Count of Wizards

Chapter 514: Renault Pharmacy (1)

| | |  -> ->   "Give me a seven-mature Gerrard steak, and open me a bottle of wine from the winery in Surrey!" Norwich restaurant on chapter Street, disguised Connor, who became a red-haired young man, put down the menu and said lightly to the waiter beside him:

   "Okay sir, the dishes you want will take about ten minutes to be ready. Please be patient!" After recording Connor's request, the waiter bowed slightly and left immediately.

After ordering the dishes, Connor looked at the scenery outside the Sichuan very casually. His current position is on the second floor of the Norwich Restaurant. Next to him is a large French window, looking up to chapter Street. Most of it fell into Connor's sight.

Connor’s eyes were placed as if there was nothing, and he was looking at a pharmacy named Renault on the street not far away. Where is the address mentioned by Kararov in the letter-No. 9 Pasar Avenue. Because it is very close to Rand Street where Connor Apartment is located, Connor is still somewhat familiar with this chapter Avenue. Although I don’t remember what the store on Pasano Avenue 9 was before, Connor is sure A month ago, I felt that it was not a Renault pharmacy!

   As Connor said to Fargar before, Connor does not intend to break into it directly. As a spiritual wizard and alchemist, Connor has his own means to spy on which Renault pharmacy!

"Sir, your dishes are ready. Gerrard’s steak is three shillings and two pence, and the wine of the Surrey Winery is two shillings and three pence, plus the 10% service charge, which makes a total of six shillings and one pence. "The waiter put the fragrant steak and the opened red wine on the table in front of Connor, and then handed the consumption list to Connor.

   Without the time and energy to calculate three shillings with the waiter, Connor directly took out the seven shilling bill from his wallet, threw it to the waiter, and waved his hand directly to indicate that the waiter was ready to go.

   Seeing that Connor was so generous, the waiter naturally didn't care about the others. He took the money Connor gave and bowed to Connor, then turned his head and smiled to serve other customers.

Carelessly cut open the juicy Gerrard steak on the dinner plate. Connor took out a small Rubik's cube the size of a finger cover from the space ring, and then everyone in the restaurant Without paying attention, he threw the Rubik's Cube at the French window beside him.

A weird scene happened. The little Rubik's cube thrown out by Connor seemed to have magical powers. Instead of being intercepted by the floor-to-ceiling windows, it fell through the floor-to-ceiling windows silently and fell into the busy traffic. On the chapter Street in Beijing, the Rubik's Cube fell on the grass on the side of the street without making any sound, and then dived into the grass underground.

   After finishing all this, Connor, who has cut Gerrard's steak into small pieces, inserted a steak and sent it to his mouth.

   Feeling the wonderful touch of beef in his mouth, Connor's face showed a faint smile, and the next second a mental energy was released from the Rubik's Cube hidden in the underground of chapter Street, and went to Renault's drugstore for inspection.

The Rubik’s Cube he just threw out is an alchemy item that Connor specially refined for himself. This item is the only function, which is to establish a wonderful connection with Connor’s spiritual power. Although the spiritual power seems to be from the Rubik’s Cube It was released, but in fact the spiritual power was released from Connor’s Divine Sea. Connor’s purpose was to confuse the hidden "Kararov" that may appear in the Renault Pharmacy, as long as this Cararo Mr. Fu's mental power did not exceed Connor's level, he could trace the existence of the Rubik's Cube, but could not find Connor, who was sitting less than 100 meters away from the Renault drugstore and eating steak in the restaurant.

Connor’s mental power has just been released. In the back of the Renault drugstore, the fat uncle who is holding a coffee cup and drinking mellow coffee, his small eyes are narrowed so that there is only one seam, but let What's surprising is that he didn't take any action, allowing Connor's mental power to sneak into Renault's drugstore smoothly.

Mental power carefully explored the pharmacy, but Connor, who was eating steak at the Norwich Hotel, was always on guard. As far as the current situation is concerned, Connor does not know whether this Mr. Kararov is here. In the Renault pharmacy, even though he didn't know, Connor did the utmost precaution just in case.

Connor, who could not find anything among the hundreds of medicine cabinets in the front hall of Renault Pharmacy, began to spread his mental power into the back hall of Renault Pharmacy. However, the mental power just entered the back hall, although no clues have been found yet. , But Connor's keen inspiration is to make Connor feel a touch of abnormality in the back hall.

This strange feeling made Connor, who was already very vigilant in his heart, another three-point guard. He quietly rushed out his silver pendant from the space ring, ready to increase his mental power at any time. . UU reading

Connor’s mental power is covered in the back hall of Renault’s pharmacy. Every corner in the room can hardly escape Connor’s prying eyes. However, as the inspection deepens, Connor has not found anything yet, but Renault’s pharmacy brought him The abnormal sensation is even more obvious.


   Just when Connor was about to increase his mental power and figure out what the abnormality of Renault's drugstore was, his mental power suddenly sensed the voice of a middle-aged man.

Hearing the sound, Connor's face changed, but before he could move, he felt that his mental power was under attack. A mysterious firebird burning with this purple flame just suddenly came from the house. The firebird opened his mouth, and a silent scream burst out from his mouth, attacking Connor’s mental power in the pharmacy. Although the scream was silent, the restaurant was eating steak. There was a pain in Connor's eyes.

   "Mental attack demonized items!"

The appearance of the purple firebird made Connor’s mind immediately a name, although because of the runes in the classics, Connor’s letter to Mr. Kararov and his possible companions was an alchemist. The possibility of an alchemist with a fairly high level of reputation has been prepared, but after this person found out that he was spying on his mental power, he shot a second-order mental attack item. How much is it for Connor? After all, the refining is about Demonized items of spiritual power not only require the alchemist who refines the demonized items to have a strong level of alchemy, but also requires the alchemist to also have deep attainments in spirit.

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