate, isn't this a sect that only exists in the Immortal Realm? Why does it also exist in the Ordinary Realm."

  Lin Tian thought for a while and then muttered, "Maybe it's a branch of the Immortal Realm in the Mortal Realm."

After   , Lin Tian turned around and left.

  The people who were waiting in place at the moment waited there for a while before they saw Lin Tian, ​​and they stepped forward to ask if they had found the person just now.

  Lin Tianen said, and Hall Master Cang said in surprise, "The other party disappeared so quickly, can you find it?"

   "That's Disillusionment."

   "What is Disillusionment?" The Shui Wu was puzzled, and the Eighth Prince and others didn't understand either, staring at Lin Tian curiously.

  Lin Tian was about to explain when the Cang Palace Master was surprised, "Snow Country Magic Gate?"

   "Yes, do you know him?" Lin Tian stared at Cang Palace Master, and Cang Palace Master opened his mouth and said, "I have played against people from the Magic Gate a few times."

  Shui Wu wondered after hearing this, "Could it be that people from this snow country come to trouble us?"

  Lin Tian pretended to analyze, "It is estimated that the people from the Snow Country want to win the prince and princess who participated in the selection of the prince, but we just happened to arrive first."

   Shui Wu said, "These people are really hateful."

   Hall Master Cang said, "I have to go back and report quickly, everyone be careful."

  Shui Wu quickly asked, "Then how do we know the truth of this palace?"

   Cang Palace Master explained, "The gate of our palace is open, and the table inside can be seen from the outside, and the table is the point token."

  Shui Wu heard the great joy, and immediately shouted to leave quickly, while the Eighth Prince and others followed behind. As for the Cang Palace Master, he quickly left here and returned to the observation deck.

  In the observation deck, the country lord asked anxiously, "How is it?"

   The Cang Palace Master explained what happened, and the King of the Kingdom was furious after hearing this, "What? Snow Country?"

   "Yes, the people from the Snow Country phantom gate."

   The lord of the country looked ugly, "The people of this snow country are against us everywhere, and now even the selection of the prince has to start against my prince and princess."

"The King, do you want to cancel the game?" The Cang Palace Master asked worriedly, and the King looked at the water, and the water said, "No, continue like this, but you have to send more people to observe around, if there are other non-games Everyone should be stopped."

  The lord of the country said gracefully, then looked at the Cang Palace Master, "Cang Palace Master, as the guardian of the hall, you can arrange this matter."


   The Cang Palace Master immediately went to arrange, while the other Palace Masters showed a puzzled look. As for the King, looking at the princess and others on the big screen, "Fortunately, they are all right this time, otherwise I must fight with this Snow Country."

  For Shui Wu and others, although they encountered such a delay, they still reached the deepest palace as quickly as possible, and got the first and second tokens.

   Shui Wu also said excitedly, "Brother Eighth Emperor, you have 20 points now."

  The eighth prince smiled and said, "It's all up to my master, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get here at all."

  Shui Wu began to feel that Lin Tian was not simple, so his tone changed and said, "Boy, your ability is indeed not simple, but don't be complacent."

   Lin Tian smiled helplessly.

"why are you laughing?"

  Lin Tian said, "What you have seen is just the tip of my iceberg."

  Shui Wu immediately refused to accept this, "What? Just talk to you, and you will start bragging?"

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, while that Shui Wu snorted and muttered to himself, "This person really doesn't understand modesty."

  Master Fu looked at Lin Tian curiously and asked, "What is your ability to create countless clones?"

   Hearing this, Shui Wu also stared at Lin Tian curiously, and the eighth prince obviously wanted to learn, after all, this skill is too cool.

   Lin Tian replied, "This ability is used by people who cultivate demons."

   "Cultivation of demons? You still cultivate demons?" The Master Fu widened his eyes, while the Eighth Prince and Shui Wu were shocked.

   Not only that, but the king and others in the Watching Hall were shocked, and Shui Liu knew that this was the ability of Demon Heavy, so he was very calm, but he muttered in his heart, "Master, it's even more terrifying than before."

   (end of this chapter)

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