Count of Wizards

Chapter 399: Metal brick

"I have no ability to make decisions on behalf of Lord Southgate, but I can bring your request to Lord Southgate, and Lord Southgate will decide whether to approve your observation!" In response to Connor's request, Lao Wei Kedo was very cautious.

"Thank you very much, old Victor butler!" Connor smiled and nodded to thank old Victor. He knew that this was the best old Victor could do!

"Make things in these boxes well. Before you use mental micromanagement to carve the runes, you must perform tempering to remove the impurities!" Old Victor told Connor, and he paused for a while. Continue to say: "You can use the equipment in this laboratory. While ensuring the quality, try to be as fast as possible. If you need it, I think Martina will be willing to assist you in your work."

"No problem, I will finish it as soon as possible!" Connor said confidently. Instead of working with the woman Martina, he prefers to complete this processing task on his own.

Seeing that there was no problem with Connor, Old Victor nodded and left the alchemy laboratory, leaving only Connor and the five jade boxes with the incoming materials in the laboratory.

After the old Victor left, Connor did not hesitate to open the five jade boxes on the laboratory table that he was going to use mental micro-manipulation to process one by one.

"this is·········?"

Seeing the five metal bricks in each jade box, which are exactly the same shimmering lavender light, Connor's eyes were a little surprised. According to the old Victor, he thought he was going to process the raw materials by himself. But I didn't expect that I seemed to be reprocessing the already formed alchemical products.

After carefully inspecting the metal block in the jade box, Connor found that it was not made of a metal, but a fusion of various metals and other materials. The composition of this metal brick Connor can distinguish Gotham Steel, Mithril, Ortizkin, and what seems to be the magic core of the two-headed eagle of Warcraft Hoy...In addition to these components that Connor identified In addition, Connor can basically determine that there are at least three components in these metal bricks that he has not identified.

The alloy made by mixing so many alchemical components together is extremely rare among the alloys!

Connor, who glanced at the substance analyzer in the laboratory, was curious about the metal brick, hesitated, but walked over with the metal brick.

Putting the metal brick on the substance analyzer, Connor carefully began to check it with the substance analyzer.

"The potion puromycin, Persis pollen, red flame sand, and is this... Magic crystal powder?" Observing the substance source display on the substance analyzer to the identified components, Kang Na was shocked again. If it weren't for some magic crystal powder in his hand, he would be familiar with magic crystals. Connor could not believe what was displayed in the instrument.

After all, Connor quickly recovered from the shock. He thought about it. He put five metal bricks on the substance analyzer and started to check them. After five minutes, he finished checking the composition of the metal bricks. Connor who inspected confirmed that each of the five metal bricks was not only exactly the same in shape, but also the same in composition!

Regaining his gaze on the lavender metal bricks, Connor fell into contemplation. Although he could not analyze the effect of these five metal bricks, he knew very well but from the five metal bricks. Looking at the ingredients contained, these five metal bricks are definitely not ordinary things!

The old Victor asked himself to use mental micromanipulation to depict siphon runes on these five metal bricks. There is not only one function of siphon runes, which is to absorb energy and absorb energy on a large scale. Although it is not depicted It is difficult, but the siphon rune is relatively unpopular in the runes, and few alchemy items will have the siphon rune on it.

"It's kind of interesting..." There was a playful smile on his face. Connor was looking forward to it. He used mental micromanagement to depict what would happen to the siphon rune on the metal brick. !

Although the old Victor has promised to complete it as soon as possible, but because today he has refined the evil spirit spear with the technique of mental micromanagement, the consumption has been large enough, although he has recovered a lot with the potion, but if he performs mental micromanagement There will be something wrong, so Connor decided to take a day off and start working tomorrow!

In the early morning of the next morning, Connor, who had been sitting and meditating for the whole night, started working early in the morning, but after only portraying it for a while, Connor realized that it was not good. According to the old Victor’s request, he was using it. The method of mental micromanipulation is to describe the siphon rune on the metal bricks. Before the metal bricks are tempered The impurities of the metal bricks are forced out, but Connor is in the tempering process. Realized that the five metal bricks are already very pure. Although some impurities remain, they are all in a very difficult position to quench. It is very expensive to quench the remaining impurities from the metal bricks from the metal bricks. In time, only one metal brick was tempered, and Connor consumed a whole day and night.

This is nothing, but when Connor can finally start to use mental micro-manipulation to depict siphon runes on the metal bricks on the tempered metal bricks, he discovered a very, very huge problem!

That’s probably because of the material of the metal bricks. Using mental micro-manipulation, it consumes too much to portray runes on it. Connor’s mental power, let alone portraying the entire siphon rune on the metal bricks, just leaves behind. After a fortune, Connor was already exhausted.

Realizing this, Connor, with a pale face, was in a terrible mood. If he were to follow the current speed, he would have to finish the tempering of the metal bricks in six days at the earliest and use the mental micromanagement method to build the gold bricks. The siphon rune was portrayed on it, and only one metal brick was completed in six days. Connor could not accept this speed at all. There were still alchemy bombs arranged by him in Ruen’s apartment. If he didn’t go back for a month If you do, the alchemy bomb will immediately explode, and then things will be really troublesome!

So in order to prevent the bombs from exploding, Connor had to rush back within a month, but the problem now is that even if the old Victor didn’t say it, Connor himself knew very well that these metal bricks are so precious, and listen to the old man. Victor's tone was so urgent that it was impossible for Old Victor to leave without completing these alchemy tasks!

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