Count of Wizards

Chapter 513: Another letter

  | | |  -> ->   Connor and Varga agreed that as long as the jade card shines, the two will go to the safe house to meet each other in the first time.

Now that Varga uses this to contact himself, it seems that the mana consumption problem of the flying potion has been solved to a certain extent, Connor thought to himself, without thinking too much, he took out a brand-new black robe from the space ring. , Slipped on the body and walked out of Ramsey Street where the safe house was, and walked towards the place agreed upon by him and Varga.

Connor’s speed was not slow. Twenty minutes later, Connor came to the door of the house and quietly opened the circle of the room. Connor walked into the room immediately, and as soon as Connor entered the house. Seeing Varga in the house, she seemed to have been waiting for Connor here for a while.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Looking at the complicated look on Varga's pretty face, Connor frowned slightly and asked Connor. Varga's look made Connor realize that it seemed that Varga was looking for this time. He is not related to the mana consumption of the flying potion as he imagined.

   Hearing Connor’s inquiry, Varga took out another letter directly from the Space Ring, handed it to Connor, and said: "They wrote me another letter."

  Varga's words made Connor's expression immediately serious. After receiving the letter from Varga to himself, Connor began to read the contents in detail.

"Dear Miss Antonella, I am very sorry that I did not see you in the Ural villa area. Please believe me. I have no malice against you. I just want to complete a deal with you. It’s just a deal. If you think my last letter was very presumptuous and impolite, then I’m sorry.”

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kararov. As my name indicates, I am a citizen of the Odin Kaman Empire. As I see Miss Antonella, you are a genius. Pharmacist, I believe you have tried some of the knowledge recorded in the first half of the "Pandev Pharmacy Collection" in your hand? You should know the value of this knowledge, and if you are interested in the second half of the classics For a transaction, you can write to No. 9 chapter Street, East District of Ruen within seven days of receiving the letter. After seven days, I will leave Ruen and go to the Imperial Capital to look for opportunities. I look forward to hearing from you!"

"Nine chapter Avenue..." After reading the information on the letter paper carefully, Connor muttered the address recorded on the letter paper in a low voice, a strange flash in his eyes. Varga wrote back to the address at No. 9 chapter Street, East Ruen, not far from No. 16 Rand Street where Connor lives, and the straight-line distance on the map is only one kilometer.

"Connor, do I want to write back to Kararov?" Looking at Connor, who was thinking about it, Varga plucked up the courage to ask Connor. Her tone was obviously expectant, obviously just like In the letter, Mr. Kararov said that Varga, who has experimented with the knowledge of the first half of the classics, has already fully eager for the second half of "Pandev Pharmacy Collection".

   Glancing at Varga, then at the letter in his hand, Connor nodded cautiously after hesitating under Varga's gaze.

With Connor's complacent consent, Varga's whole person was immediately enveloped in joy, but before she could be too happy, she heard Connor continue to say: "To their reply, Varga, you don't need to reply too early. Anyway, there is a week."

Hearing what Connor said, Varga was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the reply address left by Kararov on the letter paper. She had been to Connor's apartment many times and immediately realized something, and she frowned slightly to discourage Connor. ; " don't have to do this..."

"Varga, rest assured, what I told you. I always try to move later. I won't act rashly. You must have noticed Varga. This time their reply address is in Passa. Rand Street, which is so close to my apartment, I’m really curious about what they are doing!” Seeing that Varga had already thought of what he was going to do, Connor did not try to hide it. He nodded and admitted. Come down.

   "I'll go with you, our two senior wizard apprentices are together, even in the face of a formal wizard, there is no power to fight!" Varga looked at Connor with concern, and said without hesitation:

Hearing Varga’s suggestion, Connor’s angular face immediately showed a chuckle. He shook his head and said, “If we both go, wouldn’t it be a direct showdown? I’m not. To break in directly, Varga, don’t you forget, I’m a spiritual wizard, and I’m also an I will spy on this place through the combination of spiritual power and alchemical items. If you go with me, Varga, then the goal of the two of us is too big!"

Connor’s introduction seemed to persuade Varga, the worry on Varga’s face was reduced a lot, but he still told Connor: “Be careful, if the opponent is too strong, old Victor will be there. Sensi Villa, there is this thing for you!"

After speaking, Varga took out a bronze box with a few charms from the space ring and handed it to him. He searched for the bronze box. Although Connor did not open it, Connor was already very good from the charms on the bronze box. Clear what is in the box.

   "I have my second-tier top magical item Castilla Staff, this thing is not very useful to me!" Without taking the bronze box handed over by Varga, Connor declined Varga's kindness.

"I didn't say it to you. I will lend it to you for the time being. Since I can't stop you from going, but if you take this thing, I can rest assured!" The stubborn Varga insisted on holding this bronze box. Delivered to Connor's hands.

After a moment of silence, Connor nodded his head after all, took the bronze box that Varga had handed him, and put it into his space ring, then hugged Varga, on Varga's smooth, white forehead. He kissed him lightly, then scratched Varga's straight nose, and then walked out of the house under Varga's gaze. For Connor, since he has already decided, it should not be too late, it should be early. It shouldn't be too late, maybe take advantage of the time to observe early, and you can discover some valuable things.

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