Count of Wizards

Chapter 400: Consider the pros and cons

"Auxiliary chip, is there a way to speed up the use of mental micro-manipulation to depict siphon runes in this metal brick?" Although I know that I am facing the current dilemma, the auxiliary chip will be due to the lack of information on the metal brick. As a result, it is impossible to build a data model, and the probability of being able to provide a solution to himself is very small, but Connor still holds a glimmer of hope and wants a dead horse to be a living horse doctor.

"Dip! Follow the subject's will and start the analysis with the database... The analysis is over. There is a way to speed up the subject's alchemy efficiency!" Hearing the cold female voice of the auxiliary chip in his mind, Connor was taken aback for a moment. The auxiliary chip gave himself a solution so quickly. Hearing the auxiliary chip said that it might help him improve efficiency, Connor's face instantly showed ecstasy. He didn't expect that he would really bet on it. The auxiliary chip Sure enough, there is a way!

"Auxiliary chip! Tell me what the method is!" Connor asked the auxiliary chip in his heart, looking forward to it:

"Drip! The subject can seek the assistance of the wizard Martina!"

Hearing the solution given by the auxiliary chip, the smile on Connor's face suddenly froze. He had countless calculations and never thought that the solution provided by the auxiliary chip was this!

"Let him work with the woman Martina, how is this Temo possible..."

"Auxiliary chip, besides this method, is there any other way to improve my alchemy efficiency and speed up my alchemy time!" Connor was very unwilling to ask the auxiliary chip again:

"Dip! Because of the lack of sufficient information and data on the metal bricks, the auxiliary chip cannot build an analog data model, and the auxiliary chip cannot provide a way to improve the main body's alchemical efficiency other than suggesting that the main body cooperate with Martina!" The auxiliary chip's cool female voice It echoed in Connor's heart.

This cold voice suddenly extinguished the flame of hope in Connor's heart, allowing Connor to gradually calm down. Although Connor could not eliminate his hatred of Martina, he still had to admit it. , The suggestion of auxiliary chip is not a bad idea from the suggestion itself, the suggestion itself is still very constructive.

The task given to him by the old Victor is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is to temper the metal bricks to force out the remaining impurities, and the second part is to use the mental micro-manipulation method to depict the siphon rune on the metal bricks.

The second part of the task of mental micro-management must be done by himself and cannot be handed over to Martina, but if the first part of the task of tempering metal bricks, if Martina herself has a certain level of alchemy, it is not impossible. Competent for this job! There are a total of five metal bricks. Now I have finished the tempering of one metal brick. There are four metal bricks left to temper a metal brick. It takes me a day. If Martina can shoulder this task, it will In other words, I can save the next four days!

If you don’t use Martina, then the two parts of the alchemy task can only be completed by yourself. If you want to return to the apartment before the alchemy bomb explodes in the apartment, the possibility cannot be said to be completely impossible, but it is also very small. Even if I really rushed back before the bomb exploded, the loss of myself by continuously tempering metal bricks and performing mental micro-management would be incalculable!

If you don't want Martina to help, you don't want to wear out too much, hurt your roots, and you don't want the alchemy bomb in your apartment to explode, there is only one way to show off with the old Victor!

But the showdown is simple. How did this matter make Connor talk to old Victor? Oh! Old Victor, I was afraid that you would do something to me, so I installed a bomb in my apartment, and also left a note paper about the identity of all of you. If you don't let me go back, everyone will finish playing as soon as the bomb hits?

Connor can guarantee that if he tells the old Victor this way, the old Victor will probably detain himself here and send someone to search his apartment. Old Victor is so cunning, even if he changes an excuse, I am afraid he can't be fooled.

After careful consideration, Connor sighed slightly. He had to admit that among all the possibilities, cooperation with Martina was difficult to accept, but it was the least risky one!

"Big man can bend and stretch, it's nothing to cooperate with Martina, not to mention that this time the alchemy mission is the boss, Martina is the one who can help me at best!" He comforted himself in his heart, and Connor pressed the laboratory. A button on the table.

This button is the mechanism that old Victor left Connor to contact him. Connor was monitored during the refining of the Ferocious Soul Spear. When Connor and old Victor met, no one who had a very tacit understanding mentioned it. And it seems like this has never happened. Although neither of them mentioned it, it doesn’t mean that Connor’s actions have no effect. The presence of the monitor was not discovered, and the old Victor also left himself this button for contacting him.

"What's the problem? Connor." Five seconds after Connor pressed the button, old Victor's faint voice came from the alchemy laboratory.

"Victor Butler, you said before that the teacher once gave Martina some alchemy skills?" Connor said with a normal expression:

"Yes! Why do you need her help?" Old Victor continued:

"Yes! The task of tempering metal bricks, if her alchemy level is sufficient, I intend to give it to her!" Although she felt helpless in her heart, Connor showed any emotion on her face.

"As you wish!" After saying these four words, Old Victor's voice completely disappeared, and ten minutes later, Martina with a cold face pushed open the door of the alchemy laboratory and appeared. In front of Connor.

Seeing Martina’s face like a dead horse, Connor resisted the urge to let her get out, forced himself to calm down and said to Martina: "I heard the old Victor say, the teacher taught You alchemy, do you know how to temper metal?"


Connor gave Connor a ferocious look, and Martina finally spit out a word coldly.

"Very well, temper this piece of metal and force out the impurities in it, let me see!" Taking out a fist-sized piece of metal from the space ring, Connor handed it to Martina.

Regarding the metal ball Connor handed over, the stubborn Martina didn't mean to take it at all. She still looked at Connor coldly, but there was something inexplicable in her eyes.

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