Count of Wizards

Chapter 942: 2 plans

Although Jack Ferguson didn't point out what he was asking, there is no doubt that Eugenia knew what Jack Ferguson was talking about. After a few seconds of silence, she didn't quibble for herself, and whispered: "It's been a year! "

Hearing Eugenia’s confession, a murderous intent appeared in Jack Ferguson’s eyes. He continued to wipe the revolver in his hand while continuing to say: "For what?"

"I want to be the Countess of Ferguson, and Domenech can help you!" After a sigh, Eugenia raised her head and told Jack Ferguson:

Hearing his wife’s explanation, Jack Ferguson laughed furiously, blew the clean revolver in his hand, and then asked Eugenia; "So, Eugenia, I still need to thank you. ?"

"Jack, for so many years, you have not had ten women out there, but eight? Have you ever seen me make trouble?" Looking at the revolver in Jack Ferguson's hand, Eugenia continued:

"Then Eugenia, do I still need to thank you?" Jack Ferguson said faintly. As soon as his voice fell, the very clean and shiny revolver in his hand was lifted up sharply. , Aimed at Eugenia's forehead.

Just now when Domenech was there, Jack Ferguson didn’t take out the gun against him. It was because Domenech was a great knight. Once he started fighting, it is estimated that the revolver hadn’t been taken out of the desk drawer yet, Jack Ferguson. It is very likely that he has been killed or subdued by him, but now facing Eugenia, this middle-aged woman without any resistance, Jack Ferguson has no such worries at all.

Facing the muzzle raised by her classmate who has been sleeping together for decades, Eugenia didn’t seem to be in the slightest fear. She was very calm and confidently said to Jack Ferguson: "Jack, you can’t drive. Gun's!"

"Hahaha, I will kill you **** first, and then tell Domenech's plan all to Martinez butler, Domenech and you, and your **** plan, it's all over! The gun is over! Looking at Eugenia’s forehead, Jack Ferguson had a terrifying face and roared viciously:

"Jack, I am glad to see that I am so important in my heart, but do you think it is worth it for me? I am your last hope. You can't live if I die. Our Da Silva family won't let you go! Eugenia continued to preach calmly:

Hearing the name "Da Silva Family", Jack Ferguson's eyes showed hesitation, but the muzzle of the revolver in his hand was still firmly on Eugenia's forehead. .

"Tell me, if I don't agree to your and Domenech's suggestions today, what will you adulterers do?" After thinking for a few seconds, Jack Ferguson asked Eugenia coldly:

Feeling the ferocity in the eyes of her husband and the coldness of the muzzle on his forehead, Eugenia was silent for a while before beginning to tell: "Domenech has ordered his hands to sneak into Frosinone secretly. He was originally His plan is that if you agree to his plan, then he will make you unable to claim the illness and be unable to take up the post of principal of Ferguson Middle School, and then go to Ferguson Manor to recover from the illness!"

"In this way, Martinez’s attention is all drawn to you. On the one hand, he arranged actions for him to delay time, and on the other hand, Ferguson Manor was a place where his ally Bernardo once managed a lot of protagonists, Domenech You can arrange some people there calmly, and when things get to a certain level, Martinez will definitely go back to Ferguson Manor to visit you, and that's his chance to do it!"

Speaking of this, when the next key point was to be talked about, Eugenia closed her eyes and whispered: "If you disagree with his plan, Domenech plans to kill you, and then disguise your death as Suicide, and then wait until Ferguson Manor, when your funeral is held, Martinez, as the family housekeeper, will definitely be there. Then it will be the time for him to attack."

"Then when I died and Domenech, the bastard, was in charge of the power of the family, Henry, as the third heir to the family, could justifiably become the head of the family, and Domenech could become the de facto controller of the family. As for Eugenia, you can also rely on Henry to increase your status in the family?" Before Eugenia's words were finished, Jack Ferguson just sneered and continued to speak for her.

Regarding Jack Ferguson’s remarks, Eugenia closed his eyes and did not refute it. It was regarded as acquiescing to Jack Ferguson’s remarks, and she looked like she was waiting for the gunshots to sound, waiting for Jack Ferguson to respond to her. Trial

Looking at the wife who gave up resistance, Jack Ferguson who could have killed her with a slight finger movement, unexpectedly took the revolver off Eugenia's forehead.

Although it seems that Jack Ferguson has given up killing, this is not Jack Ferguson’s decision to Eugenia’s old love. To make this decision, Jack Ferguson is completely rational. He It is clear that although Eugenia provided two plans, in fact, with Domenech’s character, if he is allowed to choose, he must choose the latter to kill himself, and use his funeral to lure Martinez into the bait. To make sure that he will not become the variable that affects his plan,

So since Domenech came to discuss with him today, instead of directly killing himself, this shows that Eugenia has done work on this matter. This also shows that Eugenia is not real. 'S and Domenech are of one mind!

Feeling the muzzle of Jack Ferguson’s revolver, moving away from her forehead, Eugenia opened her eyes and took a deep breath, although she was bold enough, and it was certain that, under his suggestion, her own Her husband, who has always been indecisive and hesitant, would not actually shoot her, but when a loaded revolver hit her head, the fear of death still enveloped her in an instant.

"Why should I believe you?" Jack Ferguson asked coldly. Although he put the revolver off Eugenia's forehead, Jack Ferguson did not put the revolver away, but just took it like this. Randomly fiddling with his hands, the threat between words and actions is self-evident.

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