Count of Wizards

Chapter 870: Blue Stone Auction (1)

The name of the auction is called the Blue Stone Auction because the president of the William Psionic Society, the senior wizard apprentice William, is an alchemist. His most proud method is to pass ordinary magic stones through alchemy methods. Processed into a blue stone.

Compared with the ordinary magic stone before processing, the energy of this blue stone after alchemy processing has been reduced, but the energy purity in the stone has been improved a lot, which is more conducive to the absorption of wizards, so it is deeply affected. Welcome from the wizards around Ruddy.

It may be the reason that the level of education is not very high. The alchemist William still did not think of a good name after he refined this blue stone by himself, so he simply named it the blue stone!

The auction is called the blue stone auction, because every auction, the alchemist William will sell a batch of blue stones. This is also the only channel for blue stone to be sold. Therefore, the blue stone auction is also around Flady. , Is also famous, every time it is held, about fifty wizards can participate.

When he first knew this, Connor naturally didn't care or care about it, but since Isabella and Adolf didn't get the magic stone, Connor could only think of other ways to get the magic stone!

Theoretically speaking, to build a gathering array for Varga who wants to break through the first-level wizard, 10,000 magic stones can be formed, but there are often differences in theory and practice. So just in case, Conrad He asked for five thousand magic stones, so he wrote fifteen thousand magic stones in the list for Isabella and Adolf!

Fifteen thousand magic stones, this is not a small number, even for a small organization of dark wizards, it can be said that it is a year for their entire organization members, so Connor is wanting Adolf, When Isabella asked for it, she made all her plans after being rejected.

In simple terms, this plan means grabbing from someone else’s pocket. After all, Connor has nothing other than the Castilla Staff and the Silver Crown Pendant, which can be exchanged for 15,000 Magic Stones. Varga, who is preparing to break through the first-level wizard, can't waste time, refining a batch of potions for Connor, and let Connor use potions to exchange magic stones!

In Corresia Manor, the reason why Connor chose to abandon the magic stone to confuse Adolf is completely because, although he needs a lot of magic stones, he can still obtain it, but the Doron agarwood, the Kosado giant Lizard core and dark star essence are the kind of treasures that can't be met. Varga will break through the first-level wizard in half a month. In such a short time, he can only rely on Connor is looking for it alone, it is almost impossible to find!

So not only to confuse Isabella and Adolf, but also to get the three materials of Doron Agarwood, Kosado Goat Core, and Dark Star Essence, Connor can only abandon the Magic Stone!

Although it seems that with the strength of Connor's first-level wizard, it is not a difficult task to suddenly attack an underground black market and then get 15,000 magic stones. Connor knows of several underground black markets every time they are held in a conservative manner. It is estimated that they are more than 10,000 magic stones!

However, after careful study, Connor discovered that although there seem to be many targets, there are really few options. Wan Shu Lou

First of all, Connor will still be mixed in Frosinone for a period of time, and the Ferguson family is also in Frosinone. Once the real identity is discovered after moving the underground black market in Frosinone It will be troublesome.

And rabbits don't eat grass at the edge of the nest, so it's not a last resort. It's not that there is no way. Connor will not consider moving, those underground black markets in Frosinone.

If you don’t move the underground black market in Frosinone, Connor’s goal is reduced by half, leaving only the underground black market in surrounding cities to choose from. After excluding these goals, the power behind it is huge, and the idea is very good. Troublesome, there are only three goals left.

Choosing one of the three still seems to be very wealthy, but unfortunately, in addition to the blue stone auction organized by the William Psionic Society, the remaining two goals are not only far away from Frosinone, but also held on the black market. The time is irregular, and the most important thing is that their scale is small. According to rumors, the number of participants is about ten people. The flow of an auction is usually five thousand magic stones.

Connor needs fifteen thousand magic stones, but he can only get five thousand magic stones with one vote. This is not very meaningful, and once the news of Connor looting the underground black market spreads, then other surrounding The underground black market, after receiving the news, is definitely to strengthen the defensive power to shoot the black market. Connor is thinking about starting, it is very difficult, even if it is a strong action player, it will pay a great price.

Therefore, the looting of the underground black market is destined to be a one-off deal for Connor. One vote can get 15,000 magic stones. After careful study of all the targets, Connor found that it is suitable for him to do it. After choosing from left to right, only the blue stone auction organized by the William Psionic Society is left.

According to Cornelius’s memory, at blue stone auctions, the William Psionic Society usually sells about 4,000 blue stones, and the price of these blue stones is about 8,000 magic stones, which means one A blue stone is approximately equal to two ordinary magic stones.

The light blue stone item has eight thousand magic plus other auction items on the auction, this blue stone auction can definitely get the fifteen thousand which Connor wants. A magic stone.

In addition to satisfying Connor's demand for 15,000 magic stones, looting the blue stone auction has another advantage, that is, the risk is very small!

According to the information Connor received, as a small organization of black wizards, the William Psionic Society has only about 20 people. The entire organization, including the president William, has only three senior wizard apprentices, and the rest are some intermediate wizards. Apprentices, junior wizard apprentices, organize more than 80% of the sources of cultivation resources, all from the blue stone auction!

Of course, the William Psionic Society, a small organization of black wizards that can support the Blue Stone auction, must be backed by formal wizards, or else it would have been looted many times with just a few senior wizard apprentices. !

And this person who supported William Psionic Society, Connor has also found out that this person is a large dark wizard organization, a core member of the Dark Beacon, the veteran first-level wizard Lorenzo, and this person is also William's uncle. , William’s blue stone and blue stone auctions, relying on this person to take care of them, can always be in peace, and hold them with peace of mind. No one is looking for trouble...

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