Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1366: The selection of the prince

Chapter 1366 Prince Edward selection of things

Overweight children also felt the boss to take advantage of, while Corinthians day to see these people misunderstand, his heart helpless smile, "not to mention Prince, is the master of fairy, fairy statue of the master, when I do not love."

But these people do not know, eight or prince was excited to see the forest days, "as long as Lin doctor to help me, not to mention coach, is to let me do anything I can."

"What really would be happy?"


"That allows you to do when Prince?" Lin-day laugh at him, shocked the spot while eight Prince, "the forest geniuses, his statement can not talk nonsense."

Fu master is also Lin-day words to overawed, but also ridicule, "Boy, you crazy, right? Let him as Prince? The first estimate is that he's dead."

"There I was, who let him die?" Forest days from the channel, but the master can break a smile, "Boy, I did not scare you, it's behind several princes have very large forces, but some people also the support of other countries, those light and human resources, you can compare got? "

Lin days but was handed back from the channel, "as long as I want, not to mention the country, is the Kyushu people together, and I will let him as a prince."

Fu master the words amused, laughed, "you medicine, I think you're hard, but you have to say, get him on Prince Edward position, I think, or forget you."

"No I can not do."

"You're a liar blowing addicted?" The master symbol depressed pole, while the eight Prince embarrassed and said, "That can change it?"

"You do not want Prince?" Asked Lin days, while the eight Prince smile, "I did this ambition, say, when the Prince, but also when the main country that is tired of thing."

"Look, this is the smart choice." Fu Master laughed, while Lin was staring at the eight-day Prince, "they say you are good, then you have the heart to see other princes to compete for national water authority, and indiscriminate use rights, leading to water the country was destroyed it? "

Eight Prince stunned, "you mean?"

"If you improperly Prince, and others when the Prince, then water the country must be chaos." Forest Day said.

Eight Prince hesitation, "This."

Prince saw eight daze that way, Lin says with a laugh day, "Well, I will not speak of this, you first coach it."

"Yes." Prince eight days immediately bowed down forests, while Fu master reluctantly shook his head, "It's a great one."

After eight prince bowed, said Lin Heaven, "Master."

"Well, starting today, you are my disciple, if someone bully you, even though you find me on the line." Lin said day, and eight princes embarrassed and said, "Master, I will not give you the chaos of random."

The eight princes really like to see a prince after some of the majesty, Lin smile, "Well, do not say this, or transfer your skill bar."


Lin days but look to the underlying master, who laughed and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, you go wait outside, I pass his ability."

"Do not look do not see what the big deal." Fu Master finished, and overweight children, who go out, and the patience to teach forest days in this house.

At first thought Fu master, just as long to teach a religion, who knows Lin-day stay for two people in it, it has not come out.

Time also went by.

"This guy, do what ah? All five days later, so stay still?" The master volt annoyed and wanted to go.

Small fat man stopped him smile, "Fu master, my boss said, quiet stay outside, you do not join in the fun."

"No, I have to go in and see." The Fu master reconciled, then rushed to prepare the master symbol.

Surprisingly, the door opened.

Lin Prince eight days out, and eight princes, like a different person.

I saw him look very good, and his face had color.

Not only that, eight Prince also excited and said, "Master, your ability, I would surely learn."

"Well, a good school now." Forest days, told Road, Fu master and looked up and down eight Prince, "you five days have done what?"

Eight Prince did not say, but embarrassed to smile at that, "I am the master skill badly, pass me a lot."

Fu Master watch eight princes so mysterious disdain, "What's extraordinary."

Can this time, a Ding came, "Eight Prince, you finally came out."

"What happened to you?" Eight Prince curious, after all, usually their own how to stay in the room, and nothing can come out today, you see the servant was wrong to ask again.

That servant embarrassed and said, "Well, just to extraordinary temple Prince, said a few days, going to Prince Edward selection, it requires all the house of Prince Prince the past few days to report."

"What? Prince of selection? So fast?" Eight Prince scared up, but DING En-home channel, "Here, this is the credentials."

Eight Prince took his credentials, after reading the above content staring at Lin Heaven, "Master, I want to join you in the end?"

"Participate in, why not take part." Lin says with a laugh day, and eight princes embarrassed and said, "Then you go with me."

"Can I go?"

"The above said that you can bring three followers, and this follower can be a master or a guest. I think you are my master, so there should be no problem." The eighth prince has no idea at this moment, but he has seen Lin Tian's ability in the past few days. , I believe that with him, I will feel more at ease.

Lin Tian knew that this eighth prince was born kind, and if he let him go, he would definitely kill the other princes, so he smiled and said, "Okay, me, Master Fu, and this little fat, the three of us are together, as for the three of us. Little Leizi, stay in the Eighth Prince's Mansion."

   Little Leizi nodded, "Yes, my lord."

  Master Fu was stunned, "Why, I'm going?"

  Lin Tian smiled and looked at Master Fu, "You belong to the Wan Po Sect, and you must be very good at detoxification, so I want you to pass some to him."

   "Are you pulling me into the water?" Master Fu stared wide-eyed after seeing Lin Tianmu.

"Don't you want to choose a decent prince for Shuiguo?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and Master Fu said anxiously, "Boy, it's not that I look down on him, but the power behind those princes is really not easy, you and I are the power of both. , unmatched."

   "In a word, go or not, if you don't go, then I will go by myself, then it is even more impossible for you to win my chance." Lin Tian smiled at this Master Fu.

  Master Fu naturally wanted to look for opportunities, and he could beat Lin Tian in some aspects, but he didn't know Lin Tian, ​​so he could only keep looking for opportunities, but now if Lin Tianzhen went, he would have no chance.

   So Master Fu hesitated for a long time, while Lin Tian stared at Master Fu with a smile, until the eighth prince asked curiously, "This master is really from the Wanpomen?"

Master   Fu didn't expect that the eighth prince didn't know him, and immediately felt aggrieved and said, "It seems that I haven't appeared for a long time, and everyone doesn't recognize me."

   (end of this chapter)

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