Count of Wizards

Chapter 869: Border town

After three and a half hours on the train that took him to the mother-in-law, Connor, disguised as a middle-aged red-haired one-eyed man, appeared in the city of Flady.

Flady is a typical border city that developed because of commerce. The flow of people in the city is very frequent. There are three religions and nine streams, a mixture of fish and dragons. The laws of the Kaman Empire here are difficult to restrict and protect everyone.

Observing the situation in the city, Connor found a room on the second floor of a city called "Mother Max Hotel" and moved in.

Living in the guest room, looking at the simple but clean bed and sofa, Connor nodded slightly. He came to Flady this time, not the uncle, he was here to kill people and sell goods, so what is the living environment? As long as it's not too bad, it doesn't matter!

After glanced at the tortillas and vegetable soup delivered from the hotel, although it was free but very poorly presented, Connor frowned slightly, and after throwing them to the beggar on the street, he stood on the balcony of the guest room. Seemingly observing the situation on the street at random.

Although it’s already past eight o’clock in the evening, the sky is getting late, and the blood moon is hanging high, but the flow of people on the street is still endless, making people can’t help but rush.

Standing in front of the window, Connor looked casually at the flow of people on the street, but in fact, Connor’s gaze was quietly focused on the corner of the Costa Tavern opposite to a sturdy figure sitting in the corner. A drunk man with a big beard and looking drunk.

The reason why Connor stayed at the "Mother Max Hotel" and chose this hotel on the second floor was for the drunkard in front of him. If Connor remembers correctly, this drunkard is called Bashuayi. The cultivation base of the intermediate wizard apprentice is a broker, and this Costa Tavern is a stronghold for his dealings with people.

After observing the drunkard Bashuayi for a while, Connor left the inn without moving a look, and walked into the Costa Tavern. Da Ma Jindao sat on a table behind the drunkard, and saw Connor sat over. Although Bashuayi was still holding the wine jar to drink one mouthful, the corner of his eye was looking at Connor, who was disguised as a middle-aged red-haired one-eyed man.

As a first-level wizard, how could it be possible for Connor to be learned by an intermediate wizard like Bashuayi to discover the problem, so he observed Connor in secret for a few seconds, and found nothing from Connor’s body. Yayi, continue to take the cooked food on the table and drank his little wine, very comfortable.

"Sir, what do you want to eat?" Seeing Connor sitting down, a short and chubby waiter walked over with a smile on his face and asked Connor:

"One Odin potato stew, three flat cakes, and a bowl of red cabbage soup!" Connor, disguised as a middle-aged red-haired one-eyed man, said hoarsely:

"Understood, I'll bring it to you, husband!" Hearing what the red-haired cyclops in front of me wanted, the short and fat waiter responded and left quickly.

Because Connor asked for some ordinary things, no special preparation was required, so the dishes were quickly on the table, and it took only a minute or two to bring what Connor wanted to the table. Little Snail Chinese Network

"Meal money! You will be rewarded if you have more!"

He threw it to the chubby waiter who looked very happy, a one-shilling bill, and Connor began to wipe out the food on the table in the gratitude of the waiter.

Although the taste of these things is incomparable with what Connor eats in Frosinone, the City Hotel in Ruen, it is not comparable to the tacos Connor just saw in the "Mother Max Hotel". Vegetable soup, the taste is indeed much stronger.

After eating two flatbreads and seeing Bashuayi behind him, he had already relaxed his vigilance towards him, and was no longer wary of himself. Connor knew that it was time to do business, and immediately spoke to the drunkard behind him: "Bashua Yi, I was introduced by Cornelius from Frosinone, and I want to buy a ticket for the blue stone auction from you!"

Hearing the sound of the red-haired cyclops behind him, who he believed was not a threat, Bashuayi, a bad drunkard, obviously paused when he lifted the hip flask to his mouth, but this person was still calm and did not panic. Lost, the next second he casually started to drink.

After drinking half of the wine in the hip flask, Bashuayi reluctantly placed the hip flask on the wine table. He, the broker, knew the rules, and didn’t ask Connor who he was. Go to Lan. What is the purpose of the stone auction, just pretending to be a nonchalant voice transmission asking Connor: "Cornelius and his wife are living in the house on Kinuzai Avenue, are they okay?"

"Conelius has no wife, and he doesn't live in Gianuzai Avenue. He lives in the western suburbs of Frosinone, in the small town of Jimenez!" Connor did not hesitate after taking a sip of the red vegetable soup. , Direct the temptation of Bashuayi, the drunkard.

This guy Bashuayi is really a bit like it. If Connor hadn't searched it, Cornelius, the hapless soul who tried to rob him, would really have followed his way.

When Connor said this, Bashuayi glanced back at Connor slightly, and then said through the voice: "Conelius told you about the rules, right?"

Without the sound transmission, Connor prepared a small cloth bag containing five magic stones in the space quietly threw it to Bashuayi behind him, and took the magic stone. Shu Yayi's expression remained unchanged, and once again transmitted to Connor, "Rent a carriage at this time in two days and go to the public cemetery in the north of the city, where will someone be waiting for you!"

When he got the joint location, Connor also happened to wipe out the food on the table, wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth, and walked out of the tavern. Back in the guest room at the Aunt Max Hotel opposite the tavern.

Connor, who returned to the guest room, lay in bed and began to recharge. The reason why he chose to come this time was that the border city of Flady made a vote. It originated from three months ago when Connor was in Flo. After a certain wizard meeting in Sinoe, he inadvertently leaked some money, and was spotted and ambushed by two middle-level apprentice wizards.

Although they were ambushed, the two intermediate wizard apprentices were not a problem at all for Connor, who was a first class wizard. However, before killing them, he was curious that Connor used contemplation on one of them. Lost his soul.

Connor’s soul-searched intermediate wizard apprentice was Cornelius who had just appeared in the conversation between Connor and Bashuayi. From Cornelius’ memory, Connor learned that Vlady’s border In the small town, there exists this small black wizard organization William Psionic Society, which is called the Blue Stone Auction.

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