Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1367: Entering the Prince's Palace, attracting ridicule

   Chapter 1367 Entering the Palace of the Prince, attracting ridicule

Master   Fu said, and took out the Water Kingdom Poison Order. Seeing this, the Eighth Prince immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I never recognized it."

  Master Fu saw the other party recognize it and smiled and said, "It's normal, I haven't shown up for a long time, you juniors don't know, it's normal."

   Lin Tian looked at the eighth prince with a smile, "I still don't thank this master for spreading your skills."

  The Eighth Prince heard this and immediately said with interest, "Thank you Master Fu."

  Master Fu was stunned and said, "When did I agree?"

"Then why did you say so much just now?" Lin Tian smiled at Master Fu, and then Master Fu knew that he was on Lin Tian's way, but he thought that Lin Tian was going to go, so he would join in the fun. .

   So Master Fu sighed, "Well, from today onwards, I'll teach you some skills, but you kid, you have to fight and take the position of the prince, you know?"

   "This." The eighth prince, still a little timid, after all, he is not the kind of person who kills decisively, let alone kills like numbness.

  Lin Tian patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, with me, the position of the prince must be yours."

   "Yes, Master." The Eighth Prince didn't want to disappoint Lin Tian, ​​so he responded, but Lin Tian hesitated and said, "But your character needs to be changed."


   "Yes, just be bolder, don't be so cowardly." Lin Tian stared at him and said, and the eighth prince embarrassed, "I'm used to being leisurely since I was a child."

   "Think about it, you are doing all this for the people of Shuiguo, otherwise if other people become princes, the Shuiguo will definitely be in chaos, you know?"

  The eighth prince nodded and said, "Understood, Master."

   "Okay, let's go, go to the Prince's Palace, let's see who is there." Lin Tian smiled, and then let the Eighth Prince lead the way.

  Eighth Prince Ensheng, took Lin Tian, ​​Master Fu and Fatty and left.


  Prince Hall, because the selection of the prince was ahead of schedule, all the princes who received the news had all returned from all over the past few days.

   As for the eighth prince, it was quite slow, and on the way, although this Master Fu agreed, the whole person kept chattering.

   also asked Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, do you know how many princes and princesses there are?"

   "What? Is the princess also participating?"

   "Nonsense, princess, in any country there are people who have participated in becoming princes, especially some country leaders are women!"

  Lin Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen and asked, "Then tell me."

Master   fu introduced, "There are more than 100 princes and 100 princesses, but there are probably only a few dozen or less who are really involved."

  Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, "This country lord also has so many concubines, so many children?"

Master Fu smiled and said, "Just think, how old is the king? It's more than ten thousand years old. There must be hundreds of concubines and queens together, and according to the calculation of more than ten thousand years, several hundred A crown prince, on average, one is born every few decades, not many!"

  Lin Tian really didn't think much about it, and the eighth prince on the side said embarrassedly, "No, I'm quite old, and there are many younger brothers and sisters behind me, but I have never met many of these people."

   "Never seen?" Lin Tian wondered.

   "Those concubines, often the father will arrange for the prince or princess to be born in some quiet place. Only in special circumstances, the father will summon them. Generally, everyone is outside, living in different cities, or some places."

  The explanation of the eighth prince made Lin Tian have to wonder, "So, the competition for this prince is still fierce."

   "No, but most of them are gangs, and they mainly push one person up." The eighth prince said kindly.

Master Fu on the side of    also said, "Don't underestimate every prince or princess, each of them has a lot of power and capable people behind them."

The eighth prince suddenly lost his voice and said, "I have been frail and sick since I was a child, and my mother and concubine died early, so although I am ranked the eighth, I have no rights and even a small salary. ."

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "Although you say that you may be the poorest prince and the least powerful prince, but you have a kind heart and the heart that is most suitable for being a prince."

   "Is it really possible?" The Eighth Prince asked again, and Lin Tianen said, "Trust me."

  The eighth prince said more and more confidently, "I listen to the master."

  Master Fu sighed after seeing that Lin Tian had been encouraging the Eighth Prince, "Boy, don't be too optimistic, this kind of thing cannot be forced."

  Lin Tian stared at Master Fu and said with a smile, "Are you ready to back down?"

  Master Fu, who couldn't stand the excitement, heard this and immediately said, "How is it possible?"

   "You're fine, just pass on his skills."

   "Let's pass it on." After the Master Fu finished speaking, he passed on some detoxification and poison-making skills to the Eighth Prince as he walked.

  The eighth prince recorded it in his mind until they came to the outside of the prince's palace.

   It was still very lively outside the palace of the prince, especially some princes and princesses came from a distance, so there were a lot of followers, but they were all blocked and sent off one by one.

  The Eighth Prince didn't have so many followers, so he brought Lin Tian and the three directly inside.

   As soon as you enter, there will be guards led by the leader, leading the Eighth Prince and others forward.

  But just a few steps in, Wu Botian appeared with someone, and Wu Botian laughed and said, "Eighth prince, are you here?"

  The Eighth Prince saw Wu Botian and said respectfully, "Master Wu, here we come."

   Wu Botian glanced at Lin Tian and asked strangely, "Why did you bring this person?"

These words attracted everyone's attention. After all, Lin Tian didn't look like a capable person, and at this time, the fourth prince also appeared, and he was still holding a jug in his hand, as if the wine could not leave his body and said with a smile, "Eighth brother, I also I'm curious, why did you bring such a waste."

   Hearing that Lin Tian was a waste, the other princes and princesses joined in the fun one by one, and the eighth prince immediately said, "He is not a waste, he is my master."

   "Master?" The scene immediately became lively, and Wu Botian was stunned for a while before laughing, "Eighth prince, do you have a master?"

   "Yes." The eighth prince nodded heavily, while the fourth prince sneered, "I'm really hungry."

   Wu Botian couldn't help laughing and said, "Eighth prince, if you don't have a master or a client, you can find me, I can recommend a few people to you, but it's not like this, right?"

   At this moment, Wu Botian was very puzzled that Lin Tian had become the master of the Eighth Prince, but he was even more happy, thinking that the Eighth Prince was ridiculous.

  The Eighth Prince just smiled at Wu Botian's ridicule, "Master Wu, my master, it's not easy, please don't insult him like that."

   "Eighth Prince, I'm doing it for your own good, but it's better for you to say that I insulted him?" That Wu Botian pretended to be unhappy.

   (end of this chapter)

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