Count of Wizards

Chapter 941: betray

"That's right! Enter Frosinone in batches, everyone is good, and the identity is clean, even if they do something, they will not be found out!" Domenech continued to sneer and said in the words. Jack Ferguson's more information, but his words did not make Jack Ferguson as relieved as he expected, but made the doubt in Jack Ferguson's eyes thicker.

If Domenech is right, then he lets people enter Frosinone first, and then he comes to discuss with himself, which means that no matter what the outcome of the negotiation is, he intends to launch a rebellion against Martinez butler. , Otherwise he shouldn't let everyone of him enter Frosinone!

According to the normal logic, it should be that he came to himself to discuss first, then the two of them reached an agreement under the common interests, and then the two began to plan, and finally Domenech transferred his people to Frosinone. Prepare for action. After all, although Domenech mobilizes manpower outside the family and recruits force, if he wants to succeed within the Ferguson family, he must obtain the support of the second heir of his own family and obtain legal legality. Otherwise, even if he succeeded in killing Martinez's butler, without legitimacy, he would soon be suppressed by the Imperial Armed Forces!

Domenech would not fail to understand this truth, and he still chose to let his people enter Frosinone and bear the discovery discovered by Martinez’s butler. Because he didn’t agree, Domenech had other plans. Thinking of this, and thinking about the abnormal and very close relationship between his wife and Domenech, Jack Ferguson couldn’t help but a touch of it in his eyes. haze

At this time, Domenech did not notice Jack Ferguson’s psychological changes. He continued to speak confidently: “The victory at the Senate Conference has already made the old fox Martinez relax. The one next to him is called The guy from Zheke has already left his side. It only takes two hours for my people to control the Ferguson Mansion!"

Although Domenech himself seemed very excited about his plan, Jack Ferguson, as a listener, acted very coldly. He glanced calmly at Domenech in front of him, and then faintly said: "Speaking of now, Domenech, you haven't given me a reason, tell me why I believe you?"

"A few days ago, you and that guy Bernardo, in the hotel room, patted my chest and promised me that you will support me in the family senator meeting to succeed my family and become the new Earl of Ferguson. I have listened to your words. The result has now fallen to this end!" At this point, Jack Ferguson looked more self-deprecating, and looked at Domenech with a touch of resentment!

Feeling the resentment in Jack Ferguson’s words, Domenech let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction, and then pointed to Jack Ferguson’s nose and cursed; "You still have the face to mention this matter? You don’t look at what virtue you are. If you can't wipe your **** clean when you do things, you can easily get the handle, and you still want to be the Earl of Ferguson?"

"Martinez, the old fox, has thrown your handle on your face. How can you let us help you? Jack Ferguson, you are a trash, do you know? Do you know how much you make us? Passive, I don’t want to ask you to settle the account. You still take the initiative to mention this matter to me? You are also worthy of becoming the new Earl of Ferguson?” Domenech sneered at Jack Ferguson without any secret;

Hearing Domenech's insult to him, Jack Ferguson suddenly became furious, clenched his fists, and looked at Domenech viciously, but he was very vicious and angry.

But Jack Ferguson didn't dare to do anything, or even dared to say something to fight back against Domenech, because he knew very well that although Domenech was decades older than him, he was still a battle-tested and experienced player. The great knight of, and he is just an official knight who hasn't worked with anyone for several years. If two people are really moved, let alone whether he can beat Domenech, even under Domenech. One trick, all hope

Seeing Jack Ferguson who wanted to do it but didn't dare to do it, Domenech couldn't help but smile contemptuously and scolded in a deep voice: "Trash! I don't know how your father Weggswait gave birth to such a trash." !"

At this moment, Eugenia, who was outside the study, heard Jack Ferguson and Domenek quarrel, and immediately returned to the study, and when she saw Jack Ferguson and Domenech with a scornful smile At the time of Ke, she immediately understood that the matter was messed up, and after a quick thought, she gently exhorted Domenech: "You go back first!"

Regarding Eugenia’s admonition, Domenech, with a tough personality, wanted to refuse directly, but when he saw Eugenia’s pleading gaze, he finally did not choose to and turned towards He walked out of the study, but it may be because he was still a little unwilling to leave like this. When he walked to the door of the study, he suddenly turned around and walked quickly to Eugenia’s side, and then in front of Jack Ferguson. He touched Eugenia's face fiercely, then put on the black robe again and walked away.

Because Domenech was a great knight, his movements were very fast. The whole process only took a few seconds. When Jack Ferguson reacted in anger, he walked to the desk, opened the drawer, took out the revolver, and rushed out. When the equipment outside the study gave Domenech two shots, Domenech had disappeared into the dark night outside, and disappeared. Jack Ferguson, who couldn't find the target, could only look around with a grim face. The darkness, because of fear of making noises and attracting others' attention, can only roar silently!

After venting outside the study for a while, Jack Ferguson, blushing and carrying a revolver, returned to the study, sitting on the sofa without saying anything, and Eugenia, who was just touched by Domenech , Also lowered his head to keep silent. After a few seconds, this embarrassing atmosphere was broken by Jack Ferguson's actions.

Jack Ferguson found a white handkerchief from the drawer of the desk, wiped the revolver in his hand, and asked his wife Eugenia in a low voice: "How long has it been?"

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